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Everything posted by 子泰

  1. Documentary: Buddha in Suburbia

    mountain dew imbued with the dharma!
  2. How to become more honest with oneself?

    yeah, but it seems that the OP is already doing qigong exercises. i think he wanted another one with said goals in mind, but his current ones should probably do the trick if he takes the steps to deepen this practice as well as additional application, as opposed to learning a different method and starting from scratch again
  3. What are you listening to?

    it can be whatever you want it to be
  4. How to become more honest with oneself?

    if you're willing to dedicate some time and energy towards learning a qigong method to help empower you to do the things you want, you might as well just use that very dedication itself to actualize your goals as opposed to using a roundabout way like learning a qigong method to do it
  5. What are you listening to?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QONF9G19Is0 get down! ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ get up again! ヽ(≧∪≦*)ノ c'mon, c'mon, move! o(≧∇≦o)
  6. Discrete living.

    thank you for showing us how discrete you are
  7. What you choose to practice just depends on what you like.
  8. Enlightenment as I understand it

    if enlightenment is a state of no conditioning, aren't you contradicting yourself by making a post of what you think enlightenment is?
  9. Answers please...

    another one bites the dust
  10. lu dong bin is pretty straightforward in the secret of the golden flower, the instructions are pretty direct if you spent some time reading any scripture. the book itself contains the transmission as well, but the problem is that the book and teachings get watered down/changed and the transmission gets lost. in that way, a teacher with real achievement is needed. the secret of the golden flower does give instructions of foundation, btw; something about 100 days or something
  11. the value of life

    you win some, you lose some. that's life
  12. I can offer a bit of info. Perhaps in Buddhism, when they refer to heart, they are talking about the heart-mind? I looked up heart in sanskrit and tibetan, they all refer to the heart-mind. Also, being a native Chinese speaker, I know for sure that heart in Chinese is definitely the heart-mind. I know that in Taoism, the body is a representation of the universe. Behind the two eyes means having a single eye. Similarly, in a more macroscopic representation, the term "behind the two eyes" would mean that which preceeds yin and yang. I think in a later chapter in the secret of the golden flower, Lu Dong Bin also states that the term "behind the two eyes" should not be taken literally.
  13. Chill out, dude! Maybe you've gained a bit of awareness, which is why you're more conscious of your thoughts and actions, but what's more important is how you manage and balance what you've gained, as well as how you interact with the world. That just takes practice.
  14. Hmmm, it was under my assumption that Laozi wrote this during a time when the monarchy was starting to become corrupt, and he was writing about it
  15. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    My intention in asking about the purpose of writing about different aspects has to do with abiding with conditions. They were confronting the conditions of their time and being serviceable to the people. I personally think that they both have a clear picture in their head about the Tao, and were only writing differently towards the masses for the peoples' sake, because just as different people have different paths, different times require different means by staying with the times, so to speak. Obviously we don't live in the period in which they lived, so we won't know for sure
  16. Not being attached to the self will not make you emotionless. See it like this: you're covering one eye with your hand, that hand represents the sense of self. To not be attached to a sense of self is just simply moving the hand so that you can see with both eyes. That's the most important. You'll still have your hand and it can come to use to cover your eye again, but a lot of pressure will be removed and you will not place so much stress on things that you previously deemed important because you know the bigger picture now.
  17. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    I agree that they were talking about the same subject, but approaching from different aspects. But what do you guys think the purpose of that was?
  18. take a break from practice for a while. go to the gym, go jogging, get fresh air and sun. get your blood moving. your mind is stuck, and its not in the absolute
  19. Depends on the Taoist, really.
  20. Dear bums, I feel that there aren't many places to post this, and feel that this place has the most people viewing it as opposed to my thread in the lobby. If any mod can move this to the appropriate place then please do so! I am looking for a teacher in Shanghai, since I will be staying here for at least 2 more years. My Chinese isn't really proficient enough to actively ask and search for a teacher by myself just yet. I have been searching in English and asking friends and acquaintances with not many results. Are there any teachers that you guys would recommend that are staying in Shanghai? Thanks!
  21. Qigong teacher in Shanghai

    hey, i can't help you there, sorry. i used to see a teacher that lived in huzhou 2 hours away from shanghai, but hes moved to zhuhai now.
  22. What are you listening to?

    Our high school symphony played that. That piece was a really difficult POS to orchestrate But especially fun to play! Mambo!
  23. Haiku Chain

    Don't think, just feel. Pippity poppity pop. Step lightly. Big strides!
  24. Might not necessarily be the heart. I've read that when you're going into deeper concentration, your spleen can act up and cause a thumping sound that can be easily mistaken for heartbeats. Angry yellow child