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Everything posted by 子泰

  1. spiritual vs non-spiritual partner?

    Respect your partner's path in life, that's how you can remain spiritual in that type of relationship
  2. What are you listening to?

    this is actually my childhood
  3. Animal chi

  4. Ihggg hhf

    I too, have drank 4 cups of espresso in succession before.
  5. What are you watching on Youtube?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LIIbUbNKNs munch munch munch munch munch munch munch
  6. A Taoist approach to bad habbits

    The book is for cigarettes, but it does teach you about embracing a mindset that helps you quit strong addictions (I don't know how strong you feel your habit is, though). I never smoked cannabis for extended periods of time, and it wasn't really much of a big deal to stop. However, the mental dependence is still similar in terms of both plants. You'll definitely recall the good ol' times that you had with weed after stopping; I definitely did with cigarettes. I found that replacing the habit with something like overeating, biting your nails, or games to pacify my withdrawal did not help, as I was just projecting the anxiety. Therefore, it's generally a good idea to just go about your day as usual, whilst simplifying your habits and catching any creeping thoughts. I spent quite some effort in the first week, but afterwards I mostly forgot that I was a smoker in the first place. Don't worry about relapsing, think of it as a way to experiment with what works for you. The Taoist approach is just the normal approach, working at things throughout the day as opposed to relying on a meditation or qigong practice.
  7. A Taoist approach to bad habbits

    Have you read Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking? If you're already thinking about quitting, it should help you convince yourself to look at smoking a different way. It helped me a lot too. That's not to say I still had to put in the work afterwards, but I was for the most part, glad to stick to my decision through the process.
  8. Story of a wanderer

    Which action weighs more heavily? Eating dog meat or cat meat?
  9. I usually get sleep paralysis if my body was tired enough to fall asleep but my mind was intensely focused on something else. So if you find your mind being overactive or tight, then maybe it's time to go out to do some physical activity. Incorrect meditation practice can lead to it too, if the mind has been tightly focusing on something (breath, etc).
  10. Avoid gurus, follow plants.

    why plants? why not follow the sky? praise the sun and it's heavenly glory : )
  11. I 'made' a kōan

    what is hot becomes cold profound!!!
  12. Introduction

    And subject them to hazing while they're at it
  13. How to bring forth hidden emotions?

    Get out of your comfort zone in your daily habits, that'll always bring up new discoveries. The thing that you depend on and withdraw back to at the end of the day usually blocks a lot of your awareness. Maybe it's time to shed some bad habits if you have any.
  14. The Cool Picture Thread

    Getting even colder these days. Gotta make sure to conserve your energy!
  15. How does one return from the final stages of morality?

    Damn... That brought tears to my eyes.
  16. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    Don't have any on me, how about an arm?
  17. Life after Awakening

    you show me your guru and i'll show you my guru
  18. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Those small, skinny, Japanese adults..
  19. North star/big dipper meditations

    North star is a representation of the One. It has the energy of Te in the Tao Te Ching. Its energy resonates at the UDT.
  20. Beyond the spiritual heart

    Assassin's Greed
  21. simplify

  22. The Cool Picture Thread

    in light of the recent holiday, and what i wasnt able to eat on that day