silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. What are you listening to?

    These two will be accompanying me throughout my day on loop, playing concurrently.
  2. Forgiveness

  3. It was invented by Jews

    Not since he died...
  4. It was invented by Jews

    Seems more likly that you've misread the board for the last 3 years and a month...
  5. thanks @stirling for sharing here...
  6. Software issues.

    It's always worth the wait, but the speed and stability is noticed and appreciated. Thanks team!
  7. Gandhi's counter

    anyone inclined can make their own board and host it and upkeep it and host whatever their heart's content abides... c'est la vie
  8. take this political bullshit elsewhere
  9. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Are you perhaps assuming said person posted every detail of every one of Damo's teachings? He's from a very deep lineage, that would have been some post.
  10. Stranger things

    @Taomeow thank you for sharing here.
  11. Transgender Q&A

    There was a small village that welcomed many travelers. It eventually developed a deep sickness, masked in clever word play and pretend. Saddening.
  12. Wang Liping Contact

    Not his biography mate, but the living process. It's not past tense. It's beingness. Presence. If he was pointing at the Moon, would you look at his Finger?
  13. Wang Liping Contact

    Master Wang teaches. He is teaching, myriad techniques.
  14. Transgender Q&A

    Holding space for you @Maddie, and all within my sphere and without who are processing the effects of the onslaught of open aggression and formerly repressed hatred. Strange and dangerous times. With the hostility and hate formally supported by many in positions of influence; and tacitly accepted by the neutral or disconnected or sleeping, the inherent sickness and wilfull ignorance of our society is on open display. It's incredibly challenging to remain hopeful and not withdraw into full isolation... but this one thing I suspect is true, after my decades of life, complete withdrawal and isolation is how they disperse our support for one another and deepen their impressions of harm. Perhaps, in the long run (my hope whispers to me) this onslaught is how we come to seek the societal response for treatment and healing. For it's no longer possible to see we are not profoundly sick as a society.
  15. Dhammakya meditation

    We are not 'owed' anything. This is a converstaion. You may choose to participate or not at your discretion. No one is required to divulge according to your curiosity.
  16. Transgender Q&A

    What you describe in your experience here has been a recurring pattern for the entirety of my membership, as well as the previous years when I read but did not participate. And your description of your experience here on the forum reflects the overarching pattern of what 'murica (and a handful of others in the west) are propogating actively in the populations at large (to the seeming delight, or nauseating neutrality) of a staggering portion of the population; and this disturbs me beyond words. Systemic, state supported hate. I used to engage in regular media fasts where I consumed no social media, got rid of my computer, and engaged no news, online interactions or viewing and sense another one approaching myself. As it is my participation has dwindled to occasional and markedly sidereal glancing participation. My heart just can't take more, particularly when folks I thought I knew well, reveal startlingly dark tendencies and the temperature of the board is indifferent to hostility and open abuse. I have found your sharings here refreshingly authentic; and many of your insights to be frank, adroit, beneficial and bolstering. You will be sorely missed Maddie. But wow do I understand why you're stepping away... There's a time to engage and a time when continuing to engage within certain conditions is tantamount to participating in one's own abuse. I applaud you and respect and admire you. Be well mate. You are appreciated and you are enough.
  17. Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret

    An assumption on your part. My experience differs.
  18. What are you listening to?

    Have seen Dominic live... and have his entire collection on cd and vinyl. Listening to his compositions and arrangements is like swimming in audible Light.
  19. obsolete

  20. obsolete

    To delete a post 100 times... what is revealed?