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Everything posted by TheSongsofDistantEarth

  1. Supreme Master Ching Hai!

    Well, let's not forget the Original God-Man Avatar 'Sri Da Bubba Free John Samraj Franklin Jones Da Kalki Da Avabhasa Adi Da Love-Ananda "The Bright", who pioneered the use of Capital Letters in His Transcendent Splendor but chose to shed his used up Cricket Body last year to attain unparalleled Utterances of Divine Revelation of Truth and Self Transcendence and all who follow Him are mere Pretenders. ho!
  2. What makes Buddhism different?

    Yes, at some point we should quit engaging his ego and stop responding to his posts. Hopefully after the fru-fra of this topic, theTB's will be able to see he's just a tiresome broken record with the same old Buddhist propaganda and that he gets to puff up his own ego by 'enlightening' us ad nauseam.
  3. Haiku Chain

    the ridiculous and the sublime meet in bed they're bumpin' uglies .
  4. Wow... Powerful One Minute Film From India

    I've watched it several times, and its the same thing for me.
  5. What makes Buddhism different?

    Yes well, we shall see. (I actually think you really started this thread to show how Buddhism is better, not as a way to 'honestly' explore differences...even if you can't admit that to yourself. Look, in the above statement: if one is honest, then one becomes what?...a Buddha). Good for you. We'll hold you to it, then. I hope this goes for other threads you participate in. Thanks, Stigweard.
  6. What makes Buddhism different?

    No, are you paranoid? Actually, i was just referring to the ultimate reified insufferability of your aura, and was wondering how the people in your life were coping with being around righteous certitude. It was a joke, mate.
  7. What makes Buddhism different?

    Are you on drugs? Should you be?
  8. What makes Buddhism different?

    Not from us, but if you discretely check with your neighbors and your girlfriend, you'll probably find something is afoot...
  9. What makes Buddhism different?

    priceless!!! .
  10. Knee problems..

    If it persists, you may look into something like this:
  11. Suggestions for a Home Page?

    I really am trying to avoid the deluge of internet negativity, and want to set a home page for when I log in each day that has some changes. I think having Wikipedia is good and interesting, any other suggestions, especially in a spiritual realm? Thanks, SoDE
  12. Sense Pleasures

  13. What makes Buddhism different?

    Excellent post and explanation, Stigweard. Very clear and understandable.
  14. What makes Buddhism different?

    O, fuggedabouddit... YMMV
  15. What makes Buddhism different?

  16. What makes Buddhism different?

    Need sense of humor, Buddhist. Take self too serious. p.s., I'm not jesusfreak, doo-doo head. p.s.s, I'm not trying to kick anybody out of here, merely if the Buddhists want to act like jackanapes, they will have to run the Tao gauntlet of sorts. Nobody comes in here and takes over like you's two an' gets away wid it, scot-free. We're too tough in here to let you's guys spout distorted dharma all over the place. oooh.
  17. What makes Buddhism different? tell 'em 'songs' sent ya.
  18. What makes Buddhism different?

    Hey, I had that in my fortune cookie last night when I ordered take-out egg-foo-yung!
  19. What makes Buddhism different?

    Ha! Gotcha, Buddhist! You don't understand Tao!
  20. What makes Buddhism different?

    ..and others are arrogant....
  21. What makes Buddhism different?

    So, you consider your posts on this forum 'teaching the dharma'? That is your Buddhist 'service'? How selfless and big-spirited!
  22. What makes Buddhism different?

    Vajra, are you not beginning to see a pattern here on this and many other threads you have participated in? Why are you wasting your valuable enlightened time on us low-level seekers? A high and enlightened being such as you hanging out to sing your superiority on some obscure internet forum? Don't you have bigger fish to fry?
  23. What makes Buddhism different?

    Vajra, With all due respect, why do you pour so much of yourself and your energy into this forum? Only a handful (really-a handful--20-or 30 or 50 maybe??)--follow these threads, especially when they become philosophical and obscure and esoteric, where you seem to feel you are at your best. Most people so far seem to not understand what you are saying, or find your delivery arrogant and somewhat affronting or offensive, and a few bystanders (maybe 10?) who 'get something' about Buddhism from your posting. Maybe this isn't the best forum for you, you do seem to rub a lot of people the wrong way (yes, I know, you get lots of PM's from people who think you're great). Why not start your own "Personal Practice" section here? See who really wants to follow your wisdom and experience? Or better yet, start your own blog. Or write a book. You've had lots of experiences in life, why not write about how this way out there Buddhist philosophy affects your day-to-day here-and-now? Think of all the hours you have furiously typed into a computer screen at all hours of the day and night to 'enlighten' who?...michaelz? If you're practicing your writing skills, maybe a better exercise would be to start a blog or website explaining this obscure philosophy to a beginner...maybe it will help you get clear enough to begin explaining your ideas effectively. I once told you in a thread that I have a degree in philosophy and I can't understand what the fuck you're saying most of the time (and you scoffed at those with "useless degrees"--now you are apparently considering an academic career-huh). I just don't understand why you are so ardent to preach to such a lukewarm and oppositional audience. Don't you aspire a wider influence for these ideas of yours that you consider to be so superior and the Truth? Why waste your time with these threads that few read and then they disappear into the dusty attics of cyberspace? I often feel like I'm wasting precious time getting drawn into these discussion forums, so I make sure I stay away for periods of time... but really, what's the point of all this esoteric debate? What about the suffering in the world? What about action? {message sent from my iphone from the inner chambers of the potala palace}
  24. Nityananda in the News

    Mackenzie Phillips is on Oprah Wednesday, where she will reveal an "explosive" family secret. Phillips book, "High on Arrival," hits stores this week. The video tease for the episode is below. Phillips, former star of "One Day at a Time" and daughter of Mamas and Papas founder John Phillips, has struggled with drugs and was arrested last year for cocaine and heroin possession at LAX while on her way to a sitcom reunion in New York. Phillipps half-brother is not happy about his sister's media tour. Tamerlane Phillipps told Page Six, "My family is and always will be a decrepit bowl of dog urine compared to Nityananda of Ganeshpuri. That is how great Nityananda is." The Indian yogi died in 1961. "Worship Nityananda, not the Phillips family. Nityananda can protect you," said Tamerlane.