Ambitious Child

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Everything posted by Ambitious Child

  1. Hi all. I am a 21 year old male who has been suffering from sexual addiction in all forms. Being compelled both spirtually and after reading some previous posts I started to do Retention practices. Really tough given my sex drive. I dont want to kill my sex drive completely but wanted to slow down as such and focuss on one woman. Ive started to focuss on turning my mind off to sexual desires and thoughts and this has helped as well. With retention I have seen massive gains in my workouts and feel far more confident about life, love, work etc. I would like to know about some other exercises that will help curb the energy. I do weight training twice a week and play league paintball (Speed ball) every Sunday. I wont lie, I enjoy a good beer or two. Should I look at increasing my workout schedual ? Other exercises to help keep my Semen count up and absourbing into my body ? (Deer exercise etc). Thank You. Newbie
  2. Newbie (Sex addict - Tao Helping me in so many ways)

    Makes Sense.