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Everything posted by Vitalii

  1. 99% of all existing Daoist texts. which describe the practice of alchemy were written after the arrival of Buddhism in China. Texts that were written before this period, describe general concepts, but do not have concrete description of practices.
  2. Precisely because the legs crossed and feet are turned to Heaven then Qi of Earth will move directly into your Central channel through Huiyin point. It is a very important moment for alchemy. If you stand then more Qi of Earth will move through your legs into the body, but not into Central channel. When Qi of Earth moves through your legs then Huiyin point can not to be activated well enough. I have been practicing 2 hours of Zhan zhuang every day many years and I have many years of experience in it. I can say that the sitting meditation is deeper and the original nature can be awakened more easily. it is true. We also need to understand that one of the main goals of Daoism is to transcend the human form and become a holy Immortal. it is a way of expressing and emphasizing our human nature but not true divine nature. Thats why in Daoism and Buddhism we can see that enlightened masters are portrayed sitting in a lotus position. And of course the position in practice will depend on your goals
  3. I want to add one thing For inner alchemy, it will be better if K1s connect not with Earth, but feet are turned to Heaven and K1s connect with it. Then Qi of Earth will move directly into your Central channel through Huiyin point. All of this creates better conditions for alchemical work.
  4. You can sit on the small pillow and all will be Ok ))
  5. All depends on what you are practice. if you do breathing methods or qigong meditation, you can use any positions with straight spine. if you practice internal alchemy, then the best position would be full lotus, then half lotus and then simple cross-legged position. When you sit in the full lotus, your Qi can collect in your lower Dantian and activate your original Qi faster. Also your feet are turned to the heaven, that allows you to change some Qi circulation in your body and it will run your alchemical processes.
  6. I use half lotus or full lotus position, it depends from situation and sometime from methods.
  7. Photos from my pilgrimage to the mountains of China in 2010 2) Taishan Mountain
  8. yes, you are right I visited many interesting places and have met some interesting people, taoist and buddhist masters and masters of martial arts. For example, after I held a retreat for my students in a monastery in Nepal a few years ago, I continued living in there. I talked with one Lama of the Karma Kagyu school every day and one day he said that he meditates a lot and his body weakened and he asked me to teach him dao yin. he had spent three-year in retreat, and his body was really weak, but he had a higher spiritual level. At first, he was not able to do all the basic dao yin exercises correctly, but he tried very hard every day and his body got stronger. He recorded exercises on own phone, to continue practicing when I leave his monastery. I taught him every day and he taught me some internal practices of his school.
  9. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    please, open your eyes and read carefully his website:
  10. It is not true. On the video we can see Master Yuan Xiu Gang. I know him. He is a Daoist priest (Daoist name Shi Mao), is the 15th generation disciple of Wudang San Feng Pai. Daoist School San Feng Pai has not only martial arts and Qigong, but also Inner Alchemy (meditation).
  11. No Friend, it's just a comfortable position for some people to say what they want without any proofs. if someone can not even say the name of his teacher, then it speaks volumes...
  12. If you pay attentions to the name of the video you can see which practice it is exactly about.
  13. Dantein

    Each of the Dantians has a connection with a certain level of reality, so if you consider that Dantian is only a location for energy or energy reservoir/container, it will be a big mistake. Each of them is a manifestation of Mysterious Primordial (Dao) and, therefore, the understanding of the true nature and spiritual attainment of the Dantian is one of the most important moments in the practice of internal alchemy. And Qi in the dantians can help us to do it.
  14. Taijiquan / Xingyi quan / Qigong / Dao Yin / Inner Alchemy in London -
  15. Hot Tea

    Unique Taiping Houkui tea – the one you should know about. Lots of things have been written about the benefits of green tea, so I think I better tell you more about a unique and little-known in the Western world green tea. Get acquainted – the Taiping Houkui. Taiping Houkui is one of the elite Chinese green teas. Even its appearance is different from all others. As you can see, it is a large-leafed tea, with usual length of a dry leaf about 6 cm, which sometimes can be up to 10 cm. Taiping Houkui is grown in Anhui Province, at an altitude of about 700m and is collected from a special kind of a tea tree. Compared with other green teas, Taiping Houkui is made of a more limited quantity. Tealeaves for production are collected in springtime, but only for about 15-20 days a year, from the end of April until mid-May. The entire manufacturing process takes only one day, from morning till evening. This tea is impossible to confuse with any other, and its aroma is reminiscent of natural flavour of orchids, with an amazing gentle and delicate mild taste. When it was first presented to the tea exhibition on the World’s Fair and Exposition in San Francisco in 1915, Taiping Houkui recieved a gold medal. It was included in the list of the most elite Chinese teas in 1955, and was given the highest honour prize (The King of Tea) at the China International Tea Expo held at Anhui Province in 2004. Once you try it, you will understand why it is so highly appreciated. I’ve tasted many Chinese teas, but Taiping Houkui leaves an unforgettable impression, and this is one of my favorite teas. In addition to taste and aroma, it is very good for health. It contains over 28 mineral compounds, the composition of which is perfectly balanced. Taiping Houkui very well quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, invigorates, helps to reduce blood pressure, protects against dental caries, has antimicrobial and antifungal effect, helps digestion, slows down the aging process. It’s simply a magic tea! If you’re still thinking whether to taste this tea or not, I can say with certainty that it is definitely worth a try! Because You will love it!
  16. Xing yi and Taiji quan training: weight - 12 kg Taijiquan / Xingyi quan / Qigong / Dao Yin / Inner Alchemy in London -
  17. Hi soaring crane, At the moment I do not have a my ball, so unfortunately I can not make video with it. I will make it if I have it.
  18. On the video you can see 4 variations of the direct kick: - just direct kick - direct kick with hand movements - direct kick with hand movements and stop after kick - direct kick with hand movements from lower stance Taijiquan / Xingyi quan / Qigong / Dao Yin / Inner Alchemy in London -
  19. Taijiquan / Xingyi quan / Qigong / Dao Yin / Inner Alchemy in London -
  20. Xing yi quan training: weight - 20kg