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Everything posted by Birch

  1. I'll shoot for the prodding thing. However, there's also the accumulated knowledge of "what works" to consider. I don't think that happens in a vaccuum (well it does, but hopefully you catch my drift:-))
  2. Great post Steve! Similar also bouncing (or rather flowing through:-)) my own microcosm. What I can't quite get my current (not a pun:-)) understanding around is that this knowledge is pretty obviously available on very large scales and yet "stuff" seems to keep happening to sideline it (witness De Mello's excommunication for example). Drew H has an interesting take on the squaring of the circle stuff but I still don't understand if "everything is Tao" why this squaring thing is happening at all. It would be tempting to say "it's all our fault" but if you raise to a "higher consciousness" where "everyone is enlightened" (always and already blah blah blah) it doesn't make any sense. Does this mean I have to go "higher" to understand what's going on? Thing is, I live here.
  3. Taoist magic

    Aand the TTB's vacay is in danger. Anyway, Mr Slopp, the point (if you will) of any of these practices is IMO the deconditioning of oneself in the first instance and the subsequent re-conditioning of oneself (if that is one's considered choice once personal freedom has been regained). I guess that after that point, learning fighting becomes much more useful. I'll let you know if I get to that point.
  4. Acupressure

    Not sure if this should be in healing circle or not. If so, please move. My question is about acupressure. Does the technique use the same points as acupuncture? How is pressure at multiple points maintained? Thanks!
  5. What reincarnates?

    I liked Mandake's idea best. It's also the very "stuff" you change and reroute with gongs.
  6. I read elsewhere that it engages heart/breath coherence. The people at HeartMath talk about this coherence and all kinds of stuff related to output of the heart and benefits of coherent heart/breath. If I recall also, the stress eraser gadget works on this same idea. But Om Mani Padme Hum is just cheaper;-) Cool post Drew!

    That's a lot of definitions Mr Cow! What I draw from all these philosophies is that there are lots of them that attempt to describe people things and the world. And in many cases they work in acheiving this, to various degrees of success for all. It doesn't mean for a second that I'll adopt any of them as being the ultimate way things are. It's more of a "working model" kind of thing. You used very psychological terms to describe an unfortunate situation, that's a working model itself. The two ways it was described to me were mathematically and through intuition, neither of which would seem to line up with each other but they both referred to the same people and events and periods of time. So now we have a few working models to play with. If we eliminate those that are "subjective constructs" (as in some other person made them up based on some view and related personal experience) it looks like we have 1 left that is not (although that's open to argument I guess), the mathematical one. So now the two "subjective" views can be seen as interpretations of the one "objective" model. Just for the record. I'm not codependent:-) Edit: The existance of which is also hotly disagreed about. Interesting!
  8. Anyone hear from Satan?

    He's been upstaged. Satan=Maya the way I read it. Before that he was Bacchus or something? Not the same as Lucifer. Anyway, the names keep getting changed, voluntarily and by edict. So IMO that sort of means that only the people who can remember enough consciously and unconsciously actually care about him. Sort of like I don't presently consciously care about Zeus. But he possibly still has a place in my subsconscious.

    That's pretty interesting. So it's a "gene" huh? Would kind of be a sucker if they got the wrong one (or there were other ones). On the upside they might learn something useful. I don't know whether it's a gene or simply a possibility. Would suck for them if it turned out to be the latter IMO. Edit: on second thoughts, the "fundamentalist gene" would be the same as the "authoritarian" gene (IMO per various ideas) so if they rip that one then they'll be shooting themselves in the big toe. (Thought I'd mention "they" = anyone fiddling about with genes towards any ends to personal advantage.)
  10. Any bums workout?

    It's an amazing-looking workout. I got some serious handle over my LDT with MCO (not quite iron shirt but I can understand where it originates) and figure I'd be in a better starting position for belly dancing than I was before internal arts. Shaking also (frees things:-)) Tao Semko does some radical stuff with his belly (nauli, i think it's called)
  11. Sounds like WLP transmits:-) I don't know enough about it but it reminds me of various other transmitting teachers mentioned on here. Not the setting on fire things part though.
  12. Oh. Not TTBs. I meant, aren't you totally transfigured or something? Are you the same person you were starting out? (you don't have to say).

    One "must"? I'd venture from experience that it ain't so "either/or". For example it's entirely possible for someone to have self-awareness while having none whatsoever of anyone else. From experience, on the receiving end of someone who doesn't realise I exist :-) Edit: just remembered (according to a couple of separate sources) that they'd indicated to me via their respective ways of understanding that prior to 12 y.o. I didn't "exist" (from what perspective remains elusive but the sources are in agreement- as far as I know they don't talk to each other). Pretty weird stuff.
  14. You did StillMove, KAP, and FireSerpentTantra? You still here?..
  15. Help a Bum fund

    Hey Twinner:-) All that sounds like a great plan! Wow Suninmyeyes! That's some really impressive travelling (sorry, I have this "wow" moment when I hear of adventure of any kind).
  16. Says something awesome about youthful capacities:-) It's almost Bigu. It's probably like anti-eating:-) But perhaps the resident specialists in electrolytes will chime in with a serious chem analysis of ramen:-) (i wish they would:-))

    It doesn't matter, except when it does. I wouldn't say it's an illusion either, that kind of implies there's something else that isn't, I think. It's just reality, it's a weird thing that leaves itself open to definitions. If you're happy with yours, isn't that all that you need? No need to come over here and tell me what mine ought to be. Unless my happiness is bothering yours?
  18. Mayans Never Predicted World To End In 2012?

    I never was told that just taking part was all that mattered. I recall that winning was the most important thing. Of course i didn't win all the time so I felt extremely inadequate in myself when I didn't. I didn't do anything I didn't have a shot at winning at. This makes for a pretty stunted and uncreative existence BTW. I don't recall learning that others had to lose out as a consequence of my winning though. Ironically I took this same attitude with me into meditation practice. Big mistake. You can really hurt yourself.
  19. Bashar: the indescribable Taoist Sage?

    The comments mention "Comedy for intelligent people". I thought that was pretty apt:-) It's pretty amazing to watch his gestures, speech etc don't line up. He does look like his movement is missing frames sometimes. Not sure of the "we" he's referring to but other people have claimed to be prophets before so maybe it doesn't matter. I guess the point is, does whatever he's saying resonate with people and help them think differently about their lives? Hopefully beyond shows he's not running a cult or something:-)
  20. Thrive Documentary

    This from the article "If there ever was an Illuminati orchestrating world events, it has lost control." Recall Don Juan:-) "Oh, they're always saying that":-)
  21. So what is it?

    Well, they do already. Blood? It looks like it would take quite a lot to fill those troughs. I don't know enough about blood sacrifice but even an animal wouldn't be able to stay standing in that place (they'd fall into the troughs). Yes, possible hole into which a vertical structure went.
  22. Mayans Never Predicted World To End In 2012?

    I wish I were smart enough to make bucks out of stuff like this. But do the people that do it really enjoy that fact? I don't think I'd enjoy it much. It's like the 'business cycle' people. Do they realise that lots of other people take them seriously and do stuff like kill themselves and their kids every time there's a technical recession?
  23. Of course there are free lunches :-) From people who like handing out free lunches. In fact, they might even do it as a practice in freedom. People who tell you the lunch is free when it isn't are obviously making it all up. How do you tell the difference?