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Everything posted by Birch

  1. Bird people

    I see 'Adam and Eve' as a Xtian version of the Shiva/Shakti couple. Also as a reminder to take most things that are written down as purely symbolic. Hell, even this post is purely symbolic of the entirety of the reality of the experience I intend (and also do not intend) to get across.
  2. That's been expressed by a few people in the past and very recently. It's one thing to suggest it, quite another to actively plan to reduce population. Who gets reduced? How?
  3. Hermetic Alchemy

    Ingredients to create the philosopher's stone. Is it a 'stone' after all? I'd say probably not. However substances were ingested (often resulting in death of the practitioner). Starting with 'mercury'. Symbol for ?
  4. Bird people

    Fun fun fun (not) Actually, this is a really interesting website. Definitely go have a gander bums.
  5. East-West mind difference

    Not helped by internet forums. Dispersing attention, none for the body.
  6. Science

    Been spending a bit more time on this as a topic and felt (yes, not thought) it was time to bring it to the TTB's since there has been such (my sense) a 'science vs' kind of a vibe. It's also something that I've been seeing misused pretty much everywhere I look at the moment, so I figured I'd bring it to table like the good dog I am. Apologies for the source website. Last time I checked this was not 'Marxist' thinking, but hey.
  7. I keep reading these posts about how none of the skilled players post anymore and how it's just all some dumb debate with skeptic 'prove it' people. I find skepticism healthy:-)
  8. Bird people

    I don't find it off-topic as it speaks to the evolution issue. Definitely contentious. Don't get me wrong, I'm very interested in this 'of the mind' aspect. I'm not sure about how 'cosmic' it is. I'd suggest that to be an extrapolation, created by the mind itself.
  9. East-West mind difference

    Balance between knowledge and being. One affects the other. Very '4th way' idea but I see sense in it.
  10. Bird people

    Hi Taomeow! I was pondering this one before sleeping last night (possibly the source of my less than pleasant dreams??) and I wanted to write a post about it that wouldn't just be a disgusted reaction - I tend to get those when hearing/reading of things that I find disgusting like GMO crops, or banking algorythms, but I digress. Aside from burning libraries to cover evidence of crime (helps in revisionism to not have readily available documents) I also looked at it as cultural/political revisonism. Something that has been practiced (and continues to be practiced thanks to internet:-)) to enable faster 'regime-changes' than would otherwise be possible. Of course you can just kill off a generation and put the following into some kind of 'school' but if their past is easily accessible then you're just preparing yourself a revolt for that crime. Better just to change the texts. I agree with you about the physicality of evolution. I don't understand the other ways evolution is often used to describe other things like the spread of ideas or the normalizing of certain types of behaviour. Then I was considering the idea of the unfolding of a person's 'blueprint', not in DNA terms alone, but in qi terms. In other words, even if the DNA has been tweaked to be stunted, is the rest of it still there in terms of qi? I've gotten used to the fact that my brain just isn't that great, am I deluding myself further if I consult my qi? I remember coming across that image of Fu Xi and Nûwa and the story of Fu Xi's 'gifts' and being pretty weirded out by it. But I just put it aside (much like I do with GMO's and banking algorythms). I'd read Narby ages ago and it just sort of linked up with that. Other things I thought about this morning: - The Egyptians were the very first cargo cult - Are we still getting given 'gifts' by the same people? - I quite like not being covered in fur - What do animals do with their 100% brains? - Are there bits of me I can rely on that are fully formed? - Holywood, what gives with the glut of origin-stories?
  11. Thank You Everyone!

    Bye Lucky!
  12. the SEX chakra

    I liked this one best. I'd do a guy who thinks this way:-)
  13. The Art of Memory

    The poker players use it (memory palace) to count cards. Then there's those super memory competitions too. I did a few 'Damo's Cave' meditations with KAP. At the moment, I'm dreaming a lot about my house (I have a few) and housecleaning and getting people to stop selling the furniture :-)
  14. "Its hard to find an outlet for kundalini energy" That's an interesting statement. Would you mind talking more about it? Other thread if necessary:-) Thank you!
  15. Bird people

    Interesting post Taomeow. So why the 'hush-hushed' part? Is this just another version of present humans' distaste for any origin story that shows us of less than superior status? We've allowed the 'X% of our genes are shared with X species' statements for a long time, but I suppose it was to calm down the people who don't like hearing the 'humans = monkeys' thing. I agree that we retain childlike behaviour but I thought it was more to do with the way power over people is distributed by people themselves. I keep thinking of Fu Xi with this stuff. He basically turned up and got people to do things like adopt marriage, use agriculture etc.
  16. The truth behind the Law of Attraction

    Thanks Nikolai. The part I liked the best was "Both free-willers and determinists agree that things exist in time and space and obey laws of causality. They therefore both believe that there are causes and there are effects. But in their ignorance they think that a thing's status as a cause or an effect is somehow intrinsic. Some people therefore think that people are intrinsically free to be as they choose, and others think they are intrinsically determined by previous events." I think it might be the form of things that leads me to consider whether they are causes or effects. For example, a cup handle can have a shape to it that makes it more uncomfortable for a left-handed person to pick it up than a right-handed person. The rest of the posts were good too, but my brain isn't very good at doing the whatever necessary to fully understand in order to agree or disagree. It's a real bummer.
  17. Hello! Today I got PM'ed by a TtB asking for a PPF (obviously everyone knows what I'm referring to ;-)) But the person mentioned I was listed as a member of the "Moderation Team" which of course I denied (because to my knowledge I'm not and amn't presently) but curiosity did strike today so I clicked on that link about Moderator (or Moderation) team and there's my screename. That's weird, because I don't think I am one, or do anything like that. (I'll spare you the nattering:-)) Edit: just figured it out, it's because I have a PPF (also why there are 7 pages of team members). But that's confusing people. Can it be fixed?
  18. I was thinking about this one again. I'd say no to joining the type of secret society that seeks explicity to control/influence specifics like society, environment, geopolitics. I get all 'yuck' when I think about the gall that some of them have. I'm surprised that a 'kundalini-awakened' person would be into the idea.
  19. Never heard that either. What I have heard/read somewhere is it can make people too 'hot' so worth (maybe) offsetting it with something, well, not as hot. ---- hearsay alert---
  20. The truth behind the Law of Attraction

    That was very interesting Nikolai thank you. I don't understand it very well still. If the shop is there anyway and both roads are going there anyway then it sounds like the question of free will and determinism are just issues of belief (which is weird as a proposition)with one of them (determinism) being what's actually the case. It's like that stuff around at the moment which talks about the decision to move your arm being registered as a choice after the impluse to move your arm has begun. So it's happening anyway but you're thinking 'I choose to move my arm'.
  21. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Well it's sort of why I suggested eliminating the belief in the table tipping, to let the other real stuff shine through. But it's not cool if your real stuff requires the fake table-tipping stuff to work, if you see what I mean. I reckon it's a disservice to all concerned -except the guy making the $ maybe?
  22. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    It's to their credit they can resist the spirits Mr GranP:-) What's wrong with telling them the mechanics? I thought that was cooler than the spirit thing. You might get more paying students if you told them:-)
  23. Right, so not a huge tendency there.