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Everything posted by narveen

  1. This is my introduction post. My interest in Taoism is inexplicable. Currently, I am just drifting along looking for direction, I guess. I lived in India, without my family, and am now drifting east. . I hope I will get to know what I am looking for.
  2. nobody needs anybody' opinion that's why we go on implementing final solutions when we target the blameworthy solely based on the impression that they did it. this is why power is so important we hate it when we don't have it and we are hated when we do "i don't need your opinion" and that's when the panzers roll
  3. Sex Crimes and the Vatican

    why not? why can't one have them both? does the mind have to be dirty?
  4. if the jews were exterminated and you feel bad then you need to take responsibility for that yes, you! personally you! don't blame hitler and don't blame the germans if you do that, then you are racist to the core! and you should indeed find that mindset hateful every time a black man is killed by another black man in america it's called black on black violence everytime a human being is killed by another human being in the world it's should be called human on human violence none of us is innocent of the crime don't discriminate you are bad and i am holy i study the tao and you are a beast what crap! you know what? i never did understand what the jews had to do with anything. to me, that - what happened to those folks - sad as it was, should have been a footnote within the historical context of human on human brutality and we are still at it! nuclear weapons stockpiles in their thousands have all our names on them each is more lethal than the two that fried the japanese in 1945. the second world war was a colossal social phenomenon like the mother of all hurricanes i know the first world war was no small rumble but it doesn't move me as much as the second world war don't get me wrong it bothers me when people - regardless of ethnic origin - get killed the brutality that the "chinese" suffered at the hands of the "japanese" was unbelievably horrible it's disingenuous to finger point the japanese we are evil all of us
  5. Fascism + Solutions

    getting the boot from an ass is not the same as getting a polite request from the manager of a fine establishment. it has nothing to do with your yin-yang balance. no one likes to be man-handled
  6. Fascism + Solutions

    who is to be blamed for that? nobody because there is no one in the goddam boat that just drove a hole in your hull leading to the drowning of all the children. which part of chuang tzu's "empty boat" parable you don't understand? the moral of that parable is don't mess around the little pebble you remove may be holding back a humongous boulder that can fall and cause a whole mountain side to slide wiping out an entire village you can't blame the mountain because it's as "empty" as the boat even the fool who moved the pebble is blameless there is no one there
  7. NAJA does come on strong and his views are moving you the way a catholic priest get moved by a real hot chick in a bikini the priest doesn't like that either even though we love it.
  8. i read that a long time ago along with tons of other material practically all are as biased as the history channel none has anything good to say about hitler's germany i won't accept evaluations based on other people's sentiments derailed? that's your opinion. you should focus on the topic instead of playing sheep-herder
  9. U.S. funded genocide in Indonesia - new documentary

    well, the op is full of it. anyone who tries to hawk anti-american propaganda has to prove they can back up what they say i am on the ground and not a clueless activist lapping out anything bad about his own country i know i won't change your sentiments about america love of country - like loyalty to one's own folks - is inborn and cannot be cultivated and i intend to defend the fort even if i am the last man standing at the alamo
  10. Sex Crimes and the Vatican

    it's an ideal not many can realize. the problem is not the concept of celibacy the problem lies with practitioners who doesn't understand its principle it's the same with everything else in life
  11. U.S. funded genocide in Indonesia - new documentary

    why did you not answer my questions? why were you arrested? what are you accusing the usa of specifically with regard to the killings in indonesia? don't run away if you want to wrestle with issues takut?
  12. Fascism + Solutions

    hey, i'm with you, man. i agree with all that you are saying. i'm surprised you even got back in. but the tao bums is like a tea shop meant for reflection about freedom it's not actually a meeting place for revolutionaries who are serious and want to cut out the foreplay using your anarchy argument the tao bums also has its free will which - in accordance with your anarchy principle - needs to be respected and that gives the mods the same shoot-to-kill right as you against any oppressor i like your style either create your own website or show me the website that allows a free-for-all i would head there to debate your views
  13. it just so happens that the oil is within nigerian terrirtory. if the usa is as bad as you say, she could just move in a gunship and take that oil for free the nigerians don't know how to get that oil out of the ground and that is why they hired the oil companies to get the oil out meanwhile the nigerians fight among themselves for the oil money chevron doesn't give a shit who gets the money nigerian government or the delta thugs chevron doesn't really care. all they want is their cut for doing the job. they want the oil money, sucker. you think they care about anything else? western oil companies are contractors hired by the nigerian government if there are any environmental trade-offs, it is for the nigerians to make the call. the oil companies would drill your skull if you paid them the right price it's your skull and you are making the call if it's not the right thing to do, don't blame the oil companies kick your own butt thugs, selfish thugs out for themselves they are no different than the somali pirates on the other side of africa you do have a problem, my man. i need to psycho analyse you
  14. munich? another activist conspiracy theory? well, you are the fear-monger spreading stuff about the enemy you hate: the usa what academic documents? chomsky's rants?
  15. U.S. funded genocide in Indonesia - new documentary

    great! you are on the ground in indonesia and so am i. let's see which one of us is telling lies about the usa. take your word on what issue? that the usa was behind the mass-killing associated with the political clash between suharto and the communist party of indonesia (PKI)? ok, let's assume that you are telling the truth. at any rate, none of your connections can gain you any access to material facts for serious discussion people who get arrested always say that. what was their reason for arresting you? how well connected? in corrupt indonesia the only connection of any value is money chances are you were arrested by mistake maybe you look like che guevara otherwise there would be no way in hell you could have gotten sprung free without payment of money especially with your indonesian chinese in laws pleading your case. you know know shit, buddy. just answer my questions i posed to you if you want to prove you are right about usa involvement in indonesia and using google translate isn't going to impress me one bit.
  16. U.S. funded genocide in Indonesia - new documentary

    looks like you are more tech savvy than i am. i'll bet the nsa can locate me in a second. i am not just in indonesia for a vacation i know the region, not just jarkarta. listened to stories of chinese professionals and business tycoons who fled genocide and racism to borneo, singapore and malaysia even opportunistic americans had stories to tell about how they moved in at the height of the genocidal rampage to snatch up dirt-cheap brand-new heavy earth-moving caterpillars for shipping back to projects in the usa. all that proves, to me, the entire story is fabricated to stir up anti-american sentiments the us messing around in central and south america could make geo-political sense indonesia?!
  17. perhaps the strangeness comes from a fuzziness about what is a conservative value to you and what is a liberal sentiment. cite one liberal bent you have towards a societal ideal of yours and give an example of conservatism in the running of your own life. you could be surprised that your perceived conflict is an illusion and that, deep down, your integrity is fundamentally intact either as a hundred percent sane conservative or a far-left loon
  18. let's not be condescending towards people who don't think like you do. intellectual cross-breeding is healthy even when you feel you are being ridden by an ass. sharing ideas with people who think like you do is like sleeping with your own sisters such incestuous relationships produce warped minds
  19. pie guy said that people are awful.
  20. hey, pythagor, do you have any mind of your own? or are you a deaf mute shoving things in other people's faces to make yourself understood?
  21. "no revolution without blood" , a chinese saying this is meant to tell the difference between the inconsequential riff-raffs of activism and true revolutionaries
  22. i meant to say that the first iraqi war was to drive saddam out of kuwait. sorry for the error which has been amended now. i believe we lost in vietnam because of presidential idiocy. never mind the strategy and lack of an end-game sun tzu would have been appalled at the rationale for starting the military conflict in 1961 vietnam was to america what stalingrad was to hitler's germany at least the germans had a just cause - stamp out the russian menace we are still confronting the russian problem today (something hitler foresaw) but the threat of global communist domination by russia and china, was unreal if us presidents get to be commander-in-chiefs, then they should not only be american-born citizens but also graduates from west point. that should cut out the pointless grief us presidents bring to americans placed in the line of fire. i thought we won the war, militarily, in iraq. by late 2008, conditions were stabilized for initiation of us withdrawal and us/iraqi hand-over agreements were signed by both parties accordingly, all us troops left iraq in december 2011. as for the war in afghanistan, it was launched less than a month after 9/11. when the taliban government refused to hand over osama bin laden sun tzu would have approved. the whole world approved even putin gave russian support and provided territorial access for the invasion when turkey ( a nato ally) wouldn't the taliban government quickly collapsed and all major town and cities were captured. that was an appropriate american response that her 9/11 "eye-for-an-eye" attackers understood mission accomplished, and an american military withdrawal right after that would have been ok, followed by a covert cia global hunt for anti-american terrorists. afghanistan is irrelevant. why the us is still mucking around there with drone-killings is something else. of course it's about oil and money, not just for the usa but for world economic stability including that of the middle-east. do you know that american military operations in the middle-east to keep oil flowing from opec nations have arab support? jet fuel for us fighters during the gulf wars years were paid for by saudi arabia. god knows what else went on between the flowers and the bees while folks like you and i lounged in the garden. i will give you that 40 cents a small price to pay to win you back on the side of the government you can be sagely i would rather be tao-ly. how's that?
  23. but i am not moralizing it the way you guys are all that whining is a bummer
  24. why do you think the american people was duped? the first war was to get saddam out of kuwait the second war was to stamp out saddam's insolence both wars were strategic moves to establish order in the middle-east you and i may have different perceptions neither of us are privy to the facts confronting the respective administrations i am viewing it from the position of sun tzu advising those presidents on how a world superpower should deal with a pesky warlord de-stabilizing the middle-east it's as free as it can possibly be and better than all other markets wealth and power is the nature of the game the symbiosis between rich men and politicians is like that between bees and flowers but we are nowhere near the chinese bloomberg reported that the 70 richest members of china's national people's congress have a combined wealth of $90 billion compared to $7.5 billion for the 535 members of the us congress, the president, his cabinet and the supreme court. ask stosh he said the tao doesn't give a damn either
  25. i am not advocating anything. i am pointing out the way of the jungle as it is and we are the beasts no fangs, no claws but every bit as vicious and much more brutal