silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. What are you listening to?

    2 minutes of delight...
  2. StarGazers

    Mars is an absolute juggernaut right now. I wake every day around 3 am and take my walk in the hour before Dawn... Mars is in beast mode.
  3. The journey to becoming a Tai Chi master?

    remember to stretch
  4. hmm, intriguing thought arose while reading this exchange... that Water is one (and only?) compound that responds with reversal to heat and cold as it expands when frozen and contracts when warmed. As our bodies are comprised of so much water... i wonder how that may affect awareness/emotions. i've always associated lovingness to a gentle warmth, or warming, while anger seems a flaring or consuming fire. Fear does not seem particularly cooling for me, while it may paralyze which fits the freezing/cooling it also induces wild flight which counters that analogy. Something in this peaks curiosity and also confusion. Appreciate the bone to chew on this morning's meander.
  5. Transcendence vs Integration

    rest as awareness...
  6. Q's...ONLY Teachers may Answer.

    The entirety of the manifest and unmanifest is my tutor... and i am never without instruction. There is not one aspect of reality or imagining that fails to speak. Only, that on occasion, my awareness lacks the capacity, patience or insight to listen and synthesize. Nature, the dross and the subtle speak unending volumes, ceaslessly. But are we capable of listening and patient enough to grapple with understanding and come to comprehension? Perhaps this is why so many established lineages teach as foundation to still the awareness and quiet the heart and passions... for in stillness the voices of all become as clarion bells ringing with the wisdom laden in every aspect of living and dying... Indeed, it is a poverty riven individual who, not listening, stomps about while claiming the world is mute. And waits only for an embodied human teacher to be the sole purveyor of wisdom and instruction in the avenues of life and dying.
  7. This is a projection of your own state and is not shared among the wise and deeply experienced with whom I have studied and had the great fortune to share space with... I would not curse any being with true bodily immortality. Even a very long life comes with challenges that are hard to imagine in the heat and exuberance of youth.
  8. It was invented by Jews

    Absolutely must have the black pepper as well as the SC and vinegar. The friend who introduced them to me transplanted with his family from Ukraine back in the late 80's and his Mum made them. I've been chasing that dragon every time I try again to make them to recreate her magick. I fail every time to match what she had, but it's a very joyful failing! Incidentally Stan's Mum is the one who opened my eyes to what amazing coffee can be in the right hands. She's such a gifted cook, her son went on to at one point be the youngest executive chef in NYC in the 90's. I've never thought to swap out the vinegar for anything else, (as vinegar is one of my most treasured addictions), but now that you mention ponzu and yuzu it seems like a no brainer to widen the horizons. Thanks for the idea. And on a side note, that pic you posted of the Oxtail had my son's jaw hanging in his lap and both of us salivating! Cheers my friend.
  9. The hopeful football/soccer thread

    Always dug The Ravens and their defensive minded culture. Probably because I'm a life long Viking fan raised on the Purple People Eaters with Carl and Alan back in 'the day'. While I haven't watched but a handful of games in the last 14 years... My Son has recently brought me back and after seeing Jackson and Henry having their literal way with the Steelers defense today... wow! That was a clinic in running schemes mixed with play action. A Ravens Vikings superbowl would be a really fun win win day.
  10. It was invented by Jews

    Almost all of my ancestors remained in Norway. But Great G'pa and his son left for 'murica in 1600. With my natural aversion to all things herring related, this picture reminds me of what a bad Norwegian I would be... and possibly why my GG was the one to leave Norway behind... pickled herring is evidence to me that when one is starving, they'll eat anything chewable. eta: dis-honorable mention to lutafisk
  11. It was invented by Jews

    My first time trying Pelmeni was me realizing it was one of my favorite foods ever. Served with sour cream and vinegar, which I've now incorporated as a dipping option in many other foods. Never suspected it had a chinese source but once mentioned, it seems obvious. Either way, at least now I know what i'm making tomorrow for brunch!
  12. Wang Liping Contact

    You are asking people to do what you just agreed not to do.
  13. Scratching R 🧌

    good bye...
  14. It was invented by Jews

  15. For Bindi, non-dualists, and myself

    Feel it's important to distinguish the wording here as this is misleading. Bruce did not describe these processes, nor coin the phrases. These are long standing traditions in multiple lineages that go back thousands of years. Bruce inheirited these terms from his lineage and repeated them.
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Always worthy of a re-post...
  17. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Synchronous that one of my dearest friends re-minded me of this poem while the world about me burns. We're in an oasis of safety here just south of LA on the coast... but all about us the fires of shift and change catapult my brothers and sisters into a shift that uncannily mirrors my own internal process of the last 15 years or so. I marvel in a mix of painful awareness and blissful emptiness at the mirror... how the external life of my current city and home reflect the internal ashes of my former assumptions about life in the fires of presence and beingness. Phoenix Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled, made nothing? Are you willing to be made nothing? dipped into oblivion? If not, you will never really change. The phoenix renews her youth only when she is burnt, burnt alive, burnt down to hot and flocculent ash. Then the small stirring of a new small bub in the nest with strands of down like floating ash shows that she is renewing her youth like the eagle, immortal bird. ~DH Lawrence
  18. For Bindi, non-dualists, and myself

    Your comment reads as a projection of your notions of your own inner station. And lay rather flat as an unqualified observation of others of whom you know nothing and range out without grip or meaning.
  19. Transcendence vs Integration

    I sometimes wonder if adrenaline addiction might be the most prevalent addiction in humans over all other stimulus...