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About TheSongsofDistantEarth

  • Rank
    Taoistic Traveller

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  1. I am the Idiotic Taoist

    I dunno, you might just be a fool...
  2. Greetings dear fellowship

    Greetings, I deeply feel and appreciate your integrity... Songs
  3. Desire for diffrent reality

    Desire for a different reality? Why do you think God invented drugs?
  4. Prometheus

    Quoting Ayn Rand? Uh-oh...
  5. Calling all crystal/gemstone experts!

    It's called Seminifeor, known as 'Satan's Testicle' (also 'Beelzebub' Left Nut'), and is thought to bring dismal fortune to the bearer. I recommend you chuck it into the Thames at the stroke of midnight on a moonless night, facing away, over your shoulder, whilst whistling 'Danny Boy', lest your best days slip away under a funk of funkeddy-funk-funk-funk.
  6. Strange Shadow

    Gives me da chills. Can you repeat the effect on another day, same place and time, etc.,? If so, proceed to run screaming from your shadow...oops...on second (Cat head bumps don't count for anything, sorry).
  7. Is it me or Qigong is boring ?

    Cut down on the noodles?
  8. Standing, Zhan Zhuang, Its BENEFITS, limitations

    What is your source for learning the Swimming Dragon?
  9. DECENT human beings, qigongers, help.

    It's a common delusion that the money trip is the thing keeping you from spiritual progress...

    um, you forgot about 'chem trails'... .
  11. Big Banks Power and Influence.

    "freewheelin conference room' indeed...! I don't think actually sounds too open-minded and 'liberal'
  12. Looking for herbs that feel like Vicodin! (just kidding)

    PEA will mess up your chi and shoot your blood pressure through the left alone...
  13. I became enlightened

    yep, definitely what was so hard about that?
  14. Shit New Age Girls Say

    Yes, New Age guys say that too...
  15. Shit New Age Girls Say

    All the things the 'New Age Girl' says are not bullshit, just having a valleygirl say them in an exaggerated way makes them sound stupid. She easily could have said in her Cali girl schtick: "Oh, I can feel my own chi!!" "I'm in harmony with the Tao...", "Qi Gong is sooo cool!", etc., making anything but a materialistic viewpoint sound stupid and New Agey. I didn't really find them funny, the humor and portrayal was too broad and meant to evoke a response.