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Everything posted by Perceiver

  1. Oneness vs Individuality

    Sure. But what was i thinking yesterday at 8pm when i watched a certain youtube video? I dont think you or anyone else knows. And it goes to show that there is demarcation between you and i.
  2. Hair health

    The best way to stop losing hair is to exercise the muscles in the back of the head. The blood flow in the scalp goes up 10x and helps to retain hair. Check out the hairloss site for the exercise. All free. Works in the long run. Spread de word.
  3. Oneness vs Individuality

    Because their nature of them is known by me, not by you. There are only holons - objects that are inherently interwoven in a contextual relationship with other objects.
  4. Seriously. what happened to Miley Cyrus.

    Maybe she's part of the evil cabal who's always trying to take over de world. You know the Illuminati and shit. They so real man. Dang!
  5. Eight billion years later.

    A hundred years ago man had not invented airplanes. 60 years later we were on the moon. In 30 years from now nanotechnology is going to redefine many aspects of human life. 8 billion years in the future? I think we'll find a way my friend.
  6. Please help

    No there are certain molds that you cannot smell. For some people there are few symptoms, but for others they can be very disruptive. They can be found especially in humid areas of the house, like bathrooms or near ceilings. Its a serious problem. Suggest to do some google searches on it and then go check the entire house.
  7. How to live a full life - Tips?

    I echo thelerner's advice: be honest with yourself, and follow through on your dreams in life. Ts'all dat's needed dawg! (im so gangsta today)
  8. Oneness vs Individuality

    Yes it is. You cannot read my thougts or feel what i feel. You are not my self. I am my self.
  9. Facial changes with practice

    Yes a more noble face, due to more emptiness, kindness and wonder in one's personality.
  10. Please help

    Hi christoff. Could it be a mould fungus? They can sometimes cause such reactions. Check if you can find signs of it in your apartment.
  11. I had problems with anxiety in my twenties too. I was cured by a psychologist. Can warmly recommend to take up therapy.
  12. I've been praying every now and then for some time. And sometimes my wishes have come true. There are some things it can do, and some things it can't. I probably wouldn't get a Ferrari if I prayed for one, but in many instances where I've prayed for more wisdom or personal development around a topic, then I've usually experienced something in the following days/weeks. Maybe the prayer caused it, maybe not. I've read/heard somewhere that prayers actually can work because you tune into the astral element and put energy out there which will attract the things you are looking for. Any thoughts/experiences from you guys? Do you do it - if so, how - and does it work for you and why?

    It wasn't too shabby man .

    What's wrong with your voice?
  15. Nihilism

    It doesn't matter, the connection is the same: There is consciousness. That consciousness perceives. But that consciousness cannot be absolutely sure that it perceives all that is. Therefore, other and larger forms of consciousness may exist outside of it. Therefore, a purpose might be, but it wouldn't know. It may all be very real. Every particle and event in reality may be imbued with purpose, but we wouldn't know. And you by the way make the mistake of enlarging your own consciousness to be the beginning and end of all of reality. As if your consciousness is all that exists. Nihilists and relativists often do that. But there are things outside your own consciousness, such as other people. Yesterday I hurt myself and felt some pain. You can't feel that exact pain that I felt. That pain was experienced by me only. There is a you and an I.
  16. Nihilism

    Precisely. We may be close to agreement now: the one thing you can know is that you experience something. You seem to be conscious. It can all be a dream, yet it would still be a dream that you are conscious of. Descartes arrived at the same conclusion 400 years ago. So what are all those things we experience, and can we ever be sure that they are absolutely real? No, we cannot. And equally we cannot be absolutely sure that they are unreal. So the only thing left to do, is to accept the mystery that reality is - and start living it.
  17. Nihilism

    My point is that you dont know everything about reality and neither do I. Therefore there may or may not be a purpose. We cant know for certain. In fact there is very little we can know with absolute certainty, as we're limited by the cobstraints of our own consciousness.
  18. Nihilism

    Hmm, so we cant know for certain that there is a purpose. But on the other hand we also cannot know for certain that there is no purpose. It could be either one. We simply dont know. So what's the most rational thing to do? Perhaps it is to assume that there *may* be a purpose, and then organize our philosophies and lives in the pursuit of what that purpose may be. Kaboom.
  19. Nihilism

    If there's no purpose to anything, then why does the Universe evolve in spirals of greater complexity?
  20. Nihilism

    To the original poster: if there's no purpose to anything, then why havent you killed yourself? Should be just as good as living from your POV. So the things you do are not totally random, it would seem..
  21. Preparation for Kan and Li?

    Kan and Li (Fire and Water) is considered "the core" in the systems of both Mantak Chia and Michael Winn. What is the necessary level of preparation for this exercise? I am asking since I started doing it a week ago. I only did it once, and I've had major insomnia since. I've got way too much energy and am sleeping 3-4 hrs per night. My ability to work is impacted. I'm thinking about whether I've done something wrong - not prepared adequately? I've just been training in Michael's system for two years on my own, and done the major exercises for about 2 months each, and then moved on. Maybe it's just my kundalini syndrome causing havoc, but I'm getting mowed down here. Would be nice to hear people's experience with the preparation for this formula.
  22. After looking at some gurus' faces, I have come to notice something. It seems to me that we have two spiritual currents which must manifest in our consciousness if we are to be fully enlightened. One is kindness, and the other is emptiness - or clarity. I believe this can be seen in people's faces: Emptiness is the degree to which you have presence in the now; the degree to which you are conscious of your thoughts, emotions and intuitions. It is your ability to be mentally proactive, rather than reactive. People with emptiness find it hard to be irritated, or swept away by irrational impulses. It is evidenced by a relaxed and intelligent look on one's face (in my opinion). Kindness is the degree to which you have moved towards love and selflessness, instead of lust, hate or anger. It is your tendency to seek relationships of mutual love and respect, instead of impersonal lust. It is the natural ability to see the quiet potential of human beings, and to like them for what they are. It is the ability to give every person a chance before judging them. It is evidenced by a friendly open and non-judging face - and a warm and sympathetic smile. I am thinking of adding a third spiritual current: Wonder. The ability to find the manifest reality wonderful, mysterious, intriguing - endlessly fascinating. This is what adds a certain energy and a secret smile to the face of the enlightened one. Personally I see myself being heavier on emptiness than kindness. David Verdesi, Adi Da and Muktananda. In their faces I see emptiness, but not kindness. Sadhguru, Kalu Rinpoche and Gopi Krishna. In their faces I see emptiness as well as kindness. I know this is going to be controversial, especially since it's based on personal opinion only. But would love to hear your thoughts.
  23. Preparation for Kan and Li?

    Interesting post daeluin, thanks. It has calmed down a bit now so im thinking of doing the exercise again in a few days. Might start with the five animals..
  24. Preparation for Kan and Li?

    Thanks liminal Luke. I might give the healing sounds a try. Its crazy - its been a week now and this fucking energy wont stop. Mudderphucka..
  25. Excellent video that shows that there are numerous factors behind this complex phenomenon: Religion, culture, geography, institutions. Can warmly recommend other videos from "school of life" also: