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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    OK, then... Damn you, Vajrahraidaya!!!...hey, wait a minute... This means you believe in Hell??! Wow, a Buddhist Hell...that's perfect for you! Maybe you'll learn a to settle down a little bit though, and let go of some of that arrogant Buddhist attitude...Norbu must've put you up to this. But wait!! Maybe this is a trap! Maybe I have to go and be down there with you because I damned you!! Oh, this is terrible! And it felt so good to say "Damn you, Vajrahridaya!" Oh well, let me go pack my suitcase...shouldn't need much, probly just a couple of pairs of swimming trunks... But I don't think we should have to stay there more than a few hundred years, you're not that bad!!! Shit, wait till ralis hears about this...I'll never hear the end of it...
  2. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Admitting your delusions is the first step in waking up! This is a great first step! You should read more Nisargardatta for guidance!
  3. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Again, you suffer from the delusion that everybody is projecting onto you. Another avoidance technique. Thank you, you are demonstrating my points nicely.
  4. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    And you can deal with me, or ignore me, too. So, you hide behind the buddha for all your words and actions? Aha! That's what's going on! If you read the above post by Dr. Gunther Weil, he is referring to just that identification that you have with buddhism! You can't see it? Vajra, you don't seem to be able to think for yourself, you seem only able to parrot the buddha's words, then run and hide behind the buddha's skirts if someone questions you! How amazing that even your meditations correspond exactly with what you expect from your teachers and the buddha's words! Why is that, do you think?
  5. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    You are just a Teflon individual, aren't you? You deflect everything, always. I was making a jest in accord with mikaelz' reply. I don't think I remember you admitting your point of view was wrong or mistaken ever, on this forum. Once again, for an unattached dude, you're pretty attached.
  6. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    And you never take out the garbage or pick up after yourself!!
  7. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Typical response, always reflected back on others. Avoidant.
  8. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    From the TaoBums thread: "Qigong as a Portal to Presence" Applies to Buddhists, too. Reflects nicely on the teachings of Nisargadatta.
  9. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Typical response. Always reflected back on others. I say it doesn't matter what you're feeling. Can you sense the effects of your words?
  10. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    I have a hard time speaking to your capacity to understand that reality doesn't boil down to the Buddha. I won't leave it alone when you inject your arrogant views into non-Buddhist threads. I admire your "non-attachment". And no, I won't put you on ignore. I'm going to be your personal Anderson Cooper: Keeping you honest... BTW, what was it you started that I couldn't "just leave it be"? You are admitting your insertion of Buddhist arrogance? You couldn't just leave this Nisargadatta thread be. Can you look at what you just said? You wander in here and "said a little something". But I couldn't "just let it be", so you "couldn't just let it be either" That's how these things get started, and i'm supposed to let your repetitive arrogant behavior "just be"? Why couldn't you let my comment "just be"? And then I get blamed for "fanning the flames", while you are "just enthusiastic' in your rolling over other's spiritual beliefs? Who are you people? You seem to be able to parrot fancy words and phrases, but are not able to think deeply or observe your own behavior. You play this little game all the time, then fight with people, and retreat behind your defense of other people's "capacity to not understand the Buddha's teaching"! Do you understand what you're doing?? Be honest with yourself. Even Mikaelz thinks you shouldn't be "shoving emptiness teachings down people's throats". Is not your "enthusiasm" a form of imbalance? Can you not see how you've pissed off a bunch of people over your time here? Be honest with yourself, first.
  11. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Because Vj comes in to every thread to announce the superiority of Buddhism and dependent origination. He came in here to say that Nisargadatta is nice, but he didn't realize dependent origination, so, "oh well". Dismissed. Really kind of deflates the nice discussion. He does this over and over again even though people point it out to him. He doesn't seem very mature in his inability to rein his arrogance in. So, I fan the flames of pointing out his arrogance in wandering through taobums injecting his Buddhist views on non-Buddhist threads. Too bad. He then points me in the direction of long Buddhist articles that supposedly explain his position, but don't. It's like debating a fundamentalist who keeps quoting the Bible to you. If he blunders his way into non-Buddhist threads, he should be able to succinctly state what he means without linking to these technical articles. I challenge him because I think he is wrong, and lies to throw water on every other point of view as being below the Buddha's. He is a fundamentalist, and fundamentalists are annoying at best. When I ask him to clarify, he retreats into telling me I'm angry. Mikaelz, why do I care so much? Because he ruins a lot of good discussions with his arrogant Buddhism. I have read and studied Nisargadatta, and for someone to wander in and dismiss things, spoils the discussion. Plus, he can't really defend his dismissal.
  12. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    I'm not upset. Just sick of dismissal of other's spirituality if it's non-Buddhist. Plus, he can't really explain why he is so dismissive.
  13. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    :lol: You still haven't convinced me of the correctness of the deep and subtle ignorance of the non-Buddhist world. All your answers are arrogant, Young Master Vajra. It permeates your view. Despite all your spinning of elaborate webs of Buddhist wordage, I don't really think you know what you are talking about, when it comes right down to it. "Taking up an experience as proof of an ultimate and self standing existence"...what experience are you talking about?
  14. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    More arrogance, perhaps narcissistic arrogance even? I'm not angry. Maybe you think you can read energy online because you have incredible meditations where you realize dependent origination? I don't think you can actually defend your point of view, actually, so you retreat into telling me I'm angry. Perhaps you are not as sure in your viewpoint and beliefs as you think you are?? Something I've noticed about you Vaj, you seem to specialize in telling people what they are feeling. I get your modus operandi. Plus, for an unattached dude, you're pretty attached to your views and being right. .
  15. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    So you are saying that mysticism is ignorant and a wrong view, according to the Buddha? So this also implies those that posit the existence of God are wrong as well? I don't know if it's just you, or other Buddhists too, but you come off as arrogant, Vajrahridaya. Like your comment earlier in this thread, when you sniffed, "All this stuff is good, but it's still missing the insight of dependent origination. Oh, well". That's some nice spiritual snobbery. Why would you not be able to explain the importance of dependent origination without saying "Without direct intuitive experience, the descriptions might escape you"? So dependent origination is intuive? It seems then that a mystic might say that without direct experience of the Mystery of God, you wouldn't be able to understand. It seems it's your experience versus other's. Why do you look down your nose at other's experience of reality as lacking because yours happens to coincide with your meditative experiences? Isn't this the basis of all religious disagreements that lead to terrible suffering in the world? In all your "wisdom", you disregard Nisargadatta out of hand as inferior. Why? Because you were raised in a Hindu Shaivite environment and you are now an expert because you chose Buddhism? Arrogant views.
  16. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Can you tell us why dependent origination is superior to any other tradition and system? Or why any system or view of reality is lacking without it?
  17. "Exotic" Supplement Experience

    Report on shilajit: Ordered the tattvas herbs shilajit during their 40% discount, and decided to take a significant dose up front to see whether I felt something. I took 5 capsules three times a day instead of one capsule twice a day, felt energized on the first day, and felt really terrific on beginning the second day: energized, uplifted, good mood, confident attitude and still had lots on clean feeling energy in the evening after I got home from work. I have now started drinking it in warm milk with honey (I actually like the taste) and have reduced my dosage to two capsules three times daily. I do plan on taking a week off per month. I'll report back later to tell you if the good effects persist. The local honey producers have set up roadside stands, and I have been buying delicious honey with honeycomb from them. I also just bought 2 ounces of royal jelly as well for $30. I am not taking that on a regular basis, but I am going to save it for occasional use.
  18. breathe deep. embrace simplicity...

    Bumpin' for good reason...this is a nice article!
  19. Qi Gong when there is no mobility

    Nina, can you be a little more specific about his loss of mobility? Is his nervous system injured so that he is paralyzed? Or is it a musculoskeletal problem? Descibing his current injuries and limitations is helpful for those of us who would like to help. This book is a fantastic resource, and also indicates how people who are ill and/or bed bound can still do the zhan zhuang energy practices the book describes. The Way of Energy My heart truly goes out to your husband and you and your family. Please don't lose hope that things will improve, sometimes in ways you may not expect. It's great that you are a member of taobums now, you are very smart to enlist the help of the people here. There is a lot of valuable knowledge and experience here.
  20. You call that massage?
  21. Enlightenment

    I hate to tell you this, but your subconscious influences every part of your being already, not just your heart and digestion. Where did you get this idea?
  22. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Oh well, indeed. I don't see how Nisargadatta is incomplete because he doesn't include your Buddhist concept of dependent origination.
  23. Dancing Matt Worldwide Amazing Energy!

    I agree, it doesn't matter how it starts, but it matters very much how it feels! That Matt video feels contrived, the commercial above does not.
  24. Dancing Matt Worldwide Amazing Energy!

    Yes! That's it...big difference between the two!!!
  25. Dancing Matt Worldwide Amazing Energy!

    Sorry, I guess I'm just more discerning, to my detriment, perhaps... but I found Matt annoying in each picture, but I loved all the world's people dancing with enthusiasm. I guess I'm just like that. If it were truly joyous and spontaneous (compare with the "TaoBum inThe Woods" double rainbow that feels authentic and not contrived to me).