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Posts posted by 子泰

  1. It's my experience that the external situations that you find yourself in are a representation of what's going on inside and what type of vibrations you choose to project. If you are forced into a particular situation, you probably put yourself there.


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  2. From my experience;


    Do they exist? Yes

    Are they useful? It's the only way most people can cultivate. 

    Are they good? It's really good stuff

    Are they crutch? Nope, those who have the capacity to attain the higher energy will attain it one way or another, whether by transmission or self enlightenment or even luck. The method does not change the final outcome.

    Are they trap? In most cases, yes.

    Do you need to have a teacher? Just thinking about them is enough to connect to their energy and gain benefit.

    Do you need spirit friends? Lmao

     Does it need to be an human person giving or can other things in the Universe that are potentially more trustful grant it?

    (more trustful than a random guy in Youtube, at the very least) The sun, the moon, the ocean, the sky, a person, or a cockroach. Be careful what you connect to.

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    • Thanks 1

  3. Dieties are just creations of the mind that is used to communicate the formless substance that inspired them. The real benefit comes from connecting to the latter, but that is often overlooked, because of the mind’s tendency to look for something tangible to grasp.

  4. If someone studies the topic of enlightenment and decides that it's a worthwhile pursuit, then of course it's desirable to them. If someone studies it and thinks it is BS, then they would just ignore it. On the topic of the former, I think everyone aims for enlightenment for different reasons. Personally, I just wanted enlightenment to help me with my troubles. 


    That being said, I've achieved neither goals :D

  5. 20 hours ago, thelerner said:

    I don't know.



     Sometimes we need..

    A break from ourselves.

    Sure we do! But we get plenty of that at night, when we sleep. Sleeping during the day time, however, might be counterproductive.