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Everything posted by Birch

  1. loss of emotion? WTF
  2. Are planets chakras?

    How about BOTH imaginary AND real? Money is a great example of something with both characteristics, I think.
  3. I don't think Aaron is very far off with his steps.
  4. Depression

    Thankfully this forum is anon so I can 'admit' that yes the above happened to me. I almost killed myself. In exactly the above circumstances.There have been class action suits over this but given the stigma attached to mental health (and the poking about into personal history that is bound to be gotten into in such a case) I decided it was a bad idea.
  5. Depression

    What do you mean by 'disciplining the mind'?
  6. Are planets chakras? Can't vouch for the reliability of the interpretation and i also think the part about the spleen being 'wood' phase is wrong but I figure it's interesting. Language is tricky. If a 'chakra' is indeed meant to refer only to a specific mode of energy or movement then they could probably be found all over the place per The Lerner's suggestion.
  7. Are planets chakras?

    Are we dealing with associations of things (chakras, planets, plants, colours)? I would tend to say that this is more likely. So why the associations? Are these things on the same 'level' as each other in some way? Symbolic 'only'? Do they affect each other? I would put this discussion up in the Hermetic forum because I don't have enough to go on re Taoism, although to the extent of what I have understood, it also classes types of qi (5E etc) and describes interactions between things (ganying?)
  8. Depression

    From experience, what is called 'depression' ought to be 'opened up' to talk about what it might be composed of. A grey 'flat' feeling cutting one off from both 'positive' and 'negative' feeling. An actual physical loss of energy. A crushing sadness. I have experienced them all and they each had different underlying triggers (a loss of a relationship, being screwed over in business, mistreatment by friends and family members, a death in the family). The thing they had the most in common is the way I blamed myself for not doing or being 'the right way' in each case. IME it has been in digging into these situations and looking at the way I treated myself as a result that has been the most conducive to getting over it. ---personal opinion alert---
  9. loss of emotion? WTF

    Sad to say I didn't feel anything for the recent tragedy either. I thought that was really strange. I wanted to and I waited for the grief but it wasn't there. (I apologize to anyone reading this). This may or may not have anything to do with 'kundalini'. However, yes I do recall a period of what I'd now refer to as 'grey' re emotions. Just all gone. It was well before any other 'stuff' that could be considered characteristic of 'kundalini'. The emotions kicked back in after that and they kicked my behind in the process.
  10. I can't get through these without saying to myself 'it depends' or questioning what the statements are supposed to be indicators of. Is stuff still being done with the results? Recall Taomeow's story about her friend's 5E 'profile' being used to guide (manage?) his life?
  11. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    I posted a link to this in my PPF but I think (yes *think*) that it speaks so very well to this issue that I'll post it here too Given anything I say will be thrown through the lense of my obvious lack of enlightenment.
  12. Merry Christmas

    Happy whatever you're celebrating:D
  13. Movies that make you LOL
  14. How hard are you? :)

    "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" Meh, what hasn't killed me (so far) has made me more prone to anxiety, depression, social awkwardness and withdrawal than I'm guessing I would have been otherwise. It has certainly made me stronger in some areas (also areas supported by outer context, some even rewarded) but I reckon there's some development required on some of the other stuff:-) I'm a gnarly tree.
  15. Agree very heartily that you did not create this. It is possible you chose (or had to) chose a cheap place to live that comes with methead neighbours included but this 'choose your reality' BS is not referring to that. The only reason I suggest the cops before the landlady is because she may be bound by rental laws that don't permit her to do anything until she has proof of complaint but then again maybe the methead reaction to the cops would be worse. Certainly, trying to sort this out yourself with kindness would be a good first step but I don't reckon it's healthy to place so much responsibility on yourself for someone else's disagreeable actions. Certainly it looks like a great opportunity for 'practice' and you've also given DA BUMS a great opportunity to suggest stuff and share their experiences which is very kind of you so I hope you find the best solution for yourself and your methead neighbour. The main idea here being to include yourself in 'what's best'.

    Yes it sounds nice. My uncle still gets up at 5am and does a half day even if he's 'officially' retired. I was speaking more to the guys in the tractors. Beer and acres.
  17. Living on ch'i

    How about a list of things which cause people to lose energy? I'm sure several of the above would also be on that list. E.g. frankenfood, excessive jogging, unwanted contact, dim mak, 'bad energy'(?), shallow breathing,...

    There's not much entertainment on farms.
  19. Christmas Shopping Frenzy

    Thanks, I'll put those in the bowl with the plain ones.
  20. Money is evil

    Sometimes it's brought by angels.
  21. Middle DanTien: solar plexus/heart?

    Thanks Ralis! will check that out. Edit: wrong punctuation
  22. Money is evil

    Hahaha, it's winter Mr MH. Doing likewise:-)
  23. Middle DanTien: solar plexus/heart?

    Thanks! Aside from the actual physical pain, things are a LOT better than they were. Anyway, not to go into too personal things but I posted an ebook referring to '3rd chakra issues' in my PPF. However, if anyone has suggestions for the pain/digestive issues I mentioned I'm all ears.
  24. Money is evil

    I ain't no leaf buddy, I'm a seed:-)
  25. Middle DanTien: solar plexus/heart?

    Yep. Have been dealing with for a couple of months, also digestive/heartburn. I put the issues down to reactions to a death in the family plus a lot of professional stress (2012 has been a shit year). I'm also working on '3rd chakra issues' for want of a better term:-)