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Everything posted by TwoTrees

  1. Great White Shark

    Great... you are rooting for mindflayers and illithidmen? In advanced cases, Beholders? in D&D this is bad, bad news an exerpt from an old article via wizards of the or see it here: you can get a pic of them on here, but basically, they are squid/octopus types. ***edit*** oh yeah, almost forgot--I have no financial affiliation with therein link/website
  2. Charities

    10% of my paycheck every week goes to Big Brothers, Big Sisters Inc. It is matched by my employer 100%, and for decades this foundation has helped children in a way that "daycare" for the financially challenged families could never do. Sure. It's a good contribution...and if I see ANY that are worthwhile I ALWAYS consider them/check them out. Our company (Abercrombie & Fitch) has also donated 400,000 directly to the state for the Hurricane effort. Pennies to the corporation, but pretty helpful to the families, I'd hope, not to mention they get a tax write off as well. Pretty good, I'd say!
  3. If she is any relation to the accomplished musician/singer Aaron Neville, then I can clearly understand her potential talent. Although his music isn't "my thing", I can still recognize that his voice has a certain ability...
  4. Stereotypes and Generalities

    It could very well be that some also find entertainment to be of significant value. And yes, you are right. But I kind of have a hard time digesting that there is an extent to human capacities...I know there are limitations and difficulties in aspiration, but is so much more fun to try and reach beyond them...IMHO
  5. Green tea vs Black tea

    When it comes to teapots...I've gotta go with either stoneware or steel, or nothin'. Good ol' large sized teaballs (steel) are my choice most often. They make it easy...and if you have guests or plan on drinking it excessively-I really enjoy those teamaker pots that come with the clear plastic pitchers with blue lids. They work great! -Michelle
  6. Preparation for Death

    You've gotta read (if at least briefly) Max's post on Taobum about Cemetary meditation to supress sexual desires and uncontrollable lusts... It's quite thought provoking...for sure. In contrast with what you've posted here I'd say that would bring you to some really deep and challenging thought processes. Watch and warrant. -M
  7. Yijing Resources!

    You mean in China, right? I cannot stop its overtaking in my backyard amoung the sage...seems like they're cosmic growers when planted close together... *scratches head* I'd send it's rhizome/roots to anyone who was interested...but not sure how it would travel, really.
  8. running and dancing

    I'll look into a few things here... I know there's something laying in my library in boxes in correlation to this. Something titled "White Buffalo Woman" but I cannot remember the author's name. But here's a little idea that I've implemented in many dancing exercises. I play either of these two bands on my iPod or enterainment sounds system Dead Can Dance Afro Celt Sound System And do Crow circle dance (which is simply spinning in three interchanging cycles. First, you dance in a circle in place. Second, you add the movement of doing this and dancing into a clockwise circle about 5 feet in diameter. Third and last, you wave your arms in a figure 8 <refer to the movement in PCK where you are embracing sun and moon essence> all at the same time. It sounds hard, but when you get the hang of it, is really easy to implement...and very powerful for your energy which in turn is powered by your adrenaline during this dance-you will feel a very noticible difference but in no way is it harmful unless you have heart/blood pressure problems. Of makes sense because if you have conditions such as these you are most certainly "not in balance" and sometimes even lack of respect of/with your body energy. And another I've found to be very grounding is Bear battle dance (which is standing in place with your legs spread out a little for superior balance and then you shake your whole body for a few minutes and increase intensity as you go. I have added focusing on my core channel and doing any mixture of IS, MCO, or HS as needed by each different day. Then, after those few stop. Empty mind...hold your head skyward and expel excess sound. This can be quiet, or your loudest whatever at that second you don't hang onto thinking about what sounds you will do and what they are for you just LET IT RIP OUT OF YOU AS IT WAS INTENDED. You can repeat, if you'd like, the same thing again but after 3 it tends to get more sensitized and unneccessary. You will most certainly get amazing results after 1 or 2, if you are keeping genuine in your heart and mind when the need is most in demand. Other than that...I haven't tried any other Lakota tribal dance...I just kind of make up my own in that white woman style-kinda way!! But as for reasons for not doing as much of that are kinda strange and personal... Pleasant journeys, ~Michelle
  9. Green tea vs Black tea

    Hey Yoda, I'm not a specialized tea expert, persay, but I am in fact an avid drinker and cultivator/merchant of its varieties. Green tea and Black tea are pretty close, and many people have argued that both are higher in antioxidants than the other. In a sense, they are different types, but do generally the same thing for you internally. Both are excellent sources for antioxidants, while Black tea alone delivers a surprise: a natural content of bioflavinoids similar to that of equal serving from oatmeal, contained within its liquid thickness. It seems that most often people like one kind more than the other, also.
  10. Best over all practices

    *Relaxation* releasing tensions, stress, short tight muscles give sway to strengthen weak long ones, this will open the door to ... *Concentration* being aware of your movements without dwelling on them, it is mental as well as physical trainging, in a kinaesthetic sense you get connected to your body-so that you know where you are in space and what you are doing with every part of your body. This becomes harder as automacy threatens its toll, so be careful not to be so keen to reach the destination that you've missed the journey completely. *Alignment* Muscle, bone, and tissue have their place in and around you-if anything is held out of its natural alignment and you practice without due attention to its correct position, then the mechanics of them are altered and there will be unwanted stress and discomfort leading all the way to pain and trauma. Just pay attention to your own self/body-mind, it has many ways of telling you... *Breathing* this works the muscles between the ribs, facilitating their expansion and making the upper body more fluid and mobile. Practicing different methods and patterns will strengthen all aspects mentioned here and offers greater core stability. *Centring* My work has come from tucking in my pelvis (which creates a north-tilt) and putting more weight on one side of my body than the other (which weakens the core-dignity) and that meant that other muscles - the rectus abdominis and the hip flexors - are being cheated and doing the work instead of the tranversus and the internal obliques. I like using this with beforementioned CC and weapon focus: *Breathe in to prepare for a movement. *Breathe out, strong center to spine, and move. *Breathe in to recover. *Co-ordination* while stimulating the two way communication between the brain and the muscles, you get a real good mind-body exercise. The more you vary it, the more you retrain your muscle recruitment. which brings us to... *Flowing Movements* this gives you the opportunity to check your alignment and to focus on using the right muscles to do the job. *Stamina* when you reach a moderate level of this, you will no longer be wasting energy holding on to unnecessary tension or moving inefficiently. *Retention* It's pointless to start on a path of building skill, effiency and experience if you are not planning on using what you've learned on a continual basis.
  11. isvatns's squirrel & other animals

    You mean the movie starring Johnny Depp right? hmmm..... They were BOTH totally hot characters. Strange movie...but ya gotta love those ones that let you recognize the dozens of aspects that it implies (alchemy, magick, theoretical evidence, historical discoveries, practice, religion, etc). It had alot of symbolism and stereotypical clues to drive you to the final conclusion. Keit Belgiis Long days, pleasant nights -M
  12. the question of falling in love...

    I know your out there somewhere Though we may be worlds apart I may not see you with my eyes feel you with my hands but I feel you with my heart I stand here waiting patiently... for just if only one glimpse of thee and if fate has it for me to spend my lifetimes alone then I smile to myself, and let it swallow me happiness shown...
  13. The impersonal face of the internet

    quick shots for curious minds...
  14. isvatns's squirrel & other animals

    There's usually a random spectator or two (human or animal) when I do CC or weapon focus in the park near my home. It's a great concentration-strengthener for me. I like the added challenge and most times I can completely keep my attention focused inward and around myself. But those other times....errrrr......I get a little peeved and go back home... -M ****I also prefer animal over human observers. At least they can be quiet about it most times.
  15. Grow Your Own

    Trunk!!! This is a great resource...thank you so much for the tipoff. I really dislike buying this stuff dried or overpriced. *doing a little happydance*
  16. Favorite Movie Scene?

    Saw this today: A small boy laying belly down on his father's chest...listening with one ear pressed against him. BOY: "Daddy, what's that noise that sounds like pa-bump, pa-bump?" DADDY: "That's my heart talking to you." BOY: "Doe's it ever say anything else?" DADDY: "No." The boy gets this 'shoot' look on his face. But he persists on listening for some time afterwards... And then... BOY: "I heard it just say goop-sploosh!" DADDY: "That's my stomach." BOY: "Your stomach talks TOO?" DADDY: "Yep." An amazed look crosses the boys face. (and then enter the cereal brands that the makers are trying to recommend) This is one very nice commercial! Pretty cute.
  17. Rant about tao mountain

    I've always noticed that when I am doing a job making supple amounts of's almost ALWAYS a job that I either cannot stand doing or one that involves borderline immoralities to consider. It's a tricky thing. Lately I'm not broke, but I do however tend to be shortchanged at times...I just have to control some impulses better...and just stick to business. Business without practice, though...NO WAY. That shit keeps me sane.
  18. Marriage

    Not in my lifetime(s).