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Everything posted by Uroboros

  1. The Conjuring (movie) based on a true story

    I saw a documentary about a haunting in GA. It was pretty intense. I think it was actually called a haunting in georgia.....Anywho, based on a real story. Is there any movie you feel accurately, in some way, represents demons/excorsisms/ spirits and the like? Peace.
  2. Deepforest- Ooh! No, I have not seen that. How very interesting....Do you know if that is something that Orcas do often or rarely? I have not heard of many "big cats" doing that. Still, it does happen. I should have stated it this way- Most lions and tigers kill their prey quickly- As to not make an absolute statement. Hehe, maybe the "cats" kill their pray quickly so there are less stress hormones in the meat......how very practical of them!
  3. Ohhh! I gotcha. Was feeling quite confused for a moment there. Thank you for clarifying!
  4. I love it, too! Those are my favorite movements....When I eventually start to learn Bagua, I feel that I will really enjoy the spiraling aspect. HHehe, I am a wet towel that needs to be wrung out! Atleast, I feel that way at times. Im going to re-watch the videos. Thanks for the post, BaguaKicksAss! I find the concept her explains in the first 3 minutes, about being less wrong. is very interesting to ponder.. Its less wrong rather then right...I remember when I first watched them, It helped shift my thinking towards a new idea of mastery. Instead of there being a clear goal, where you reach it and your done, its ever evolving, ever changing so you are never quite there....
  5. I have not watched any of the Xie Peiqi videos! They looked very interesting. I just watched most of the videos that were freely available. Demystifying Qi, Introduction to the Shan Han Lun....and the DaoYin. When you speak of torquing, there are a few movements in the Yin Gong Jin I practice that has some torque motions to it. Those are quite fun! One feels like im wringing out my arms! hehe. Difficult, work your butt of QiGong is wonderful! Even if you do as much as is comfortable for you, without over-extending, the benefits can be great. OH, I would love to see what kind of Sinking information you might happen to dig up...always good to get a new perspective.
  6. No, no! I watched them last year! With some of his other videos. I went thru a few of the videos on his site.
  7. BaguaKicksAss- I did enjoy watching those videos. He explains some things in his videos, in a way I found helpful. Have you practiced his DaoYin for any length of time? I am curious as to the changes that would take place..... Peace.
  8. Joe? What is this ''''''''89? You have confounded my mind space thing! haha, the clouds are so pretty, though! Horses, dragons.....pumpkins...cakes....mmmm The sky inspires awe, though.
  9. Hm...I am but a babe in all these wonderful things! Ok, thank you! Finding "who" is focusing, I will work on that. hehe..that actually does help, that is far less..seemingly appearing, in my current state. Oooh, I would like to "enter" a stillness of that sort...ehehe, who wants to enter the stillness? I dun know. Its funny when people ask me, who are you, they want a name...yet I have no idea who or what I am! haha. Thank you, Lin. I do appreciate your offering your help. A very helpful direction pointer, it is, too. Take care. Peace.
  10. So you could use concentration on the mind, to cut thru the mind, in a sense? Thats where part of my current...stuckness is.. At first I could do it, then I reached a point where I had no place to focus on. To inquire. My mind became far too misty...nebulous. Ahh, maybe im just rambling about states that are unimportant! haha. Thank you for taking the time to reply! Peace.
  11. I have heard it explained as Inquiry Into The Self. A method of Expedient Means where you, in my current small understanding, use your mind to inquire into the mind...Its quite intense. The little I have done is powerful yet I feel if you know anything about it, it would be interesting to hear how you feel about it. Just a thought I felt like sharing! Peace.
  12. Immortal4Life- Wonderful examples! I do that so often, instinctivly. it just feels right. Sometimes its not the best method to heal, though. Often times, acupuncture, qigong, herbs and the like can do much more if used properly...I wonder if thats an example of an instinctive intuition being cultivated into a system to do more then what is just instinctive? Peace.
  13. Lin- I do find your show beneficial. Greatly, I feel. Do you know anything about the practice of Atma Vichara? Thank you! Peace.
  14. Flolfolil- I agree, most animals know how to take care of themselves, in various ways. Humans do too! Yawning for example, yawning is normal, its nothing special. Yet, it can be if you fully engage the yawn. It can clear energy, bring it more energy, release blockages! Thats amazing! We do it all the time yet rarely fully engage and so we rarely experience the full depth. Yep, humans learned how to live in harmony with themselves and nature, then found ways to help cultivate that to a deeper level. Although....I wonder if domesticated animals are like humans in society. Out of touch with who they are so they do not know how to naturally take care of themselves.....Interesting. Domesticated cats have lost touch with their instincts, I feel. A lion will kill its prey quickly, so will a tiger, a wolf, etc. They know that when they hunt, they do it for hunger. They do not torture their prey. Domesticated cats do. They dont seem to know why they do what they do, just that they have the deep desire to do it. Peace.
  15. I started learning Wild Goose, 1st 64 Form about a year and a half ago. Took me 9 months to learn the most basic version of it. It has completely changed my life! Even when I was still learning it, the changes were drastic. I started to feel stronger, more relaxed. My mind became clearer, brain fog diminished. My memory was sharper. One of the biggest changes was in my ability to learn. At first, i would learn three moves...and I would have to go over for hours in my head after class and then practice for an hour, at least every day to memorize it. After about...3 months of practice, still not the complete form, I noticed a big shift, I could go over it a couple times and remember...I didnt have to practice so much to remember it. Now, I can be shown a movement, do it once or twice and remember it. Then I can practice it a few times to remember it. hehe, I still practice as much as is comfortable. My health has continued to improve. I am capable of exerting more energy without crashing from overload/ exhaustion. I go to sleep faster, easier and experience higher quality sleep. My body has gotten stronger, more flexible. Thru practice I have gotten in touch with my body, my emotions and my mind. Its changed my entire way of living. I am still a babe in this practice and its done so much for me. I dont feel it can be learned with any depth thru videos. There are far too many nuances and pieces that if are not corrected/ taught properly to a person, can cause problems. It is a very detailed practice with much depth and power within it. Anywho, this is my evaluation of this practice. I hope someone finds it useful in some way! Peace.
  16. ...

    I wonder if the degree of fluidity and instability in your mind, affects how much the memories are changed....Something to ponder. Peace.
  17. ...

    Hhaha, a cats paw swiping does usually involve claws...ouch. True, the open hand/ palm is quite deadly... Far more flexibility in methods. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? what is the sound of one hand clapping? I feel that these are using duality to point towards something that is not quite dual...Still have little experiential knowledge of what that is! hehe. On the topic of destruction/ creation. Songtsan made a good point, I feel. That we are constantly making and un-making our ego/ individual consciousness. Or our perception of our self. Every time we choose, we in effect, destroy one possibility and version of ourselves in favor of another. We can un-make/ destroy our previous model/ belief/ paradigm and create/ make a new one. It could be considered a small death. We die and die and are born a new person. memories are similar, as well. We rely on our ability to recall them. They are forgotten, let go and they dont exist anymore. To us, atleast. Then we remember, we pull them back, we re-create them, in way. If we cant recall them...it strikes a shattering blow to the ego..to our self. Either we let go of all but now and ride the waves or we try and hold on. To gain a place of stability based in linearity. Its not a true, true stabilty, me thinks. What happens to your open palm when you make a fist? It is gone. It exists and does not exist. The potential for it to exist in that form is there, though. Maybe it could help if we allow ourselves to destroy that which no longer serves us, in a fluid way. To create that which does serve us, in the moment. Some thoughts. Peace.
  18. ...

    Is an open hand truly an open hand if you cannot make a fist? A cats paw is open, it does not make a fist..Does it have the same meaning? Peace.
  19. ...

    Oh, thank you! How very kind of you, Cat. I guess we should try and stay more on topic, then. haha. Peace.
  20. Thank you for all the videos! I have been enjoying them quite a bit. Allot of good information and interesting perspectives. Are you going to do another session on Expedient Means Practices? I felt like you could have gone into a little bit more detail on them. Since some people resonate more with one practice over another and such. Maybe one on Mindfullness? I look forward to whatever you do! Peace.
  21. ...

    Marblehead- I enjoy talking about it, too! Its allot of fun..helps ya grow/ develop, I feel. The thing I am pondering is this- can anything truly be an illusion/ delusion? Even if another person does not experience it as you do, does that mean it does not exist at all? So far, I feel that to say that it does not exist at all because it is outside of the experience of some is...a judgement based on limited knowledge....My saying that is a judgement, too! haha. Hmm...on the chemical imbalance creating the experience...I feel that it could also be the other way round. The subtle is creating the more physical manifestation. It could be both..a mutual creation/ existence. A self induced illusion/delusion can then create physical/ chemical imbalances...So is there any real difference? Have you seen the movie Red Cliff, the full version? It was excellent. You have to watch the full version, though. the short version cuts out most of the story, character building and such. Thats wonderful! Im glad you benefited from experiencing other cultures. So much can be learned. Did your first 'oneness" experience change how you made choices afterwards? Contentment...feeling happy with what we have...I feel it helps curb greed/ excess. I feel your sentiments. There are many who have less then I do and are in far worse condition....When I was younger, I did not like people saying that. I felt it was a denial of whatever problems I had. Saying I did not matter. Now I realize that its a change in perspective to open space for gratitude and change...I appreciate such things far more now! Peace.
  22. Ganying

    Hello! What a wonderful topic..I have experienced ganying often. I actually rely on it quite a bit to move thru life. I will share a story on one event that has influenced my life up until today. 3 years ago I was thinking about how I could make my house feel better, healthier, happier. I was contemplating getting a Feng Shui reading. I was feeling unsure, lost really, as to what to do so I went outside in the yard with my phone because i was waiting for a call. I stared at the sun and asked for help. I asked to be given a sign to point me in the right direction. Right then, the phone rang. It was a Feng Shui reader. My mum, without telling me, had called a couple people and left messages. I liked the reader right from the start and hired her right then. That event created a ripple effect that eventually led me to where i am today and to my teacher. I dont know if I would be where i am if I had not followed the guidepost. Probably not, haha. Peace.
  23. ...

    Marblehead- Ahh, now I see what you mean about the question/ statement...It does seem to make far more sense as a statement. Thank you for clarifying. On the topic of illusions, it could be said that most things are some form of illusion. Which is why I say, appears to exist. Since I have little knowledge of things existing outside of my own self, which I know little about, most things appear to be what they are. Hmm...If you could be totally immersed in the Wu yet aware of the Yu...that does sound incredible. It could also be horrible! haha. We may become so detached from the Yu, that we are unable to do more then sit and be. We may be unable to participate because we already are so deeply connected. Time may blur, experiences might blend and merge, people could as well....I wonder if thats similar to how a schizophrenic experiences life at times. Ever changing, constantly flipping channels, experiencing things that exist to them, not to others. It would be interesting find out if they were more in a different "state" or "plane" and less wherever their body currently was. Like a shaman, just far more unstable. Hmm...Very interesting...So the essence is probably in the Mystery (wu), which is why it appears to exist yet slips from your grasp when you try to grab it. This is very fun and interesting brain/mind stuff. You have given me much to ponder. Hhehe, a good action/ adventure movie...those can be very enjoyable. Do you prefer more modern timed movies, say the last 100 years, or any good action/adventure movie? Im curious, Marblehead. Do you feel that your time in the Army helped you uncover some insight into the nature of creation/destruction? Peace.
  24. Book of Chen Jen

    Thank you for sharing that link, Kajenx! I do enjoy a good resource, helps having a broad area to throw ya net. See what get caught and all. So far, im enjoying reading the book. Peace.
  25. ...

    Cat- The Shadow was a radio show character and they made some comics and a movie about him. I also have observed that shadows have life in some form...I have pondered that there might be some sort of connection between the Un-manifested and the Manifested in them. Marblehead- Hmm...I feel the same. Trying to define space is like trying to define the Tao. Why do you feel my second question should be a statement? Hmm...I agree that having some semblance of balance between Wu and Yu would be helpful. There are most likely people who exist mostly in one or the other....We may also slide between them in varying degrees based on the task...How curious. I wonder what a person who existed totally in one or the other would exist as. If a person existed in the Mystery totally would they have any definite form? I wonder if thats spirit... Would a person who totally existed in the Manifested have any connection to the subtle realms? Hmm....this is a tough one. Are you saying that each particle, in a sort of resonance, creates a field that is a Wave? Maybe the dilemma is that a Particle and Wave may appear to be separate, when they are not...Like everything else! Ah, my fathers family did the same thing, at times... Hehe, birth of the drones, eh... Thats an impressive use of TV! Not just for reality tv shows! Thanks for sharing! Peace.