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Everything posted by Vitalii

  1. Photos from the Nepal retreat 2013

    "Art of a Proper Entry into the mountains" is an art, which helps a person to connect inner Qi and Shen (spirit) with Qi and Spirit of mountains, as well as to understand how to use the help of spirits of a place when practicing. This art was mentioned in Inner Chapter 17 of Baopuzi, by Ge Hong: 然不知入山法者, 多遇祸害 - "Those who don't know the methods of entry into the mountains, often meet many disasters and misfortunes"
  2. Photos from the Nepal retreat 2013

    At first, we arrived to Katmandu, where we had 2 days of excursions in Katmandu and Bhaktapur. Then we went to the monastery in the mountains were the retreat took place. We had the following daily timetable during 9 days: 3.45 a.m. - wake up from 4.00 a.m. until 6.00 a.m. - Zhan Zhuan 7.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. - breakfast 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. - practice of inner alchemy 12.00 - 12.45 - discussing of the Daoist theory and philosophy 1.00 - 3.00 p.m. - lunch and free time 3.00 - 6.00 p.m. - practice of inner alchemy 6.00 - 6.45 p.m. - discussing of the Daoist theory and philosophy 7.00 - 8.00 p.m. - dinner and free time 8.00 - 10.00 p.m. - reading, studying and discussing of ancient Daoist texts Sometimes we also practiced Dao Yin and dynamic Qigong practices. The retreat program was held in accordance with traditional instructions created by the Founders of the School Zhen Dao Pai – Lu Dongbin, Wang Chong Yang, Ma Dangyang. During the retreat, detailed recommendations for cultivation of Minggong (Vitality force) and Xinggong (Inner Heart Nature) were given. Attention was given to the following practices: ”Art of a Proper Entry into the mountains”; How to improve properly in the mountain forests; How to use the help of the spirits of a place when practicing; Methods allowing to realize the process of “purification of the Heart-Mind” more effectively; ”Building the foundation” [筑基] and “Refine the self” [炼己] methods; how to speed up the process of formation of the Small Elixir; and much more.
  3. article about Dao

    Dao… Nowadays this term is quite widely used in the most diverse spheres of activities; and term “philosophy of Dao” is gaining in more and more popularity. However, unfortunately, very often we face distortion of its intrinsic meaning. To understand its meaning, one should, first of all, appeal to Daoist Tradition, as it is based on aspiration for comprehension of Dao and the true inwardness of reality. Dao connotes first cause and source of all things existent. Dao is an Original True Reality that exists beyond our reality, space, time and any categories and forms in total, which we usually use to describe the world around us. This is what, in particular, the first line of Dao De Jing makes a good point on: Dao is not a path, which can be passed (named, described with common categories) – for more details about this see below. Continue reading
  4. article about Dao

    They complement each other, because, as modern and old characters have different writing [for example, right side], their interpretation covers different aspects of understanding of the character "Dao". That is why the description of the ancient character should be added into the article, to demonstrate how exactly they complement each other.
  5. article about Dao

    Dao itself is unchangeable, but the character's writing and its understanding and interpretation have changed. see my attachment in the post above. 1. There are a few ancient character writings. I gave a picture with various ancient forms of writing in the post above. 2. There are several points of view on the ancient character of Dao [and its right side] and its understanding and interpretation. [see above] 3. There are many different Daoist Schools, with own interpretation of different terms, methodologies, practice, philosophical notions about the world, human being etc. 4. That is why all the Traditional Schools emphasize the importance of an alive Master, who would be able to shed a light on all the nuances of theory and philosophy, and how they both are conceived in a certain School. True meaning and interpretation of old and modern characters' writing are not far away from each other and their essential meanings are complementary. Probably the description of the ancient character of Dao should be added into the article.
  6. article about Dao

    You just don't understand my words. I didn't say that it is one and the same. I said: "Although characters' writing is different, their essential meanings are not contradictory, but complementary." No, I said: "There are several points of view on the ancient character of Dao and its right side"; "Characters' writing has changed, and its understanding and interpretation have changed as well". No, you are wrong. P.S. I can't continue this discussion, because I am holding a retreat in Nepal at the moment. I'm leaving with my students in the monastery tomorrow.
  7. article about Dao

    Although characters' writing is different, their essential meanings are not contradictory, but complementary. Characters' writing has changed, and its understanding and interpretation have changed as well. The same thing happens with usual words: one and the same word can have different meanings at different times. This is a natural phenomenon for language of any culture.
  8. article about Dao

    Hi XiaoZi, I want to clarify that the article explains Daoist philosophical interpretation of a modern character. With regards to the ancient character writing, there are several points of view on the ancient character of Dao and its right side: 1. Some believe that the three lines of it is character "巛" / "川" that means a "stream, river, creek, plain". 2. Others consider that character on the right is the "eyes with eyelashes/eyebrow." 3. It is also interpreted as a "head with hair." Together with the left side, it means a "walk on the main road", "follow the main path", as a hieroglyph "head" also means "chief, first, highest..." 4. Finally, some reckon that the three lines make a trigram "Qian - Heaven", and a character under them is translated as an "eye", and together it all means a "true vision."_____________________________ Oldest forms of Dao character:
  9. how to go? where to go? how to begin?

    Each school has its own structure and levels. The system of Zhen Dao is comprised of three big units: Art of inner quietness (静坐功) (Art of Immortals – Inner Alchemy); Art of external moving (外动功) (Art of external mastership); Art of sleeping (睡功) (practice during sleeping). Among these three units Art of inner quietness is the main one, as it is a basis for studying External mastership and Art of sleeping. Mastership of inner quietness consists from three vehicles: Lower (mastership of Human Immortals); Middle (mastership of Earth Immortals); Greater (mastership of Celestial Immortals). Each of vehicles consists of a certain number of levels and methods. This level-based structure was constructed by the Grandmaster Lu Dongbin around 1000 years ago, and was set out in the treatise “Complete Method of the Spiritual Jewels” (灵宝毕法, or Ling Bao Bi Fa). This text is one of the core texts of the Zhen Dao School’s unit of Art of Inner Quietness. In our school, we use the next sequence on the 1st level. Before practising these methods of inner alchemy, you need to learn other special part of Daoist teaching called "building the foundation" [筑基] and "refine the self" [炼己]. So, at first, you need to learn the "methods of building the foundation", which consider basic Qigong, basic breathing techniques, Dao Yin and other methods, which can help to improve the circulation of Qi. After that, you need to structure your dantian. For this purpose, you will use a special method, which will help you to make an alchemical dantian from usual dantian. Then you also need to collect Yang Qi and activate it. This is work with Post-Heaven Qi. Thereafter, you need to find and feel Pre-Heaven Qi, after which to collect Yin Qi, coagulate Yang and Yin Qi, and, finally, use a special method for fusion of Yang and Yin Qi.
  10. how to go? where to go? how to begin?

    At the moment our lessons are held in the park in central London. you can find more information here. If you have any questions about lessons send me a private message. Let me know when you will come to our lessons. From 2 until 15 October we don't have lessons, because we have a retreat in Nepal.
  11. how to go? where to go? how to begin?

    Hello arinb12, If you live in London, you are welcome to our lessons in the School Zhen Dao. The study program includes learning of methods of work with energy (Qigong), corporal practices (Dao Yin, Taiji quan, Xing yi quan), breathing practices (Tuna), and, what is the most important, the core of Daoism Tradition – practices of Inner Alchemy (Neidan). You can find more information on the website
  12. London Learning of Hebei Xingyi quan Enrolment in a group to study Hebei Xingyi quan Xingyi Quan (形意拳) is a form of Chinese martial arts. The name is translated as “the fist form and intention (thought).” The “form” implies external movements used in a battle, and Yi (intention, thought) – a mind derived from a heart. Xingyi is an internal style, imitating forms and internal qualities of twelve animals in combat. All martial arts can be roughly divided into external and internal styles. External styles are focused only on work with the physical body, internal styles – on accumulation of Qi in the body and work with a force Jin. _________________ Continue reading
  13. Yes, I have forgotten to write about it
  14. The study program of Xingyi quan is following: 1. Santi shi (inner work including: 5 small bows, 5 middle bows, 1 large bow, 5 inner intentions, etc.) 2. Basic methods (Ji ben gong) 3. Five Fists (Wu xing quan - 五行拳) 4. Five phase linking form (Wu xing lian huan quan - 五行连环拳) 5. Eight Forms Boxing (Ba Shi Quan - 八势拳) 6. Entangling Hands (Jiao shou pao 绞手炮) 7. Five phase fist partner routine (Wuxing Pao - 五行炮) 8. Twelve Animals (Shi Er Xing Quan - 十二形) 9. Twelve Pounding Fists (Shi Er hong chui - 十二洪捶) 10. Mixed Forms Fist (Za Shi Chui – 杂势捶) 11. Sanshou (sparring) 12. Work with weapon
  15. I think many schools of Taiji have own opinion about that In our school it is considered that practice of Zhan Zhuang in Taiji helps to make a structured and holistic body. Taiji practitioners must feel 5 small bows + 5 medium bows + 1 large bow. Usually practitioners do Zhan Zhuang for about 30 minutes. Practitioners need to keep this result in all further Taiji movements. In Zhan Zhuang for Neidan, inner work is different from that in Taiji. In addition, practitioners do Zhan Zhuang from 30 to 120 minutes.
  16. Zhan Zhuang as meditation during puja.

    I think it is a bad idea. Jainarayan, It is better not to mix different methods, especially if you don't know them well.
  17. Taijiquan Styles

    My article about Taiji quan. Knowledge transmission lines in Taiji Quan in Zhen Dao Pai Taiji Quan, or “Supreme Ultimate Fist “, is a very deep art, which can be used as a system of self-improvement and also as an art of fighting. It is often said that, when learning Taiji Quan, it is important to be sure that your teacher has received his knowledge from the other teacher and so on, up to the founder of the style. Of course, it is the right point of view, but is it as simple as it may seem at first sight? The truth is that, even with a transmission of knowledge, the Master may either not have a full knowledge or not to transfer it further. Let’s remember the history of the Yang style... _________________ Continue reading You can read about Large frame (Da jia), Old frame (Lao jia), Fast frame (Kuai jia) and others in the article.
  18. London Learning traditional Yang Style Taijiquan Enrolment in a group to study Taijiquan The study program of Taijiquan in School Zhen Dao Pai is following: - study of the basic principles of Taijiquan (warming-up with the main principles, inner work, correct breathing, qigong/neigong, etc.) - basic movements of Taiji - 108 Movements Hand Form - training of internal power in Taijiquan - fast form of training for fa jin (power issuing) - Small Frame (小架) - work in pairs: tuishou ("pushing hands") and Sanshou ("sparring") - work with a weapon: a form with a sword, a form with two swords First training is free! If you have any questions about classes, you can either write them here or send a private message. More information about me
  19. Trainings timetable​ Saturdays and Sundays: 10:30 - 12.00 - Taiji quan (Yang Style) Location: Holborn Tube Station, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, pavilion. _____ you can find more information here
  20. Hello Shou YI, it will also be good, but the best time for Zhan zhuang from 5.00 till 7.00 a.m.
  21. Taijiquan Styles

    Training of Fajing in traditional Taiji quan Yang Style. On this video we can see Fu Qing Quan (grandson of Fu Zhongwen) doing the Fajing. Fast form (Fast Frame) also focuses on Fajing, which is quick and sharp.
  22. Gems of Cultivation

    Practitioners should spy out the mind's habits, biases, prejudices, fixations, obsessions, and indulgences, so that eventually they can catch them and treat them accordingly. It will not do to be too easygoing; even slight faults should be eradicated, and even small virtues should be developed. It this way entanglements may be cut off, and one may become constantly aware of true eternity. _______________ ‪‎Daoist‬ wisdom
  23. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    Inner Alchemy methods allow to penetrate into the depths of essential Being. Through study and comprehension of inner world in a state of peace and quietness, we penetrate into the mysteries of Being. Methods of Inner Alchemy will help to return to the roots, to touch original (“divine”) nature and direct own knowledge to understanding and connection with the truth (with Dao). Therefore, it becomes possible to understand the world deeper, and to result in a more adequate interaction with the outside world. A Master who attained perfection by practicing techniques of Inner Alchemy is called the “Immortal \ Inhabitant of heaven \ Saint” (仙 – «Xian”). Methods of Inner Alchemy are primarily focused on cleansing and improving of heart nature, cleansing of heart and mind from obscurations, and comprehension of original nature.
  24. Taijiquan Styles

    Thanks, it is now fixed.
  25. Taijiquan Styles

    My article about Taiji quan Variety of Taiji Quan Taiji Quan is one of the most famous styles of Wushu in the world. At the same time, we can say that despite its fame it is still very little studied style of Wushu. How comes it? Well, the whys of it is that all over the world people usually know and practice a simplified, sport version of Taiji Quan, whereas traditional Taiji Quan is significantly different. In this article, we will talk about Taiji Quan Yang style, which has many variations. Many people consider that Yang style is not well suited for a real life fight, and that, in particular, Chen style is more effective in this regard. However, this point of view is quite misleading. It appeared because the Yang style, which is popular worldwide and which is practiced by the majority, is generally associated with soft and slow movements, and resembles more to a slow graceful dance rather than a martial art. _______ Continue reading here