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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. psychology

    okee dokee...
  2. Thoughts on 2012?

    What 'calculations' are you performing? Are you saying these deaths are beyond what would normally be expected from the usual slew of diseases, aging, and war? Oops, my inner demons squabbling amongst themselves...I ordered out a pizza tonight and there are not enough slices for me and the demons all to get one. Hmmm, I hope thy don't have any tricks up their sleeve...they usual prefer schnitzel instead of Italian, but I really wanted pizza, so...
  3. psychology

  4. Hmmm...maybe you should rethink the 'Gate Keeper' handle?
  5. Taoist Study / Tai Chi in Tucson, Az

    Vince Black has a school that teaches Baguazhang, Xing Yi and qigong. He's at a very high level wushu. School is very low profile by intention, i.e., word of mouth. He runs an acupuncture clinic as well. Vince Black, O.M.D. Tucson, AZ 85740 (602) 544-4838
  6. Neurological switching - the tao way?

    I like Donna Eden's stuff, and I get what you are talking about, they are also known as the 'Brain Gym' exercises. But that site you referred us to is pretty imprecise in it's language and concepts. After all these years, I never have been able to really trust Applied Kinesiology though, because of the obvious operator error/suggestibility factor, and also the whole pseudo-scientific air about it ("electromagnetic polarity reversal" that isn't measurable). It somehow refers to subtle energies, but if they are electromagnetic, then they should be demonstrable and measurable. Anyone else have more information on A.K. that gives it more legitimacy, or is it still just a pseudo-scientific phenomenon that energy people cannot explain?
  7. First food experience

    I always found lion meat to 'taste like chicken'. Musta been some old zoo lion in my burger. Figures.
  8. Neurological switching - the tao way?

    Hmmm. It sounds interesting. I clicked through on your link and found neurological switching, and it refers to "electro-magnetic polarity reversal within the brain". I am not aware of this the electromagnetic polarities within the brain under normal (healthy) or abnormal (reversal). Do you have any more information of the 'polarities' of the brain? If indeed it is an electromagnetic phenomenon, it must be able to be measured and assessed, and I don't believe this is any part of how modern medical science believes how the brain works.
  9. "Exotic" Supplement Experience

    I think response/benefit to adaptogens vary with individuals. I tried several expensive and high quality Cordyceps for a while, and noticed absolutely nothin'. But I am willing to try shilajit, or moomiyo. Why is moomiyo considered better? Any ideas on how to track down good quality of either of these? I found out Tattwa's herbs, which is a high quality company with a good reputation has a 40% off sale on shilajit for a few days, you need a promo code to get the discount (40shilajit). (I have no connection to this company, I have oredered from them before and am on the mailing list). Anybody know a good source of moomiyo?
  10. Sharing the same brain

    Ooh, I got it! Brilliant!
  11. "Exotic" Supplement Experience

    Anyone have further input on shilajit (or moomiyo)?
  12. Penis Size

    Bangin'...oops, I mean bumpin'... How did we ever let this thread peter out?
  13. Neurotheology

    Looks like my kind of book. I just reserved it from the local library. Thanks Shaktimamma
  14. Thoughts on 2012?

    Yes, let's mock them!! The fools!! Maybe we can stone them too, before this prediction stuff gets out of hand and these people start actually plotting to have an asteroid wipe out all the life on Earth!! We must make people learn from their foolishness!! Stop them before they set another date for destruction!! We MUST rid them of their erroneous ways of thinking!!! Seriously, it would be funny at first, of course, that their dangerous prophecies amount to nothing, but this will repeat, and then the end won't come, and they'll become fanatics, and then the polar ice caps will reverse with nuclear explosions and stuff and then their idiocy really will bring about 2012 in, like 2015!!! The fanatics...holy scheisse, everyone knows fanatics are drunk on the hype and very, very dangerous!!! These are indeed very special times we live in and they MUST be stopped!!! :excl: (sorry, my inner demons and torment made me write this!! I cannot be held responsible!! I'm going to go hide in my Mystical Canyons now!!!)
  15. Thoughts on 2012?

    I tried to engage hardy previously in a humorous exchange in another thread, and he will have nothing of anything humorous. (I ended up erasing my posts because he came across as a cheerless lug-he continues to feel like he is "diagnosing" me and tells me to deal with my "inner demons" because I tease his joyless Bavarian Creme filled chubby self). So I teased him about being stuck in Germany, because he has zero sense of humor. I don't see how that's ad hominem, the most mis-understood term on taobums. Not many understand humor here, or apparently have a sense of humor. So because you two have similar political leanings in different countries implies that your arguments are right? Now that's solid logic! And that's what I was pointing out in my first post about the autobahn. Grumpy Grandpa Hardy called me a troll, so I responded. I think if I were stuck on a plane seated next to either of you, I'd be movin' to another seat ASAP. (note laughing emoticon included to emphasize humorous jab at obnoxious forum member). Here's hoping you're less dour than your Cherman partner in (logical) crime. I do sincerely hope Mr hardy gets an exorcist for his inner trolls... Putting the city-dwelling nature-haters on igno', so I don't have to listen to them any mo'. (Plus, Hardy's too easy to mess with). Ta Ta!
  16. Oi

    Oi, mate! You in the UK? Looking forward to your input!
  17. Buddhism refutes certain attachments

    Not necessarily.
  18. Very good intro to sitting meditation (Video)

    The abbot is very clear and he lays zazen out in such a way as to make me immediately want to go and meditate. Very good to show to beginners, also. Thanks for calling this nice video to our attention. BTW, effilang, that's a really nice avatar.
  19. Daoist Sitting in Oblivion vs Xstian Apophatic Prayer

    You are the ultimate in Buddhist twerpitudery!!! Ima gonna "follow you around" again just because it would be a shame to let your hijackin' posts go unpunished!!! It will be for your own spiritual good!!! Will he ever 'get it'??????
  20. Daoist Sitting in Oblivion vs Xstian Apophatic Prayer

    Myeh, shaddup. You bring your Buddhism into every thread you post, hijack it and then "make" it fit. You're a pesky little thing.
  21. The coming economic crisis

    Wow, based on 'A Seeker', vortexxx, and Joeblast, I have extrapolated their theories of Earth's carrying capacity to my own domicile. I currently have only 2 human beings and one termite colony occupying 1560 square feet of my home, obviously I could utilize this resource more efficiently and occupy it to it's carrying capacity. I have 2.5 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms. Assuming I could have tents put up in my 1000 sq foot back yard, I think that I could have 120 people living here and each person would then have nearly 20 square feet to themselves. That's more than PLENTY to live in!!!! Roomy!!! They would even be able to do Zhan Zhuang in their space! If they take shifts in the bathrooms, they should be able to each have an 18 minute bathroom and shower slot per each 24 hours, the 1/2 bathroom would be available on a 'first come, first served' basis, with emergencies taking priority, of course. The showers would necessarily be with cold water, as the water heater is pretty small, and I could buy a several more refrigerators for the garage, so each person could have 0.75 cubic feet of refrigerator space for their food. Top 3 bunkbed slots throughout the property would go to the younger people, as they are more agile and wouldn't mind, the bottom 3 slots would go in order of age seniority for those creaky bones. I calculate I would make out like a bandit by collecting $250 rent per month per person, I could keep maintaining the structure after paying my mortgage... AND put away about 12 LARGE a month!!I think this is a GREAT idea, I think this would be a terrific thing. I could even boot the termite colony out!! Many thanks to A Seeker, Joeblast, and vortexxx!!!!
  22. A Buddhist lama enlightens his dog

    Does a Bob have Buddha nature?
  23. Sounds good to me. It's obvious you've got a lot of time on your hands, so why not?
  24. Thoughts on 2012?

    Must be hell living in Germany. Sucks the life out of a person.
  25. Thoughts on 2012?

    Yes, 'birds of a feather flock together', unless they are 'nature haters', in which case they take the bus.* * or carpool in their BMW's on da Autobahn.