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Everything posted by Vitalii

  1. Fast form of traditional Yang style Taijiquan
  2. Microcosmic orbit and Chia.

    I can not describe all the details of practice here on the forum, because there are certain nuances that should be transfered individually. Methods, which allow us to understand an exact difference, are studied on the 1st level in the School Zhen Dao. Also, before working with original Qi, you need to learn the "methods of building the foundation", and you need to have a deep understanding of Daoist theory. From my personal experience I can say that there really is a difference, and that it is significant, and practices of original Qi can be obtained only from the Teacher, but not from books or forums.
  3. About Zhan Zhuang ...
  4. Microcosmic orbit and Chia.

    If you want to practice the real Daoist Small Celestial Circulation, you need to do many things: - to study ā€œmethods of building the foundationā€ (basic breathing techniques and other methods, which can help to improve the circulation of Qi) - to study the method of transformation from ussual dantian into alchemical dantian; to make dantian integral and structurised - to accumulate ussual [Post-Heaven] Qi and then find and feel original [Pre-Heven] Qi etc. Also you need a deep understanding of Daoist theory. Now, many people consider if Qi raises up in the Du mai and drops down in the Ren mai, it is a Small Celestial circulation. However, this is not true. If a person uses Post-Heaven Qi, it is not a Small Celestial circulation, but only circulation of Qi in the Du mai and the Ren mai. If a person uses Pre-Heven Qi and understands alchemical processes, it is a real Small Celestial circulation.
  5. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Breathing techniques play a very important role in ā€œmethods of building the foundationā€. In fact, correct, deep and quiet breathing helps to create us conditions under which the inner balance, harmony and inner peace can be achieved as quickly as possible. If breathing is not regulated, then to achieve these results will be very difficult, and in some cases even impossible. Therefore, this important stage of practice needs to be taken seriously and worked out well.
  6. Thanks
  7. Thanks to different practices, different aspects of 'jin" are developed. Thats why all the methods are important: "previous practice methods", "training of internal power", "fast form" etc.
  8. yes, there are special trainings during which different types of jin are practiced, where solid viscosity and tendinous power, as well as inner Qi, are used. There are many different methods. For example, a practitioner stands in "gong bu", and other people (1-5 persons) push him; if a practitioner does everything right, they won't be able to move him. It is a very easy exercise. To make it more difficult, the practitioner from "gong bu" position should transfer the weight on the back foot, or stand on one foot only, and other people (1-5 persons) push him. There are also many dynamic exercises, and sometimes weight trainings are used.
  9. Motion of the form is really fast, that is why it is called the fast form. Meantime, thanks to the fast form fa jin is actually trained.
  10. Actually, the fast form should be learnt after the slow form. The slow form helps to learn and feel the main principles, which are later used in the fast form.
  11. Sorry, it was a typing error, it is really a fast form for fa jin, not fastest Nowadays many people only practice slow forms, which often are not traditional but sport. For example, "24-form" is absolutely sport. In Zhen Dao School, traditional forms are learnt. Depending on the speed of exercises, they are divided into slow and fast forms.
  12. By the way, two hour practice of Zhan Zhuang is a must of traditional Daoist retreats in our School among other things. You can check out our typical program here
  13. Post-Heaven QI and Pre-Heaven Qi differ from each other of in quality, information, methods of work, manifestation etc. We can collect Post-Heaven QI by use of Tuna, Qigong, Dao Ying. But we can't collect Pre-Heaven Qi by use of abovesaid arts, as this requires the Inner Alchemy. I have written a book where I give a detailed account of Daoist terminology, basic Daoist practice "building the foundation", and Inner Alchemy. Now this information is available only in Russian. I'm planning to translate my book into English in future. At the moment I am translating the fundamental theory and publishing it on my webpage. A bit later I will publish an acticle on the "Three Treasures", where I will explain the Post-Heaven QI and Pre-Heaven Qi.
  14. You can find more information about Xingyi Quan here
  15. you are welcome )) I learn Daoist Teaching in the traditional School, not in a modern
  16. Many people consider if Qi raises up in the Du mai and drops down in the Ren mai, it is a Small Celestial circulation. However, this is not true. If a person uses Post-Heaven Qi, it is not a Small Celestial circulation, but only circulation of Qi in the Du mai and the Ren mai. If a person uses Pre-Heven Qi and understands alchemical processes, it is a real Small Celestial circulation.
  17. You can find more information about Dao Yin here
  18. It is better to practice Zhan Zhuang in the morning, and after that you can do baduanjin. you can practice yin yoga in the evening. but it would be better if you practised Dao Yin, because it is daoist art and it uses the same principles of inner work. However, in yoga other principles may be used that would differ from Daoist arts.
  19. I represent Daoist School Zhen Dao Pai on this forum, as far as I lead the dissemination of the knowledge outside China by approbation and blessing of Grandmaster Lu Shiyang. Meantime, there are other followers, in China, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
  20. Of course, I agree. I don't agree that Qi is only air or oxygen in Qigong prictise.
  21. Thank you for expression your point of view. If we could meet with you, I would be able to show you that Qi is neither air nor oxygen.
  22. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    Don't worry, I am not going to communicate with daoshi.
  23. Thank you for comment. Literal translation of the word "Tuna" 吐 - to spit ē“ - to receive, to accept, to bring into If we open ancient daoist texts, we can see the character Qi (ę°£), which was not used in the meaning of air or oxygen. Nowadays daoists also consider that Qi is neither air nor oxygen. I want to ask you whether you consider Qi is air/oxygen or other substance.