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Posts posted by 子泰

  1. Drawing qi from the outside is simple. Just think about something, and your qi will align with it. If you think about your cat, your qi will align with your cat's qi, if you think about the sun, your qi will align with sun qi. Be careful what you intentionally connect to though, because some things have worse energy than others. Stars (north star, even the big dipper) generally have very highly refined qi-- in the head. Don't do it too long though, it can cause stagnation. Connecting to yourself is the best practice :)

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  2. This could easily turn to a digression, so I will keep it short. Energy is a problematic word because it means very different things in various contexts. For example, keeping the word to it's mystical bent, "energy" can be equated with the Greek Pneuma, but it means different things for the Stoics and Aristotle, and along you get Synesius who synthesizes both views, based on Neoplatonic dynamics. One word, three different contexts. In Medieval and Renaissance times, you can equate "energy" with the Rays of Al Kindi, which is based on Aristotelian dynamics. And in the late 18th century, you can equate "energy" with the Animal Magnetism of Franz Anton Mesmer, which is based on Newtonian dynamics.


    Whose "energy" are we exactly talking about?


    Must suck not to be Chinese then, good luck with finding an appropriate word.

  3. hi :), try this 



    its strength is in helping with nocturnal emissions, along with a bunch of other benefits


    forget about what any psychics or healer said, it probably just aggravates your psychological well-being. most of them are quacks anyway

  4. I don't think there is any particular need for discussion on this topic. When systems are compared based on their external form, any methods have already lost their effectiveness. The cultivator themselves is a bigger factor in terms of progressing. After having tried numerous methods, Buddha just sat down under a tree and attained enlightenment. Fuxi himself observed the patterns in nature and wrote the original hexagrams for the I Ching, which later became the basis for Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. What does that say about their inspiration?


    Perhaps after having achieved themselves spiritually and grasped the essence, not the leftovers, can the cultivator then come up with an unbiased conclusion in this matter. But will this even be an issue for them by then? I often have to remind myself to not bullshit myself into thinking that I know what the texts are saying without having any first hand experience, because in the end, I'd only be frustrating myself. 

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