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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. Stripping The Gurus

    Wait, so basically Catholicism is not a vehicle for spiritual attainment, except for St Francis? Again, your narrow narcissistic views. Buddhism always trumps everything else, right? Man, you are a trip, dude!!
  2. Stripping The Gurus

    My problem with you is that you're always telling people how much understanding/development/spiritual attainment other people have. And you project your "assuredness of understanding" onto everyone else. Go look up my posts. I post a whole lot more than just responses to you. But your condescension and arrogance call for an answer. And not always sarcastic, either. BTW, ralis contributes intelligently and insightfully to a lot to many other topics... don't flatter yourself that our presence here is just because of you.
  3. Stripping The Gurus

    Nice of you to admit your arrogance. (But you're not just "arrogant to certain people"). Why do so many people feel compelled to "follow you around"? It doesn't seem to occur to anyone else on this forum. Wait, it must be us, right?
  4. Stripping The Gurus

    Why, I believe that'd be me!! I would add that I only react to arrogance and condescension of that particular member, and putting him on 'ignore' doesn't work because he posts like a Buddhist Energizer Bunny, many more times than most people here. If you want to post your strong opinion here, you should be ready to be challenged. And if he wants to make his own sweeping generalizations on the "Truth As V Sees It", why can't we comment on it? Coarse intelligence? Guilty, then!
  5. Stripping The Gurus

    That's your take on it. I disagree that "no one" does. Your generalizing your experience again and saying "this is how it is". There are lots of people who disagree with your viewpoint. it may be true for you, but not everyone. Most of what you say you apply as if it were Universal Truth. It's not. As for Siddha Yoga, to each his own. I'm sure there is spiritual juice there, it's just not a clean organization. I'm sure you got a lot out of it. When I spent a few minutes one on one with Gurumayi once, I experienced/perceived a creepy vibe. You perceived/experienced something else. And you too, can argue til your blue in the face about them, and it's all subjective. In my opinion, any large hierarchical religious organization suffers over time with the usual human foibles and faults, those gurus are all too vulnerable to succumb to the power and trust placed unquestioningly in them. And please spare me the argument that Muktananda was giving some sort of spiritual "darshan" with his sexual experiences with his young (often teen) female disciples. If you really believe that, there's little hope for you to be clear on anything...
  6. Stripping The Gurus

    Perhaps if written this way: It seems like you are a guru/disciple type person. Not everybody is. To generalize that everyone must go that way shows a great blindness to other than your own experience...If I recall correctly, you were an acolyte in the SYDA yoga tradition. I (and many many others) consider it a corrupt and very creepy organization. So there are all types of paths, and there is no one Right Way.
  7. F*cking Lost

  8. Stripping The Gurus

    Scotty wuz here
  9. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Thoughts on this topic: -it's not a "spill", it's an ongoing leak, more like a volcano. A spill implies a finite amount. -NYT reports today that the vast majority of the oil is not rising to the top, but rather the chemical dispersants being used have caused giant plumes of oil to remain deep underwater in the Gulf. We're not even seeing but a small amount of this oil. "Technology will save us"...really? They have no clue how to stop this leak... -Here's a great example of consumer insanity contributing to tremendous waste: How is it possible to ship water halfway across the world to be sold at a profit here? Why and how are we doing this? You can buy this stuff by the case in Trader Joe's across the country. -Also, Corporations have been considered "persons" for many decades. The recent Supreme Court ruling only defined their status in terms of election law.
  10. Zivorad Slavinski

    Anyone have any additional experiences with this material? Still consider it worthwhile?
  11. Zivorad Slavinski

    Anyone have any additional experiences with this material? Still consider it worthwhile?
  12. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Like we're offered an alternative in public transportation? Biking is not safe amongst traffic, either. So our "addiction to oil" is being maintained by the powers that be, not the individuals, so don't hassle me about my car and feel smug that we're all to blame.
  13. Kill The Buddha: Sam Harris On Buddhism

    Interesting statement, considering who is saying it. Some think that it applies only to others, of course.
  14. Miracle Mineral Supplement/Solution

    Is it MLM (Multi-Level Marketing)? If so, I'm not interested, no matter whjat the claims. "Miracle" anything...we've seen a thousand times already. No thanks. There are better ways to get rid of your cold sores.
  15. You can't do anything!

    Oh God, he's back... and more 'so' than ever...(groan)
  16. Angel Tech

    I read it years ago, and liked it, but it didn't hold together totally as a system for me. I had friends who were really into it and had readings (astrological, I think), and were reaally impressed. I lost track of it after that. It might be interesting to re-read, though.
  17. Interesting and gritty interview with a Tibetan monk

    Wow, this stuff is what you believe to be the reality behind whats happening and has happened in the world? Really??
  18. zhan zhuang

    I had all those things happen to me when I did Zhang Zhuang on the painted line on the southbound 405 in LA and got hit by a guy on a motorcycle cutting in between lanes of addition to wearing reflective clothing, I recommend road flares and traffic cones as a minimum when practicing freeway Qi Gong...
  19. The collected works of Blissmusic

    . yes .
  20. Neuroplasticity

    David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM thoughts?
  21. Chakra Elixers

    Yes, yes, yes this is so true, true true...!!! huh?
  22. cool vids

    U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Made a Lady Gaga Music Video. This video shows a group of nimble-footed U.S. soldiers remaking the "Telephone" video. The result is magnificent. Alternating between regulation camo and spangled leotards, our men in Afghanistan swing their hips, snap their wrists, and twinkle their toes like pros. U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan Made a Lady Gaga Music Video YouTube user malimelcher, who posted the video, writes, "This is a couple guys located in Afghanistan, that re-made the music video by Lady Gaga....Telephone. Prepare yourself for a fantastical journey. Right now this is the temporary version, we have more scenes to cut, and edit, however with guys always on mission it is harder to film than you think." God bless America! Be safe, boys.
  23. Need to sell powers. Moving.

    hyuk hyuk hyuk!!
  24. Interesting and gritty interview with a Tibetan monk

    Yes apepch7, great posts. Vortex, I have the feeling you're about to break out some Ayn Rand any minute now...
  25. Collection of facts

    I don't believe in conspiracies. Human nature being what it is, people end up talking, nothing stays secret, unless you live in the tribal region of Waziristan. There's no way that someone wouldn't talk about stuff, especially on their deathbed or somesuch. The more people, the less likely that a 'conspiracy' will survive as a secret.