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Everything posted by Vitalii

  1. Thank you Yes, you are right. Unfortunately not many practitioners know about a complete traditional practice of Taiji Quan Yang style which includes not only the slow form, but a number of other forms and methods, where one can work on strength, speed, agility, quick execution of movements with a focus on the release of the power issuing (Fajin); there is also training of fast and precision buffets, work out weight etc. Even direct transfer cannot always guarantee the completeness in studying of the art.
  2. Thank you MERCELESS ONE and Joeblast
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    yes, it is one exercises of the warm up in Taiji Yang style. you can find more information about my line here
  4. Taijiquan / Xingyi quan / Qigong / Dao Yin / Inner Alchemy in London -
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    I live in the mountains near Nanyang Palace. I will be glad to meet you
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    I visit Wudang with my students for retreat practice in April and October every year. We do not attend school there, although I know some Wudang masters and we can drink some tea together.
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  8. Master Qiu Chuji said: Generally speaking, in cultivating Reality and cherishing the Dao, you must rely on the accumulation of deeds and the stringing together of merit. If you do not strain your will power and have a determined heart, it is difficult to transcend ordinariness and enter into sacredness.
  9. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Immortal Lu Dongbin said: Many who claim to cultivate the Dao still possess egotistical thought. Where there is ego, the true heart cannot emerge. It is only in stillness and the absence of craving that original nature can be cultivated. Those who seek the Dao must begin with knowing the difference between the true and untrue feeling, true and untrue intention. If you now the difference, then you will know the true heart. Intention and feeling can be know by observing the behavior in you daily life. If you actions are not sincere, then true feeling is absent. If you word are false, then true intention is absent. _____________________________________ -- Seven Daoist Masters-- A folk novel of China
  10. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Master Zhang San Feng said: If you want to practice the way to attain reality, first get rid of warped behavior. After disconnecting your mind from external things, inwardly observe correct awareness. When you notice a thought arise, you should immediately extinguish it. Extinguishing thoughts as they arise, strive to effect calm quietude.
  11. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Master Ma Danyang said: Considering daily internal practice, quit giving rise to doubtful thoughts. Never forget the internal. Whether wandering about or standing and sitting, you should clear the heart-mind and discard desires. Do not get defiled and do not cling. In perfect clarity and perfect purity, wander about freely according to your aspirations.
  12. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Master Jin Zhenren said: If you want true merit, you must clear your heart-mind and stabilize your will, disciplining your spirit and emotions. Without movement and without action, in true clarity and true purity, embrace the origin and guard the One, preserve your spirit and solidify your Qi. This is true merit.
  13. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    there are no such words in the "Taishan Lao Jun Talks About The One Hundred Diseases" or "Taishan Lao Jun Glorifies The One Hundred Medicines".
  14. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Master Jin Zhenren said: "If you want true deeds, you should cultivate benevolence and accumulate virtue, by relieving the poor and rescuing those who suffer. When you see people in strife, always put to action your mind [that desires] to help them. At times [you should] persuade good people to enter the Dao and engage in training. In whatever you do, put others first and yourself last. Be selfless [in your interactions with] the myriad things. This is true deeds.”
  15. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    修真 - cultivating perfection / cultivating truth / cultivating reality
  16. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    this is theory and philosophy, and it not only might not help much, but it may further alienate people from the Path. people can not immediately transcend duality, so they have a routine and holiness. You should not get confused with what should be done at the beginning and what you need to do later. Therefore, the Taoist masters say about the importance of the cultivation of virtue.
  17. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    What exactly is Qiu Chuji wrong about? should people not rely on the accumulation of deeds and the stringing together of merit? or should people not strain their will power and have a determined heart?
  18. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    because it is a big mistake and misunderstanding of the teaching
  19. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Of course, Xing = Inner heart nature
  20. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Master Ma Danyang said: Outer daily sustenance [is as follows]: You are strongly forbidden to see the faults of others, boast of your own virtue, envy the wise and the talented, give rise to ignorant worldly thoughts, [or to commit] the various misdeeds of a desiring mind.
  21. Learning of Hebei Xingyi quan in London. Enrolment in a group to study Hebei Xingyi quan. Hard training, only for men!* All trainings are held outdoors in any weather. The study program of Xingyi quan is following: 1. Santi shi (inner work including: 5 small bows, 5 middle bows, 1 large bow, 5 inner intentions, etc.) 2. Basic methods (Ji ben gong) 3. Five Fists (Wu xing quan - 五行拳) 4. Five phase linking form (Wu xing lian huan quan - 五行连环拳) 5. Eight Forms Boxing (Ba Shi Quan - 八势拳) 6. Twelve Animals (Shi Er Xing Quan - 十二形) 7. etc. To find out the details, send a private message. *95% of women cannot train on this hard lessons. There are usual lessons, which everyone can attend. P.S. The advert does not exclude women specifically, as it does not state that women cannot attend. All women willing to train hard during these classes are welcome.
  22. Learning of Hebei Xingyi quan in London.

    of course
  23. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    In my opinion, Quanzhen and its branches pay a great attention to the cultivation of Inner heart nature. Nowadays, many people want to know different exercises, such as body work and Qi work, but if they do not cultivate inner heart nature, it can lead to a growth of ego but not to spiritual development. Therefore, although Quanzhen and its branches use the principle of dual cultivation of Xing and Ming, Xing cultivations inhere are more important than Ming. At first, a person needs to clear heart and cultivate virtue. In Zhen Dao, for this purpose students follow the instructions, which are described in 太上老君说百病 "Taishan Lao Jun Talks About The One Hundred Diseases" and 老君崇百药 "Taishan Lao Jun Glorifies The One Hundred Medicines". Also, all methods of Qi work contain Xing aspect that allows to transform a usual Qi training into spirit development. This is very important, because some people consider if they cultivate Qi, then spirit development will happen automatically. It is a big mistake.
  24. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    At the moment, I hold retreat in Kiev, so I can reply you a little later