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Everything posted by 子泰

  1. it's like a magnifying glass
  2. Living Simply

    Mountain cave or downtown, you're still going to have problems to face
  3. a lesson in aikido

    this is wonderful, thank you for sharing
  4. Last year I was agonizing over my hemorrhoid as it had gotten worse over the days. After having to poop with that damned thing, I got a little desperate. Since I had nothing to lose and I did not want surgery, I just sat at my desk and recited "namo guan yin bodhisattva". After a few recitations I suddenly sneezed, which caused my hemorrhoid to abruptly pop. No pain, no complications afterwards. Showered, then went about my day. Pretty funny huh?
  5. The thing with karma and retribution is that most people don't remember their past lives. So retribution is just tossed back and forth nonstop without knowing why.
  6. Body's 12 Year Energetic Cycles

    This is the only thing I could recall in regards to something related to this topic. Horus posted this a while ago maybe it'll help, maybe it won't
  7. ...

    The only age that matters EH? HEH
  8. ...

    67% is a D, I still pass
  9. ...

    I'm guessing nungali to be around 40? bka early-mid 30s?
  10. Vajra strands

    ive seen them, but after choking and dry heaving haha... surprised the crap out of me. maybe thats how cartoon artists came up with the idea of seeing stars after getting hit in the head. they were bright red for me though, like deeper colored embers
  11. Meditation

    maybe a moving practice will suit you better, try a moving qigong form or maybe an internal martial art such as bagua or tai chi
  12. Oh it was just me and my teacher meeting for the first time after exchanging some emails haha. For the record though: he lit the cigarette and started cussing first
  13. soft spoken? my teacher lit a cigarette within the first hour of meeting him and started cussing in every sentence hehehehe
  14. Breath pacer recommendations?

    no need to pace yourself
  15. maybe the physical celibacy is being done, but the mental celibacy is very important too, and tricky
  16. a real beer will get me to see the illusion of two beer glasses in front of me