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Everything posted by Mal

  1. question about nonduality and sex

    Don't worry. What were you before your parents were born? (An oldie but a goodie.) Exactly, plenty of chances, do your best and whatever happens just
  2. Once they get over the worry that you really are totally happy without any contact or an EJ orgasm yourself they really seem to relax and enjoy it. Of course if they are sexually active they usually have a lot of exposure to males genital focus. A recent comment I got was. "I had always dreamed of someone spending hours just touching me without diving straight for my genitals. My other partners would never go slowly enough." Yes she enjoyed it a LOT
  3. What's your main interest here?

    ROTFL actually I want a looking for chicks option too
  4. Warnings about Dr.Lin

    Well you just have to look at the layout of his various sites I'm not personally a fan of supplements and while an engineering PHD can call themselves a "Dr" I find it rather unethical. Still his CD-rom on lovemaking methods is exceptionally good. Trunk has a great overview on his site under LinsLinks Really everything here is just so useful Screwing technique Circular motion during intercourse for mutual massage therapy, invigoration, lower body exercise. Also for "warming up" - promote maximal hardness, lubrication. Trigger Zones The areas on him, her, that trigger orgasm. Angle of thrust High angle of penetration in order to stimulate the g-spot. Also, a pillow under her hips can improve the angle for more g-spot contact. Position of 3-point Excitation Sexual position that stimulates her three trigger zones (clitoris, g-spot, epicenter), with his less sensitive areas (pubic bone, upper surface of penis). Stroke and Wave Mechanics Wave mechanics theory of woman's orgasm. (Yup, this guy is a scientist.) Putting It All Together Giving her orgasm without ejaculating. Finger Plier Method Manually stimulating clitoris & g-spot (trigger zones) simultaneously. Erection Power Clock Hard erection required to stimulate her trigger zones during intercourse. Penile "Ballooning" technique ..for harder erection and penis enlargement Riped from yes I left out "Female Chi Kong, Exercise, Orgasm Tips for her." I've field tested it on many partners, once I learnt it and became confident it has had always worked. I even resorted to the "finger pliers" {bad name} on the only girl I couldn't bring to orgasam with oral. She told me later she just really does not enjoy oral. Now I'm sure there are a multitude of ways to learn this stuff but Dr Lin was the one that "clicked" for me and the number of orgasmic I have given using this stuff makes me ETERNALLY grateful.
  5. Everything you wanted to know about ...

    Pai Mei I always found him rather terrifying, I wonder if it's because I practice a Shaolin art? I love all of Kill Bill I remember the garlic smell issue and I recall Drew did talking about the shit smell, has it become more prevalent than before? I don't remember it getting mentioned as much. I sometimes get a really bad ammonia like smell when I exercise hard for over 2 hours and I felt that could have been due to ketosis. But how much do you want to compromise your "health" to fit into society? I eat once a day and due to Ramadan I stopped eating even fruit during the day (although I still had water) and I quite liked that. So at the recent conference everyone was weirded out that I wouldn't eat anything for morning/afternoon tea and lunch. Although I was walking around the city to catch buses and trying to take in day long lectures so I started having fruit for a bit of an energy boost. They would also put out these fruit trays and they had passionfruit, I love passionfruit. But it's all about what your body is use to. When I arrived that day I had taken a 2 hour plane trip, 30 min train ride, walked for 2 hours, trained Kung Fu for 4 hours and then had my first food of the day. At no time did I feel hungry. And then people are telling me, "I couldn't survive without breakfast and missing lunch" You can see them thinking"Good diet fat man" but they didn't know me when I was 20 kg heavier and it's not really about loosing weight. It's just amazing how much food people consume in a day.
  6. Journey to the West

    Now that I'm back from holidays I was thinking of making some notes of a few bit in the first chapter that just jumped out at me. I'll re-read it in the next few days. Things I remember noticing, the journey to the continents to find a teacher, none of that happened quickly. I guess you can take your time if you are an imortal or perhaps these days we just expect travel to be quicker. But then the reason for the journey in the first place was the monkey kings knowledge that things change. and dedication to his task, even though nobody else seemed to think it was important
  7. Everything you wanted to know about ...

    I love you too Findley You are good for my practice
  8. What's your main interest here?

    Of the choices I picked Martial arts as we get a more spiritual than technical perspective here. I'm not intrested in healing meditation or techniques anymore as I have found an excellent practice for me. I do like the sexual threads a lot. Self awakening is interesting but sort of falls under technique discussions (see above) and I'm not really sure how much can be gained by reading about that sort of stuff. Although the stories are cool fun to read I just like MA better. I come here to see what people I have grown to know are doing. Attempt to help where I can in the areas I am interested in and increasingly challenge polarized thinking.
  9. My health on the table

    Yes I Love TTB Time and age will reduce sex drive or if you can't wait for those, find another person rather than porn i.e. get out and find a new girlfriend (seriously girls are great) The technique you describe after 3~4 time SHOULD make it difficult to physically ejaculate, it's sort of the point of doing it Can't really help with the headache as I don't often suffer from them, but if you do a lot of that pumping/clenching with sex/masturbation then that could actually contribute. Although if you want headache relief without drugs try a cold pack they are good. Of course this is treating symptoms not the cause but pain relief is not to be underestimated.
  10. Everything you wanted to know about ...

    Lifestyle choices are just that choices. While they are difficult to understand I do enjoy Drew's posts Predictive powers too
  11. Looking for a statue of Lao Tzu

    Cool, although you would expect good service in Hong Kong The do have a statue and a intriguing quote Confucius, Lao Tzu and Mencius little dreamed their aged likenesses would reappear centuries later, wisdom intact, as inspired works of craftsmanship.
  12. question about nonduality and sex

    As always the awesomeness of your posts is just incredible _/\_ Like Carlson said, sex and the reasons we want it changes so much over time, especially with long term partners. Something that really helped me was getting older and the associated slow down from the explosive teenager years and gaining some measure of experience. Lots of sexual experiences really helped me minimize that lusting desire for sex, we are all basically the same naked in the dark so it changes from a lust to a desire for loving intimate contact. There is no rush and the time frame can be much less with less practice if that is what you desire but don't worry about it. Be confident in yourself because what we think we are. Orgasms are a natural function of the human body and easy to achieve. Yes they can be difficult for many people but a loving partner secure in themselves should enjoy such challenges I know I do Seriously ponder Freeforms advice. While my partner didn't like Witch's book (diet changes, too lazy to try) I did and it has good advice that is easy to follow and helpfull for MANY people. But don't be too goal orientated, the entire event should be immensely pleasurable, from that first sparkle of the eye to the last smile of joyous pleasure. There is lots of stuff you will learn on your journy. I like to remind myself that forums and talking about stuff moves MUCH quicker than practicing and actually doing it (at least for me) I too like Deer exercises, there is some absolutely awesome stuff in KAP 2 regarding sex but there is no rush and nothing to acheive. Thread tangents are what we do here it's all good............ O.k. so you like O's at a D. I don't do them but I do this. While you are out and about when you see someone and they arouse you. Take that feeling, FEEL it, enjoy it, and send it back at them. Smile, make eye contact. See what happens. This works really well with a loving / connecting mindset, for a contrast for guys try it with dirty adolescent boy lusty thoughts, you usually won't get a smile back so be careful....... Perhaps with girls trying lusty you will still get a smile from guys but love is a much nicer feeling IMHO and is almost always appreciated by others. I know of people that can do no touch massage and energy connection over any distance. This is something I would like to do one day if that is on my path.
  13. Acne

    I have read that all/most Chi Gungs or methods of increasing your "energy" will improve your skin condition. Its an organ after all and most methods will improve your health. So you could always try Meditation for Beautiful skin Bodri background info
  14. You also have a background in yichuan and hsing-I and various cultivation methods so you are not the average newbie off the street But yes the physical side of Tai Chi is not to be underestimated. I always tell beginners they may feel a bit sore in the legs after the first class and they usually look at me like I'm insane "But we are justs standing here It's not like we are jogging or lifting weights" But for may people even just standing through a Yang Tai Chi lession can be strenuous. My teacher Talkes about Tai Chi giving 3 benefites which I usually refer to as as the ABC of Tai Chi. Abdominal breathing Balance Concentration
  15. Thats the sort of stuff I like to hear. I had forgotten that you were good with your stats _/\_ I now recall you had done similar analysis before Unfortunately I do not have membership here but perhaps one of the academics may be able to access this article or at least the abstract for you. Journal Religious Studies Review TAOISM: THE ENDURING TRADITION book by Russell Kirkland Although as it's only one page perhaps may not really be anything at all at least the book hits on goggle books Different article but got an abstract, may help and now getting really obscure and probably not relevant Article title Daoism in Modern-Day China Author Yaoting, C. Journal title CHINESISCHE MEDIZIN -MUNCHEN- details 2007, JAHR 22; HEFT 1, pages 38-4 (in German )
  16. Yes. My Sifu specifically teaches Qi Gongs at the start of Tai Chi so that people can start to get health benefits immediately. Thoughts I like Chi Gungs because they are more fundamental and quicker to perform than my entire Tai Chi form. The complexity of Tai Chi makes it very enjoyable to practice over many years as it's always challenging. I sometimes get caught in my thoughts with Chi Gungs, basically not paying attention, while doing these "simpler" movements. If this happens in Tai Chi I quickly loose my place in the form or feel my body awarness sliping so it's "easier" for me to notice this "mind trap" I tend to learn different Chi Gungs but then stop practicing them. While I have been doing my Kung Fu ones for almost as long as Tai Chi, they have a specific aim and it's not health related. So apart from them the longest time I have consistently practiced Chi Gungs has only been 10 months vs approaching 7 years for this Tai Chi form. Start with what you like practicing as it's how good your practice is, not how good is your "method", that is important IMHO.
  17. Is "50" representative ? It's been a LONG time since I did stats for psychology but you might need to be careful with this in an academic paper. (wiki while not academic will do) None the less I voted "No place to meet up with other Daoists to study/talk/meditate" as I always enjoyed meeting the people at Buddhist meditation classes.
  18. The Best Tao Te Ching Translation?

    I like Revealing the Tao Te Ching as I especially found the commentaries and general info at the start very helpful. review I don't know about "best" but it is a good starting place for something more studious with basic "Taoism" information rather than just a translation of the text.
  19. Mal, would say nothing he would listen, so I can't help you here Stig I'm out of my depth. Looking forward to the ideas in hopefully I'll think of something