
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by 子泰

  1. The Chat-Meetup Thread

    I'm in, come join me _/\_
  2. The Chat-Meetup Thread

    I'm in, reading platform sutra + drinking tea. Come join me _/\_
  3. Ah.. crickets and cicadas would be a very accurate description of what I used to hear during and after meditation, used to think it was tinnitus even though I never had the condition, haha. Never thought I'd read it on paper somewhere with those exact words.
  4. I didn't watch much of the video, but they do mention the guy's name in the title, it's also written in the beginning of the video where the 2 guys are walking, and mention it several times in the video. His name is 季莲缘 (ji lian yuan). As far as details go, I don't have time to watch much of the video so can't tell just yet
  5. The Chat-Meetup Thread

    I'm in if anyone feels like chatting
  6. The Chat-Meetup Thread

    get your asses in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. My battle

    I suggest switching to organic soap or just use water to wash (preferably the organic soap) to wash yourself (every part), and instead of cold showers, try starting the shower with lukewarm temperature and gradually turn it to ice cold. As for the organic soap, the less ingredients, the better. They are cheap, and last a very long time, I bought a box of 6 bars for $15-20 in february and I've only used up 1 bar. This should help just your skin problem, but as for internal problems, I can't tell any better. edit: if you do make the switch, make sure to buy bar soap
  8. What is your motivation for practice?

    To live an easy life
  9. The Chat-Meetup Thread

    Does anyone still come into the chat? Dropped by a few times and met Flolfolil
  10. Genetic ancestral memory

    Assassin's Creed!
  11. hi :) was wondering what part of china are you residing in? i'm in shanghai for a few years so english speaking cultivators are precious haha

  12. I prayed to the diety/god in your avatar in Mount Tai today. Can you tell me who it is?

    1. Songtsan
    2. 子泰


      A golden Shiva, yes?!

  13. Sounds cool! I just checked out some videos and since I just quit smoking, this could definitely help out.
  14. warm up

    Stretching if you feel lazy and not feeling like doing anything else, with the right breathing patterns
  15. Good practice for inflammation

    I would strongly suggest you get off the aspirin, or at least take smaller doses, as long term effects can be far worse than what you're trying to fix. If you are willing to exercise a little more, perhaps try yoga? It gets much easier over time.
  16. Both weight training (until sore) and yoga does a great job of doing this for me
  17. Hello!

    Hello everyone! I started looking into meditation due to general lack of motivation and direction, and stumbled upon here! I lurked for a while then decided to make an account since I enjoy reading the tao bums community's posts and would like to share my experiences as I learn. I do also from time to time have some small questions to ask when I can't find much on the topic. My general goal is to just learn more about myself. A cool thing that I recalled about this forum was that I also happened to stumble onto this forum about 2 years ago, while searching on information about lucid dreaming. I've learned a lot from this forum already and have been checking out some of the resources that were recommended by users here. I look forward to my stay and getting to know everyone here
  18. Qigong teacher in Shanghai

    Lin, I will send you an email I hope we can work something out because having a fellow bum as a teacher would be very interesting!
  19. Qigong teacher in Shanghai

    Thanks Walker, I am indeed looking for teaching that has its roots in Daoism, I forgot to put it in my post. I am checking out their site right now and it seems that the institute is quite close to where I live (3 blocks!). Jing gong caught my eye on their English lessons list, since I am retaining Jing at the moment. I am willing and am picking up Chinese at a steady pace right now, but I have had a few foreign friends from various countries where we were able to communicate with only broken Chinese at my time here in Shanghai, so I do not mind having a teacher that only speaks Chinese. The main problem in looking for a teacher is that I don't know where to start, hence me asking this forum.
  20. Hello!

    Hello Tsunami! I have done some work on lucid dreaming and astral projection a few years back, which, coincidentally, was the time that led me to this forum before. However, nowadays I am just doing meditation and qigong for the health benefits. The most I got towards a lucid dream was sleep paralysis and there only a few times where I almost managed to get into a dream from a wake state. One of the things I've considered is that meditation gives me a clearer mind, and since I have beforehand knowledge on lucid dreaming, and astral projection, I'm inadvertently doing this.
  21. Hello!

    I have been wondering about some stuff that's been happening since I started meditation (only 3 weeks in). I am just going to post it here and hope someone can answer this question as I don't think it is worthy enough to start a thread on it. Shortly after I started meditation, even on the first day, I've been having some strange experiences especially during sleep. The first notable thing that happened was on the first day that I started meditation, I read some basic techniques to start off and did them. That night, when I was trying to sleep, I kept staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, I heard a very loud hiss coming from behind my head. Naturally, I was very startled and found that I couldn't sleep anymore. I checked the time shortly afterwards and found that 2 hours had passed, but I had no recollection of closing my eyes at all. (Also spooky was that the hiss occurred at around 3:33 AM @_@). But as time passed, whenever I go to sleep, a lot of times I can hear noises as I drift to sleep, some loud and some quiet, such as chatter, a sudden banging noise, etc. I have also been getting more vivid dreams (I already have great dream recollection) and lately have been waking up in the middle of the night with cold sweats. Is this a sign of blockages in my body getting cleared? I'd like to note that this sort of thing has never happened to me (excluding one very intense experience from salvia in my high school years, which if you guys would like I could also describe, because now that I think about it, it was the closest that I could describe to experiencing emptiness).
  22. Hello!

    Thanks gentlewind and welcome, brentcochran. I hope we can help each other grow in our time here at this forum. I've found many interesting individuals here while viewing the boards. I've been reading Taoist Yoga and Tao Te Ching whenever I have the free time, but medical school is taking most of my opportunities. I will be taking a course and doing semi-rotations on TCM next semester, so I'm looking forward to seeing the relations that it has with what I learn here and cultivation practices.
  23. Hey everybody,

    Ah, I really like how Aikido relates to Taoism in that you just need to do what needs to be done. I'm not a big fan of excessively hurting people in a fight where I'd like to just defend myself, but I would not enjoy being punched in the face either just because I was focusing too much on not harming the other person :S I'm also interested in the philosophical teachings as well, so I look forward to trying out a class soon. I also like how you're doing the no fap thing with your friends, which is another reason that I'd like to browse No Fap on reddit. What day are you on? I'm not too far into it; Only 3 days so far, which was around the time that I started reading more about seminal retention thanks to the long thread made by yondaime in general discussion. Yes, let's stay in touch! It would be wonderful to share learned experiences with each other especially in the same activity.
  24. Hey everybody,

    Hello fellow newcomer I've been looking into Aikido for a while and am thinking about practicing after summer ends (going back to the u.s. for the summer but spend most of the year in China). It seems like a well suited art for me. I've recently started seminal retention just to see how far I can get. I'll check out No Fap on reddit later as it seems like a good way to keep me interacted. By the way, how do you feel about your training in Aikido so far?
  25. Hello!

    Post 5