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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. Dependent Origination

    Ugh...getting indigestion from this thread I started Somebody "spent years reading 200 pages per day of xxxxxxx and meditating on what they read"...really? (not that I believe that claim, although judging by what that person is doing now--pedaling and peddling--maybe it's believable---it gets you an internet forum pulpit)... OK, back to the turtle races...
  2. acupressure/jamJong or JamJong/acupressure?

    Verily, like the tree, just stand and stand every day, and all else will be added unto ye.
  3. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    I've also used TOGETHER-REACH to find misplaced things with good success.
  4. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    I would add that I gave it so much because I didn't have anything else in my power to affect the situation.
  5. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    I just played around with various combinations and used TOGETHER - EASE - DIVINE and (ELATE and CANCEL) as a mantra, repeating it silently over and over, all day, for months, 4 words, alternating ELATE and CANCEL as the last word, in order to counteract a very negative event that happened (CANCEL) and for good to come out of a negative situation (ELATE). Kinda strange, but let me tell you, the outcome poured forth one near-miracle, as well as many good things coming out of that negative situation (that continues to unfold postitively several years later in ways that I shake my head in wonder). I just picked out those words after reading the 'meanings' associated with them and was clinging to the notion that they would work, and then I began to believe that switchwords had an effect and it seemed they became more powerful as my belief in them increased. I said them as I was falling asleep and waking up and all day long to myself, as the negative situation was very bad. Can't really say much more, other than choose a your words and then just go for it. I probably wouldn't have put so much into them except that it was almost like 'praying' that things would turn around and I had nothing else in my power to do.
  6. Hey KC,

    Good place for you to hang out, there are some recovery folks here. You can look up past threads on 12-step topics.

    Can I ask what your D.o.C is and if you're still active in your addiction?


  7. acupressure/jamJong or JamJong/acupressure?

    do you mean Zhan Zhuang?
  8. Mixing different Gongs

    ChiChi (great name for a yogini, but I'll get over it ), the more you can narrow and deepen your practice, generally speaking, the better. There are paths that of themselves are eclectic (KAP is one, for sure), so if you find, as am American practitioner, that you are eclectic, too, it might be better to pick something like that, instead of randomly putting things together.
  9. TaoBums: The Cacophony

    Yes, yes, but you must understand that some deeper purpose is served with these big firestorm threads, I started the DO thread last Friday and it spread and ran like wildfire. (I actually amazed a friend of mine when I explained what DO is and that a bunch of us are actually fighting over that instead of like healthcare or gun control or whatnot). There is a part of us (me) that is unable to ignore that irritating member often (I know Vajra is just unable to not look at my posts, he's tried to ignore me many times). Also, it seems that the ignore button is much, much more workable in theory rather than practice because when it comes right down to it, we all like a little drams in our lives and so we splash and slog over 28 pages of dependent origination in a couple of days. What the hell, we're workin' something out here...
  10. How did you get here?

    Zerostao, this is all very interesting but your posts are difficult to get through because you don't break apart your paragraphs and don't bother to capitalize 'i' or the first letter of a sentence. So I suspect others also just kinda skim your otherwise interesting posts because they take effort to read. Please and thanks, a little effort on your part would be appreciated because you have good and interesting things to say
  11. Dependent Origination

    No, but I have learned a lot about D.O., but I don't like the "you won't get it unless you meditate on it for years and let it steep in your brain" part of the argument.
  12. Dependent Origination

    Jeez, I woke up this morning after having been at work all day yesterday, and look at all this, pages and pages later...and to think I almost didn't start this thread. (Now play nice, everybody).
  13. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    Sorry, I don't know. Maybe one of our TCM practitioners can help us out?
  14. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    Well, you say it nine times. I would imagine doing it once daily with the mudra, then probably I will say it silently to myself throughout the day without the mudra.
  15. Just dropping in to say "Hi"

    Hey, Chief!
  16. Dependent Origination

    Commentary brought to you by: Vajrahridaya™ "Balancing virtue, telepathy and energetic psychic-ness as well as self investigation, 24/7/365!" couldn't resist, sorry
  17. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    It's based on a book written in the 50's by James Mangan called '"The Secret of Perfect Living'. The most powerful switchword that brings together a lot of things is the word 'TOGETHER'. Some of the other words seem odd or unusual. I used TOGETHER and 3 other words as a 'mantra' of sorts, and during that time I had some near-miraculous things happen for me. Is there a connection? How can I know? But I'm a believer. Anyway, you can google 'switchwords' and find lots of information. Here is a list to start with
  18. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    I assume that our modern calendar is what is meaningful to us in our lives, so these are the numbers that would be significant and useful. I also like the idea of using numbers like this. I discovered something called 'switchwords' a couple of years ago and have had a number of really amazing, good things happen since using them.
  19. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    Standard calendar, like official birth time and date on your birth certificate calendar, calendar.
  20. Dependent Origination

    Where are you reading sarcasm? And enough already with the "sad"'s your knee-jerk response for anyone you argue with, bub. Don't need your "blissful compassion". You seem to be far from blissful to me. You seem to tangle with everybody here, ralis and I just won't let you push your buddhist bus too far into the crowd, as it is laden with crap. You claim you sit in meditation 4-6 hours a day but it really means you're taking credit for "practice" in your sleep??? OK, I think I've learned what I need from this thread. It was pretty good until you came home from work today and started posting like the energizer bunny. (Can't believe I got sucked in to another Vajra trainwreck)...
  21. Dependent Origination

    C'mon, you may have done this in the past, but you have not been doing this since you joined this forum. And even if you did this instead of sleeping, sniping with people on the forum undoes a lot of it.
  22. Dependent Origination

    But ultimately is not compatible unless one takes on D.O., so in a sense they are far apart unless Taoism is bastardized by becoming 'pseudo-buddhist'.
  23. Dependent Origination

    Endless reading assignments shouldn't be necessary unless one wanted a deeper understanding from clear explanations. However, I have learned quite a bit from this thread, from a number of people actually, and don't buy the Buddhist hard line, and telling me it must be experienced doesn't work either.
  24. Dependent Origination

    If that's true, (and I'm not sure it is), we can attribute much of that to yourself. This is your pulpit for preaching the dharma, is it not? Your 'charitable contribution' you mentioned earlier in this thread?
  25. Dependent Origination

    Veejay, one of the problems I think you have in getting your ideas across is that you think that much of what you write about is obvious, when it's not.