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Everything posted by Vitalii

  1. I am glad that my post inspired you. To reach two hours in the Zhan Zhuang practice is not an easy thing. But it's very important to continue own practice with the correct internal work, and one day you will do it.
  2. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    I know this person, he always invents and disseminates lies and slander about me on the Internet. his only goal in this forum is trolling. He considers that meditation, dao yin, tuna and other similar type practices are false.
  3. My article about Tuna -
  4. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    I have a great experience in teaching daoist arts, so I agree with you completely. I have been learning Daoist teaching with Grandmaster Lu Shiyang, so I can explain Daoist methods of Inner Alchemy in simple words, but I don't have enough time to do it in writing.
  5. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    I know very well how to do all what I said. Before practising these methods of inner alchemy, you need to learn other special part of Daoist teaching called "building the foundation" [筑基] and "refine the self" [炼己] Sorry, but I can't write it in detail, because it will take too long time to write.
  6. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    At first you need to structure your dantian. For this purpose, use a special method, which will help you to make an alchemical dantian from usual dantian. You also need to collect Yang Qi and activate it. This is work with Post-Heaven Qi. Then you need to find and feel Pre-Heaven Qi, after that collect Yin Qi, after that coagulate Yang and Yin Qi, and after that use special method for fusion of Yang and Yin Qi. Of course, this is a very simplified description.
  7. The middle dantian is more associated with psychoemotional sphere, so when you hold your hands in front of the middle dantian it can activate your emotions. it's Ok. The lower dantian is more associated with physical body. When you practice, you need not to concentrate on holding the ball. At first you can feel it, but then your heart and mind should be open to Nature [universe] and must focus on the Unity of Heaven, Earth and Human. There are many other details in the Zhan Zhuan.
  8. The Tao of Dying

    I see no sense in discussing it with you.
  9. The Tao of Dying

    Which one is it?
  10. When I started practicing Zhan Zhuang, my Shifu told me to do it from 5.00 untill 7.00 a.m. every day. I stood for 2 hours every day, and sometimes 3-4 hours pauseless. I often stood outdoors, even when the temperature was below zero. In the beginning, it was very hard to stand, but when the circulation of my Qi became better, my body never felt discomfort. I don't recommend you to do the same as me, because I was practising with Shifu and he told me how I must train.
  11. The Tao of Dying

    you are wrong. I said "真道派 means - "Perfect Dao" or "Way of of Truth" or "Way of Perfection" or "The True Way" you are wrong. I said that 真道派 is "Way which helps us understand the Truth [Dao]" I'm not saying that 真道派 is the only true way. There are many true schools which can lead us to an understanding of the Dao
  12. Of course, its not a problem for me
  13. yes, but if you want fast and stable results you must use Tuna (daoist breathing methods) and other Qigong practise which should be selected for you by your teacher.
  14. Of course, you are right. you are right, but I also can say when new students come to my trainings, even the first time they can stand 30-40 minutes, and when they come to retreat, they stand for 2 hours after 2 days. I use my Qi for helping students and they progress faster.
  15. The Tao of Dying

    you are wrong. Chinese characters have many meanings, so one term can be translated in different ways. the practice mentioned above is used in other traditions, for example Tibetan Buddhism
  16. The Tao of Dying

    yes, it is the right translation, but other translations are also correct I didn't answer your questions because I don't see any sense in them Zhen Dao is not martial art. Daoist School Zhen Dao Pai is a Chinese tradition of spiritual and physical self-improvement where the main role is given to the practices of Inner Alchemy.
  17. The Tao of Dying

    if you want to know about Zheng Dao you can find more information here you made a mistake, 真道派 means - "Perfect Dao" or "Way of of Truth" or "Way of Perfection" or "The True Way" Way which helps us understand the Truth [Dao]
  18. The Tao of Dying

    I don't understand what you want to tell me. I want to say that Daoist tradition uses many methods for cultivation of life, including a practice of a correct death
  19. The Tao of Dying

    The Daoist School Zhen Dao has a practice of a correct death, which is used for a proper leaving of this world. This method makes it possible to move your spirit to a higher world quickly and easily, and even to plan your next birth with conditions necessary for a successful improvement in the future. To do it, you must have an open central channel, and to be able to close the lower gates (Huiying), to know a special mantra, to have Elixir of Immortality (the more Yang energy will be there, the greater will be the strength, opportunities and rights to choose conditions), and it is highly desirable to know the basic techniques of stars' practices, and even better to be able to work with the North Star.
  20. Zhan Zhuang in martial arts and Zhan Zhuang for neidan have different inner work in our School. When a person practices Zhan Zhuang in martial arts, his goal is to make a structured and holistic body. In Zhan Zhuang for neidan, ones goal is to connect own mind and spirit with the spirit of Nature, feel and understand the Unity of internal and external. Usually new students start with 30-40 minutes, and stand for 2 hours on the retreats.
  21. Hello!

    Hello everyone! My name is Vitalii, I am a disciple of the Daoist School Zhen Dao Pai (真道派) Grandmaster Lu Shi Yang. I would like to be one of the forum members
  22. Hello!

    At the moment I live in London.
  23. Hello!

    I was born in Ukraine.
  24. Hello!

  25. Hello!

    you can find more information about me here I'll be happy share to my knowledge with others