silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret

    There was once a small boy who went to the beach with a bucket. He brought his friends and they took turns filling the bucket with ocean water and dumping it out to observe some whales. After 15 attempts they saw no whales in their bucket and concluded that there are no whales in the ocean. the end.
  2. Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret

    then there's the assumption of objective understanding... and all that comes with that
  3. Transgender Q&A

    But it sure keeps most folks from realizing that they're being fucked in every other way imaginable...
  4. Transmission Outside of Scripture

    Bodies manifest within the field of awareness. Awareness does not manifest within a physical form. Physical form is one small, dense aspect of awareness. Rest as awareness.
  5. Clockwise x Counter Clockwise Rotations in LDT

    Energy flows... how do you know (how can you know with certainty) that what you learned which lead you to this assumption about flow is the full and whole expression of truth in energetic flow in all its manifestations and forms?
  6. Truth Of Casual Sex

    So. Many. Stories.
  7. deleted

    in a thread where nigh on 30% of contributions have been deleted? Really?
  8. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Nigh on every comment I've read about Master Wang online, come from folks who've never met him, nor studied with him. With the exception of three I can think of in the moment. As such, these offhand comments are persona projections based on assumptions and speculation and are akin to traffic noise in their efficacy and usefulness. They stem from unqualified observers and so their comments carry no inherent use or validity for one who's encountered and engaged authentically.
  9. Is porn bad for you?

    People project their own obsessions and imbalanced behavior patterns onto the society and the folks around them. It will likely always be thus. Such is life. Live your own path. Listen, cultivate authentic Presence and allow the random ramblings of passing unqualified observers and internet strangers to fall like leaves where they may...
  10. Why were the highest spiritual teachings kept hidden/secret

    or as i experience, i may perchance reflect the sources about me... though i am rarely the source.
  11. Wang Liping Contact

    this... is not a conversation
  12. Wang Liping Contact

    sinai, I have nothing to offer you now or in the future and this conversation has been over for some weeks. good. bye.
  13. the year of the woodsnake

    Bit of a snuggle fer warmth and a welcome to the neighborhood Maam. Wow... what an encounter!
  14. Wang Liping Contact

    most of what you project here is false, speaking as one who's studied with him.
  15. Phakchok Rinpoche on Dharma

    Good grief bob. Do you want him to come and chew your food for you as well? Do the work.
  16. Gong hei fat choy losers!

  17. Wang Liping Low Level?

    It's rather tame compared to the Buddhist grunge and all the mopai trash that heaped up a decade or so ago...
  18. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. rumi
  19. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Anyone wondering why they can't get in touch with Master Wang, just reread this thread. The answer is here.
  20. What are you listening to?

    2 minutes of delight...
  21. StarGazers

    Mars is an absolute juggernaut right now. I wake every day around 3 am and take my walk in the hour before Dawn... Mars is in beast mode.