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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. She wants me to cum

    You mean romantic love??? ha ha ha!!! :lol: This one's for you, ShaktiMama!
  2. A Couple of Questions about Buddhism

    This topic is going to make someone very happy.
  3. Stress and Health

    Interesting. I will throw my kitty in a trash bin if he actually has a 92% cure rate for cancer, though.
  4. Meow Meow

    Depends on who the little monster is.
  5. Dog BEATEN

    Reported. My caps were a way of making my point, obnoxiously.
  6. Dog BEATEN

  7. Meow Meow

    I'd put $1,000 down on the at escaping alive, no matter what. C'mon. So what, the cat was in no real danger.
  8. Meow Meow

    Sorry, this lady was mean to the cat, cruel even, but this was not evil action, my dear cat lovers.
  9. Dog BEATEN

    What is the point of posting this? Do we need more of this in our consciousness? Do you even need to post the video, Afromojo? Wouldn't the words 'DOG BEATEN' serve the same effect, which is...what? Animal cruelty happens every day.It is deplorable. Lose the videos, please. Why do I need to watch this before I go to work? (I didn't watch it BTW, what for?) Is anybody here going to argue that it's a good thing? What's next? Somebody, please post a vid of naked women crushing kittens with their stillettoes! We all need to put that into our consciousness! MODERATOR: PLEASE MOVE THIS TO 'OFF TOPIC'. I FIND THE VIDEO OBJECTIONABLE. THIS IS NOT TAOIST DISCUSSION. Have a nice day !
  10. Meow Meow

    I still think y'all are getting way too carried away. It looked to me like she had an impulse pass over her and she acted on it. As I predicted, Mr.Top Cat there was OK. She probably had a cat go schizo on her at some point in the past, scratching/biting her for their own feline reasons, (like they are prone to do-I don't trust cats), and she acted on a mischievous impulse, and tossed the puss in the can. Not nice, for sure, but the cat would have escaped whenever the can was emptied for sure, so was it evil? No!
  11. Move to Outer Space or Face Extinction

    I second these statements. Just because nothing has happened in the past does not mean nothing will ever happen. The earth has never faced this set of circumstances.
  12. Meow Meow

    I'm sure the cat got out all safe and stinky. It's not that big a deal. It's not like she tore it's head off, or something.
  13. Meow Meow

    Pussy makes you brave.
  14. Third Eye

    Special!!! You should have put yourself on ignore and just attained the Rainbow Body loooong ago!
  15. Third Eye

    ooh, you're just so darn special!!! It's amazing that your experiences are just unfolding one after another to back up the Buddhism you're learning about! Just like that, and now you're in line with all the yogi's of antiquity! Special!! You've convinced me, it must be true!! We should just hang it up now, and follow behind you. Hey, if you're getting these same lessons in your meditation, then everyone else must be off the mark.Keep surprises, now! :lol: :lol:
  16. Third Eye

    Why do you keep flogging the "dependent origination" horse? You seem to have a Buddhist lens on, and you can't understand that not everybody agrees with you. I don't think it applies here.
  17. Third Eye

    Ohh, why didn't he just say that!! I'm joking. One "can have 3rd eye openings dependent upon these contemplations" is where I have trouble. One can, certainly have this, but it does not mean that 3rd eye opening is necessarily caused (or dependent) on these things. It may arise independently of those things, too. I think he is using language in such a way as to "prove" dependent origination, and is working backwards, attempting to show how the third eye awakens. Proximetry in time/space does not guarantee causality.
  18. Hello!

    McDaniel's, welcome to the bums! It can get a little rough here, but we need people exactly like you to hang out with. jump on in!!!
  19. Third Eye

  20. Third Eye

    Maybe you could try and restrain your urge to correct people? I don't think anyone knows the difference if you did or didn't correct him. As for drew haunting you psychically when you post, maybe you're just projecting that into it? If you can't handle it, don't be compelled to correct him, then. By the way, the above sample of your writing is but one example of what many of us feel ios your unclear writing style. It sounds kinda like Sarah Palin. Your syntax is often screwed up, and you always deny it. It's like this when you're preaching Buddhism, too.
  21. Third Eye

    :o WTF?!
  22. Third Eye

    Proprioception different than what you stated, drew. did you mean something else? It means how the body is aware of itself, spatially. Smell is not proprioceptive.
  23. Third Eye

    drew, can you elaborate on the pineal gland as being the seat of the third eye? I know Rick Strassman, a psychologist, has investigated the role of the DMT molecule that is capable of being manufactured in the pineal in times of extreme stress, such as at the time of death, or in exalted mystical states. I have always been fascinated by that peculiar dream-like state of shock that occurs when something dramatic and bad, like an accident has happened, I wonder if that is DMT mediated. Having experienced DMT related realities by ingesting it by means of smoke, I experienced a profoundly intense rocketship into a rapidly shifting reality, that was actually terrifying for a few moments before it became blissful. The DMT induced visions tended to be infinite and repetitive, much like those Alex Gray paintings depicting internal realities...they are right on the money. As an aside, there apparently has been research involving Fluoride being toxic to the pineal glands. Wouldn't that have been an epic tragedy if our capacity for mysticism and transcendence has been blocked or curtailed by the public "health" projects that fluoridated our water supplies?
  24. Third Eye

    {edit- stinging retort to Vajra reconsidered and removed- even though I was right, I decided to leave the poor kid alone with his illusions} have a nice day!
  25. Cold Water Therapy (Fascinating!)

    Wow! How weird is that?!? That's exactly what I do!!