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Everything posted by 子泰

  1. What Taoists really do

    Unless they're high, then they become zen masters. My friend put his cat in a big fish tank and lit up marijuana and allowed the smoke to fill up the tank. They let it out later and it just sat there for the entire day without moving an inch
  2. Ultimately, keep cultivating
  3. What is your motivation for practicing?

    namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo namo amituofo
  4. What has TaoBums taught you?

    i learned how to unrustle my jimmies
  5. They cultivate the Facebook samadhi to contemplate using the "like" button
  6. The Tao Bums Chatroom

    There is another thread in the off topic section regarding the chat. A few of us have used it to tell others whether we were in the chat or not, maybe search it up using the search function and just bump it if you feel lucky I usually just hang out in there and some people join the chat after a little bit of waiting.
  7. Mahayana Path

  8. Hi

    It is just that way ;d
  9. Turning the light of awareness around

    That may cost a lot of money. You will need to have heavy support, because you won't be able to breath, eat, drink. Pretty much a coma. You will be placed into anesthesia before the operation and you might not even know when you wake up. You could also go into shock or just die straight out as a result of the operation. I really just suggest you meditate ;d
  10. Turning the light of awareness around

    It's like one of those "what was my face before I was born" jazz that you gotta do
  11. What has been your most humbling experience?

    had a real nice realization that I thought was deep and went on and on about it to my teacher until he said: "lol wtf are you talking about" but in serious terms, there was a time when i was getting really pissed off, to which my friend made a slight remark in response, and i had a moment where i realized the effects of all my actions that caused me to just stay quiet and think seriously about my ego and karma. ive volunteered at soup shelters and been around plenty of homeless people (poor area in the city that i grew up), but this one moment really just made me shut the fuck up
  12. bad energy , negative attacks, what to do ?

    because you're just opening another can of worms that way
  13. i suggest people who dont know the mantra in that episode write it down it's quite handy. it starts at 38:55 for pronounciation and spelling
  14. he still posts in the expedient means thread, and lurks here and there to end up shaking his head at the buddhist section
  15. Reading The Intentions Of Others

    my teacher can do this too, he just says that he tries not to discriminate against it
  16. can bullet hell games be meditative?

    I'm a big touhou fan (they even have taoism and buddhism as religions in the storylines), it does. Lots of concentration is required on the game so as soon as you break your concentration, you'll die.
  17. Getting Up at Sunrise

    I like to get up around 4 am (like to!) when it's still nice and quiet without the bustle of the city (I live in a busy city and next to a busy road), but I get up at around 5:30 to 6 in which I can start to see the sunrise, then onto my short qigong routine which begins with a short mantra about the sun (trying to keep at least that part consistent). After that it's mantra practice although it's pretty hard to concentrate at the start when I'm fantasizing about my morning coffee which is right after practice . The only times when I get to enjoy the 4 am period now is when exams take place.
  18. John Chang seems to be hard to find. Have you searched up Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong? Even if you and your husband do not live in U.S., he gives healing through phone calls. If you guys aren't having any luck finding John Chang, then I'd suggest looking up Chunyi Lin and giving a phone healing a try. I've never personally tried it though, only heard about this service through other members on this forum.
  19. Take what you practice, and bring it to a high level. Then you have a high level practice