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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. Download "Measuring Meditation"

    Wow, what convenient beliefs! It's not "free", and it's one thing if you share it with one other, if you are posting it publicly for all to see, it's piracy, bro. That is intellectual property. Are your ethics and integrity always so fluid? You should be asking the authors permission to use their material. An actual book can be lent to friends. An ebook is vulnerable to being ripped off because of the actual medium. It's not a group buy, Scotty. You're just telling yourself that to feel better about ripping them off. An analogy is if you just printed out the book yourself and gave them away to everybody. If the authors wish to charge $98 for their material, that's their choice. If they knew that it was being posted here, do you think that would be ok with them? Even if we can do it, you have to admit it is not cool. Drew, if you write a book someday, do you want it stolen from you? It is definitely not cool! There is a copyright in the book and a statement that the book is not to be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the author! I can't believe you guys are rationalizing this and then helping yourselves. Think it through. C'mon, you know it's wrong. Are you guys always so mushy in your integrity? This is illegal, and it needs to come down. Same thing for harry.eldridge's books that he ripped off, put them up here, and then acted like he was a hero. If you want to negotiate a "group buy", here is the email of the publisher/author: [email protected]
  2. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    I reconsidered and removed it. It's still up because it was quoted. My apologies for my behavior here.
  3. Sugar

    I am about to embark on a dietary change to eliminate sugar in all it's forms. Does anyone here a.) have any view or opinion on this b.) not eat sugar at all, why, and what health differences have you noticed? I am talking about avoiding it entirely, not just cutting back or allowing incidental amounts. I really would like to know what different health practitioners and cultivators here do. I can imagine that it takes a great deal of commitment, as sugar is a stealth ingredient in so many things. I'm very curious as to how much sugar people here eat. (I wanted to do a poll on this topic, but couldn't figure out how).

    derka derka derka! Oh my!!
  5. Picking up other peoples negative energy?

    Gurdjieff taught that one needed this kind of 'negative energy' in order to fuel your own growth and transformation. There is an account of a very difficult and surly Russian follower who lived in their community at the Preure in France, who annoyed everyone. Gurdjieff later told someone that his energy was needed for the isolated community to irritate and keep the others uncomfortable. The worst kind of spiritual community is the one where the followers are always about the Light, and deny/suppress the Shadow. This causes it to erupt later in a usually spectacular way, like a sexual scandal.
  6. Systema, Aikido

    Good points. Actually, I've always thought that it usually comes down to grappling. Probably a solid wrestler is a good bet against most IMA folks, unless the IMA'ers really spend the time in realistic situations. That systema guy in the video was pathetic. It still doesn't mean anything for the system as a whole, though. I have seen other Systema practitioners who would be able to handle this guy easily.
  7. Systema, Aikido

    Jeez, not to question you or anything, but I have a hard time believing that. What MMA are you referring to? What level of Systema training were those opponents? Can you give a more detailed accounting of this? Why not videotape these demonstrations and put them on Youtube?
  8. Systema, Aikido

    Stigweard, Are you still training Systema? Are you working with their breathing practices, which are said to be the foundation of Systema? I would love to hear your impressions.
  9. Pushups as conditioning

    More_Pie, do you do Systema workout or breathing exercises? I am very interested in Systema.
  10. "cross of cards"

    That is so cool! I love this kind of stuff!
  11. Has anyone got a report on this CD program? Have you worked through it? Impressions? Effectiveness? Recommended?
  12. Jed Mckenna Tribute (Nuke Your Life)

    very deep. very deep indeed. nuked my life, that's fo sho'.

    Hugo, um, I mean, your 'Darkness' sir, your mom called and said don't forget to pick up some Pop Tarts on your way home, or you won't be having any for breakfast in the morning.
  14. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    What the hell does that mean? Taoism doesn't uphold the "viewless view"?? Who cares? I wish we were all concerned with becoming better human beings instead of the (usually narcissistic) drive to "become a Buddha"?
  15. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    So, why can he not bring his argument here and stop putting all other ways down? He is dismissive of other ways, and always self-references to the Buddha's way is the superior over all others, because the Buddha says it is. He is completely dense and tone-deaf about his self-admited 'preaching' here, ralis and I are far from the only people here who find it tiresome and offensive that no path is as good as his (even lesser forms of Buddhism). I see him talk very talk of compassion, social activism or engagement, only that he is going to be a Buddha someday. How will this help the world? He knows a lot, but he is unable to hold back on the put-downs of other ways. Others have pointed this out more than a few times, why can he not present his views and experiences and stop comparing it as superior to other ways constantly? OK, we get it that he had some transcendent experiences at age 14, and that he has had meditations where he has "apprehended the truth" (his actual words), so whatever he says can not be contradicted because he owns the Truth. It is just so tiresome, we just get tired of the broken record. In his preaching this way, he comes across as a fundamentalist...come on, the 'faith' argument is specious mikaelz. It's his whole zeal, and the fact that he debates us to death with the same heavy Dzogchen party-line hammer. OK, can you actually address the above, without coming back at me with how flawed I am, and how I "follow him around" (I don't. Please go to my profile and look up my posts and topics. 98% have nothing to do with him). Vajra, here's a dare, if you will: can you educate us about Buddhism without telling us of it's superiority to other ways, maybe try it for a month? Can you do it? If you can't, ask yourself, why not?
  16. A friendly reminder

    Rainbow_Vein, I love you too, you gentle soul (blush)
  17. Prediction - who will make it and not...

    Oh, shit! You're supposed to have your finger in your nose when doing the MCO?! Which nostril?? Which finger?? I can't believe I've been doing it wrong this whole time!
  18. Liver spasm?

    Hey, so you should send durkhrod some money, NeiChuan... liver spasm . spiver lasm . silver maps . spam relives smile parvs . etcetera, etceterah..... you get the idea .
  19. Burning Monk

    Yes, you're right, 8L8VAT8... it is an impressive mystery where that monk's mind and being was as his body burned...
  20. Burning Monk

    Sorry, just because Wikipedia says that his heart was intact despite cremation does not mean this actually occurred. Prove that. Where is your B.S. O'meter? For this kind of claim, there needs to be trustable, independent verification. Smells strongly of 'Urban Legend' to me. Can you provide more verification than a Wiki article that can be authored by anybody?
  21. The coming economic crisis

    Again, a limiting belief. And being able to be well compensated for your energy does not necessarily create attachment. I live pretty plainly. I haven't attended any long term, what, meditation retreats? Why is that the standard of measurement for anything? Is that supposed to be a measure of progress or seriousness on the spiritual path? I have had many other explorations and studied with some other teachers. If you are measuring me against your own path or progress, that seems to be a irrelevant. What conclusions do you think you can draw from me answering that question? I have known some pretty advanced people who have what? Of course, in a general sense, you are right, ordinary people chasing the dollar must stay asleep. What if you have a career that you worked hard at early on in life and now pays well? Live below your means, and have time to cultivate. It is indulging yourself above your means that creates the stress and conditions that you describe, not the money itself. If your TCM career really took off, would you turn down the good money because it is 'not spiritual'?
  22. The coming economic crisis

    This is just a story you are telling yourself about the way the world is. Being spiritual and being wealthy is not contradictory. Where did you get this idea?
  23. The Tao Of McDonalds