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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Sense Pleasures

    Everyone is a Buddha, don't sell yourself short.
  2. Journey to the West

    it's fun to be naughty.... and we are reading about monkeys.
  3. What makes Buddhism different?

    No just quieter. In your defense you do seem to be limiting yourself to Buddhist threads. Yourself and Marblehead do put in a lot of energy into TTB, being the only '09 members in the top 50 by # of posts. Isn't there some sort of e-sanga ban in place? Or have I misremembered. {I only skim these sort of threads when I'm really bored as I too find the long techi posts lost in circular quibbles over definitions}
  4. Journey to the West

    It's all good (as long as it's not getting flooded ) Taoism and Buddhism have a long history of symbiosis. Cool insert restless monkey Well he did have secret teaching in those 3 years that the others didn't have access to but it still wasn't really quick even for the gifted Monkey. Can we imagine anyone these days puting in 7 years building a foundation and then one student getting the "good stuff"
  5. So in the interest of continual product improvement if any one has any ideas on how to improve TTB brainstorm away. Your little idea could change our world One thing I really liked was Best Topics of 2008
  6. Suggestions for a Home Page?

    perhaps a news feed page ?;q=taoist+news
  7. Improve the site

    Yes , I hate seeing threads disappear. Stig made a good work around in his huge links thread. We lose a lot of knowledge (dare I saw even wisdom) especially as most topics of discussion come up again and again. Ok it is a discussion board but there must be a huge repository of knowledge sitting somewhere. I've searched threads back to 2004 so I'm guessing they are all in 1's and 0's somewhere. I usually ignore the basic search and go straight to advanced search or use google on this site. Perhaps if it could be indexed in some way. Tags are good but I rarly know what ones to use when starting a thread. Invision 3 does have topic ratings.
  8. I was looking for a good bean curd recipe

    We have a member called Bean Curd Turtle, perhaps they can help you Welcome to TTB
  9. haha yes I use to think that about health too. Cool "powers" are so much more appealing until you realise you just want to get out of bed without pain in the morning
  10. There was talk about immortality recently in the KAP thread, coincidently I dredged up this really old thread from 2004. I love recycling
  11. Sense Pleasures

    ROTHLMAO sorry I just noticed that. Subversive, true and funny I love it

    Cool, will try to tune in at work. Will be thinking of you all with
  13. I Have A Few Questions! Please, Help!

    KAP - contains Chi Gungs and meditation. Tong Long - Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Yang Tai Chi - long form. You asked in another thread what did I "feel" from Chi Gongs. They make me feel alive. I can feel sensations, energy moving while practicing. When I do them in the morning they wake me up and energize me for the day.
  14. Taoist Philosophy

    Osho rules I love Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness and also When the Shoe fits, but really all his books are great From Sex to Superconsciousness
  15. I Have A Few Questions! Please, Help!

    If it helps I feel it is better to do something even if it turns out to be totally wrong, than to do nothing. At least if you try you will lean something, even if you only learn that it was a bad idea I use to be very tied up in learning "the Best" not wanting to waste any time. In retrospect I always got something in return for my efforts so I'm less concerned now. e.g. I would like to learn "complete Tai Chi" fighting, meditation, the whole kit an caboodle. My Sifu teaches Tai Chi just for health. He tell beginers they will learn. Abdominal Breathing Balance Concentration he tells us we need it to complement our Kung Fu. We struggle to get him to teach us once a year. But what we get from him we are very gratefull for. So opinion time. 1. Either 2. Morning and night, more if possible or whatever you can manage is fine. 3. I tried that....tricky to achieve but it's something. Some Chi Kungs in book are there because the authors beleive it is possible to do them correctly and learn them just from a book. 4. Yes 5. World Wide Web I use to spend a lot of time here here Sifu Wong Kiew Kit's Home Page 6. Good beginning, video give a better idea than static pictures in a book. Remember it should be fun and enjoyable, not a chore or you won't want to practice.
  16. Good Will Hunting

    I asked my Sifu a similar thing and he told me that it is important that we try to help people. But that person must be willing to accept help. Sometimes they are not, and in those situations you should help yourself but also accept that that is what they want at this time.
  17. Journey to the West

    While it didn't take many words it did take him many years to want to find a teacher and then to search one out over the 2 continents. I guess there wasn't too much exciting stuff happening to monkey during that time as a highlight was stealing clothes at the start! Shall we press on Except for perhaps gleaning a significance of the names used. (Flowery Chinese vs deeper meaning, perhaps a combination) I feel we have pondered chap one ofr a while and I'm looking forward to the next chapter as it should allow some debate on this. as I guess having the right parents i.e. a stone egg must have really helped him. Got to chose those parents wisely!
  18. Good Will Hunting

    Perhaps an I Ching and see if that sheds some light on a path. Do you want to be proactive in this situation (probably as you posted a question) or do you just want to go with the flow? There are power differentials here. Power over income. Perceived differences in "ability" Any change in a long term relationship is likely to upset balance. Sometimes the best action is to change yourself and just see if your example rubs off on them over time.
  19. Taoist Philosophy

    Why? Is you spirit not dwelling peacefully?
  20. tooth regeneration

    BTT. Brushing with hemp soap is working well. Teeth and gums continue to be healthy Perhaps could do with a bit of a whitening treatment. I never got far with the bloting and oil pulling.
  21. Taoist cat going with the flow

    Nice to see someone else stuck with a cat that likes to drink running water. Although mine do not get quite that wet, usually just the tail so they can drape that over my face at a later time
  22. Well it's nice to not read an "I'm leaving" post Everyone here really does try to make TTB a good place and I think the love shows.

    Cool a debate. Dr Morris combined already existing methods to into a Kundalini Awakening Process. Yes he died at 62. But Santi posted his grandmother is 80 and does KAP, therefore we have a conflict, therefore I can not support your assumption. Also I agree with Since we are having fun. I don't think KAP sux, but it does require you to ejaculate a lot (ROFLMAO KAP in joke please do not take the above as practice advice unless you know what it means)