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Everything posted by Vitalii

  1. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    All this information about me is lie. I've never been an instructor of Xu Mingtan system. Antares, you do not know me, you have never been in my seminar or retreat, so you should not say that about what you do not have the slightest idea.
  2. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    Of course, this schedule is not for beginners. I hold retreats with a similar schedule, but only for those my students who already have a good practical experience.
  3. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    Yes, but only during the retreat 全真清規 (Pure Regulations of Quanzhen) - 1436~1449
  4. Chen Zhonghua on sung and peng

    I can do it too Basic exercise: a practitioner stands in "gong bu", and other people push him; if a practitioner does everything right, they won't be able to move him. To make it more difficult, the practitioner from "gong bu" position should transfer the weight on the back foot (santi), or stand on one foot only, and other people push him.
  5. 1. Lower Way, or Way of Purity 2. Middle Way (Middle Way can also be called as Religious) 3. Great Way
  6. Response to the Carpathian retreat 2013 of a student of Daoist School Zhen Dao Pai. "When planning to go for a retreat in a traditional style, I was a little nervous, because my daily meditations at that moment took less than 2 hours, and one year of practice is not that much. But when I arrived, I was charmed by the Carpathian nature, and all my worries became not so important. I had been to the Carpathians earlier, but it never was that far from a civilization. Here, the building, which we lived in, was the only building in the nearby area, and to come here one would need a lorry or a very good jeep. The first night, I felt that if I do not merge with Dao and fully open myself to Heaven and Earth, my resistance would cause only troubles. I tried to clear my head and relax. The first meditation was great. Meditations and Zhan Zhuang always go better in the open air rather than in a building. So, after the first meditation, I had a feeling that ... Continue reading “Response to Carpathian retreat 2013” »

    "The Large Frame (Da Jia), where movements are slow and soft, really is the first step in the mastery of Taiji Quan, but it’s only the first step. And if you stop on it, you will never be able to understand the depth and versatility of Taiji . Surely, even by practicing only this form, you can improve your health and make your mind and heart calm and balanced. But it all will remain as a practice for health maintenance then. Meantime, if you are interested in martial aspect, then you cannot to stop at this stage. Apart from the Large Frame, there are still: “Lower Frame” or “Frame of the Earth” (Dijia), “Small Frame” (Xiaojia), “Fast Frame” (Kuaijia), “Old Frame” (Laojia) and that’s not all from the list. All these practices have different execution techniques and different purposes. Therefore, a complete traditional practice of Taiji Quan Yang style includes not only the slow form, but a number of other forms and methods, where one can work on strength, speed, agility, quick execution of movements with a focus on the release of the power issuing (Fajin); there is also training of fast and precision buffets etc." _______________
  8. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    In China, in the mountains of Wudang, there is a cave where Daoist Jia Dao Zhang lives. According to some of the sources, he has been living as a hermit for about 30 years. It is unknown how many years he exactly is, but some people say that he is more than 100 years old. He is in a good physical condition! All thanks to the fact that he practices Daoist methods, such as Dao Yin,Tuna and meditation. continue reading P.S. I corrected the article.
  9. Yin chi number 3

    agree, I think that moderators should be more stringent, then we can avoid many of useless posts and threads.
  10. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    hod, do not worry about it I will answer your question in detail in private message, but a little later.
  11. The teaching of Quanzhen

    "Author Baolin Wu specializes in Nine Palaces Solar Qi Gong which works with the energy of the son, and trains practioners to expel toxins and intake healthy qi through the nine openings--palaces-- of the body. Qi Gong for Well-Being is a clear, illustrated guide to Qi Gong, the ancient self-healing art that combines movement, meditation, and visualization to boost energy and improve health".
  12. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    opendao, unlike you, I have always answered the questions I was asked. By contrast, your standard answers are: 1. "no examples" 2. "prohibited to make pictures or videos" 3. "it is a secret". 4. "prohibited to share any details" and all in the same style. My school employs traditional practices, and sees no problem in expressing respect to other Daoists who have progress, even though they do not belong to our particular school. By contrast, I saw you created a thread on your Russian forum, where you called on the other members of your school to come to this forum to insult my posts. You also told them to be careful in their statements because of "evil moderators". Therefore you and your friends (_王彗_ and Laozidao) come here with one target - spread lies about me and my school. Please retain dignity.
  13. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    I will not answer your questions If you ignore mine.
  14. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    Can you at least give the Chinese name of your Chinese teacher? P.S. Maybe you have 100+ years daoists from your Wuliupai school? Would be interesting to see.
  15. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    This article is published in "Blog", where different information about Daoism, not only about my school, can be posted.
  16. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    No, I wrote about him because he is a very interesting person.
  17. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    Of course, you're a fine one to talk.
  18. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    Walker, I only wrote what I had read about him and heard in China. I do not know how many years he exactly is, but I know that he definitely practices dao yin and meditation, and I saw him awake at 4 a.m. for many times. If you have any reliable information about him, please send it to me and I will correct the mistakes in the article about him.
  19. Daoist Jia Dao Zhang

    At the moment I am in London and I will be in the Wudang with my students in April 2014.
  20. Neidan vs Qigong

    Zhonglí Quan in Ling Bao Bi Fa (灵宝毕法) said about Alchemy work during sitting cross-legged [盘膝坐] in a motionless calmness and silence [静坐 - Jing zuo = meditation]: 1) "是以日出当用艮卦之时,以养元气。 勿以利名动其心,勿以好恶介其意。 披衣静坐,以养其气; 绝念忘情,微作引导。 手脚递互,伸缩三五下,使四体之气齐生,内保元气上升以朝于心府" 2) "又于日入当用干卦之时,以聚元气。 入室静坐,咽气搐外肾" 3) "行金液还丹,当于深密幽房,风日凡人不到之处,烧香迭掌盘膝坐" 4) "终日静坐,其炼如前" 5) "静坐忘机以行此法" 6)
  21. The teaching of Quanzhen

    in Neiguan jing says: "The way of inner observation (內觀) involves stilling spirit and stabilizing the heart-mind. Confusion and imagining must not arise; deviance (xie 邪) and disorder must not usurp. Keep a firm hold on your body and your surroundings. Close your eyes and begin conscious investigation. Internally and externally, empty and silent, both spirit and the Dao are subtle and deep. Externally, observe the myriad mental projections (wanjing 萬境). Internally, examine the unified heart-mind. Realized in illuminated stillness, stillness and confusion [as distinguishable] are both dispelled. While one thought follows another, you maintain a deep root, and calmness is complete. Constantly abiding, your obscurity cannot be fathomed. Sorrow and suffering are dispelled forever, and there is no more consciousness (shi 識) of right and wrong." (Neiguan jing, DZ 641, 6b–7a; cf. Kohn 1989b, 222)
  22. Neidan vs Qigong

    Qiu Changchun in 丘長春真人秘傳大丹直指 said: 能奪天地之真氣,可以長生。”早晨于高處,向日靜坐,存想太陽包羅吾身,連身化為太陽 早晨 - early morning 高處 - high place 向 - to turn towards 日 - sun 靜坐 - sitting in a motionless calmness and silence / meditation 存想 - concentration of mind on something / to keep thinking 太陽 - sun / sunshine / = solar energy = Yang Qi
  23. The teaching of Quanzhen

    "As the ordinary heart-mind is characterized by emotional and intellectual turmoil, confused by desire and agitation, the perfect (or perfected) heart-mind (zhenxin 真心) is characterized by clarity and stillness. While the ordinary heart-mind, in turbidity and agitation, disrupts one’s innate connection with the Dao, the perfected heart-mind, in clarity and stillness, becomes pervaded by the Dao. In early Quanzhen, the purified and awakened condition of the heart-mind is sometimes spoken of as being “without a heart-mind” (wuxin 無心) or as the “dead heart-mind” (sixin 死心). In more positive terms, it is referred to as the “aligned heart-mind” (zhengxin 正心), “perfected heart-mind” (zhenxin 真心), or “stabilized heart-mind” (dingxin 定心). The Quanzhen adept becomes so free from emotional and intellectual turmoil that he or she no longer has a heart-mind as conventionally and mistakenly understood. Ma Danyang explains, “[The state of ] no-mind is not the same as the stupid mindlessness of cats and dogs. It means striving to keep your heart-mind in the realm of clarity and purity and being free of deviant states of consciousness. Thus ordinary people (suren 俗人) have no mind of clarity and purity, while Daoists (daoren 道人) have no mind of dust and defilement. But this is not complete mindlessness, and it is not like the condition of trees and rocks or cats and dogs” Thus, the early Quanzhen adepts emphasized the central importance of meditation, as both a technique of transformation and all-pervasive existential approach, as well as the cultivation of clarity and stillness. Through meditative praxis and daily application, turbidity and agitation would decrease, while clarity and stillness would increase. The early Quanzhen renunciant could realize his or her original context of sacred immersion. As stillness deepens, clarity becomes more expansive. The heart-mind again becomes a lodging place for spirit, and the adept becomes spiritually aligned with the Dao." Translated by Louis Komjathy
  24. Yin and Yang are like water and fire, their powers are opposite: Yin - from the periphery to the center (for example, gravity); Yang from the center to the periphery (for example, sunshine / solar energy). As their powers are opposite, theory speaks about the need of fusion of Yin and Yang [匹配阴阳].