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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Kap stuff tonight on Skype + Shaktipat

    Being away I actually forgot these were one but I noticed that around lunchtime I started to feel really happy and uplifted which was a bit strange. All I could attribute it to was de-stressing as my holiday was over and it hadn't actually finished yet and getting to the airport in time is usually the worst part and then feeling "down" when back at home. I really should clean my house the comparison to a motel is not flattering But the "buzz" is definitly more like a meditation effect, thanks for pluging me in
  2. Hey Fox, Good to hear the talks went well did they have fun with any particular discussion topic more than others? I like the topic of universal (god's) love. Love is always good. Perhaps you could compare a practice like loving kindness meditation usually something like cultivating loving-kindness towards: Yourself A good friend A 'neutral' person A difficult person All four and then gradually the entire Universe to what Jesus would do as he does loving kindness. but I can't help you with specifics. Perhaps Prince or Daren or someone more in that field than me
  3. Yes that was the one small wwworld. It will certainly be interesting to see what the current Chinese political thinking is on these topics.
  4. Cool, I wonder if Findley or one of our China 'bums will be getting to this one. Would be intresting to hear what they talk about. Any other links? I'm only finding TTB and a Twitter where someone got an invite.
  5. What are you listening to?

    Some Aussie HipHop pMYWC0tMZsk Everyone loves Fridays
  6. The audio was for the earlier kap review classes that day. It kept dropping out so went with just text (I think that was the kap1 review Remember Santi saying :- Shakti knows what you need Just breathe
  7. Me Hahahahahahha. No no kundalini here. There is heaps in KAP 2 Kap 2 topics I just tend to focus on the sex stuff because I like it You can do it without a partner, or eventually over distance, but there is plenty more in there e.g. Healing is much more fun that I had anticipated, very useful. Sounds good to me My "Practice" is basically running SS while doing the walking chi gungs that incorporates orbits and all sorts of good stuff. My biggest issue is trusting myself. Is this "real" vs am I just imagining it. These days I usually just go with how I feel and try not to 2nd guess myself.
  8. The name of the site

    Thanks to Nanashi for finding this old thread. I love reading the threads of TTB creation Anyone else have a copy of THE DHARMA BUMS?
  9. Do be too hard on yourself either SB this stuff takes practice and doesn't happen overnight, it's not a pill or magic bullet. I retook the KAP 1 class before I felt I had a slight idea as to what was going on and it's been ~10 months of daily practice (I think) on top of all the other stuff I have learnt over ~15 years. Everyday things can change. Even with basic / fundamental practices there is a LOT going on (perhaps even more so they are fundamental) Tao is awesome and is sure to be able to help you. But discussion boards would be really boring if we all just practiced and didn't post questions So.... Have a read of your kap notes for the secret smile on Relaxed Calm (seeing Happy is the easy one) Just breathe for a while. Remember to physically smile, perhaps pay attention to any differences you can feel in you body or face between than and not smiling. Try squeezing your toes and pay attention to how you feel when you relax them. Do that 3 times then continue on up. No rush, no goals. Just experience. Eventually the teacher will post audio of Dr Morris doing the secret smile. He has a REALLY good voice. Great fun to listen and practice it with him. I am a big fan of fake it till you make it So that seems like a good approach to me.
  10. 8 Extraordinary Channels and Taji

    I would fall into that catagory. I get that too We talk about breathing and eventually allowing chi to expand/contract and flow but not specifically meridians. Although we sometimes touch on them in kung fu for explaining why certain points are targeted it's very rare.
  11. 3 kraps a day

    A quick google sees a lot of variation 1~3 a day being perhaps the most common but there is a lot of individuals differences I got constipation being defined as having less than three bowel movements per week with straining more than 25% of the time I've had a range of 1 to several a day depending on diet. Seems to be 2 at the moment if that helps.
  12. To The New Taoist

    The Tao is unimaginably vast so getting started is always tricky as there are so much available. What do you like? Meditation, moving like Tai Chi or Qi Gongs, Standing like a post or Siting? Perhaps you like reading I took that one from Marbelhead's link, its Chuang Tzu more here {slightly} more instructional Hua Hu Ching You will get a lot of different replies, there are some many interesting paths. Don't rush, enjoy the journey and have fun traveling
  13. Journey to the West

    I recon' we read the entire 1st chapter and then pick over it's tasty bones
  14. Journey to the West

    Yes the hidden aspect intregues me. Is it just a cultural reference or more like the terms in the Nei Jing Tu It would be a LOT of work to try and figure it out without some guidance. Just the context may give us enough info. Still the clever thing about this book is that it can be read on many levels. Seeing how it's our discussion at the moment have you read Journey to the West before? Because I've only seen the TV show MONKEY and read a few various chapters.
  15. Firstly I hate change I know it's wrong and unTaoist but I just really hate change and I've come to love this little place on the net called TTB very much. But I like technological change for the better. We are much bigger now and it's a more diverse community. So because these ideas seem to come up in threads more and more often and I know at least one person here will really enjoy this Have a look at some of the interesting little features in V3 It perhaps moves away from the big melting pot I really enjoy that is The Tao Bums > Tao Lounge > Taoist Discussion But I wonder how much this would cost? Come to think of it how much does this place cost? Advertising is up although subscription remains the same (thanks to the benevolent overlord )
  16. Yes, that is what I like about TTB. I would hope that Yoda may come back eventually. Since the place is getting bigger and Sean is sharing power perhaps we should go for a Jedi Council approach. That way people could be unavailable now and then and not cause any issues. Although I'm guessing that there really isn't that much to do (like many council jobs )
  17. What are you listening to?

    And I hold off buying another singing bowl because of the price. That collection would be worth much more than my 3 sax's and numerous other instruments. Would be a LOT of fun though....... would my partner kill me if I brought a gong
  18. Under the influence

    hehe I like this idea, I'll be sure to post something although I'm happy now because we one the 1 day cricket and beat South Africa in the rugby so I didn't drink much
  19. Journey to the West

    Thanks for the link, they do like the big numbers I think we got short changed with a 7 day creation story Jumping a bit, but staying in chapter 1 (I'm happy to move around) what is with these names like Eastern Continent of Superior Body Western Continent of Cattle−gift Southern Continent of Jambu Northern Continent of Kuru. HAPPY LAND OF THE MOUNTAIN OF FLOWERS AND FRUIT, CAVE HEAVEN OF THE WATER CURTAIN Happy land is descriptive, almost an Eden, not sure as to the imagery of the others.
  20. Thanks everyone but.... I am not the benevolent dictator you are looking for....... I would like to help out with personal practice requests and stuff like that since I'm usually here although I am going on holidays for an entire week I'm struggling not to take a laptop, probably will login at least once via net cafe's. This attachment to TTB is a sign that I should take a little break. Stig would be awesome. There are so many good people here that could help, it's hard for me to even try to narrow down a list. August Leo Cat DarinHamel Eric23 Freeform GrandTrinity Hagar Ian Joeblast Karen KoHsuan Little1 Lin 林愛偉 Lozen mantis Mat Black mikaelz mYTHmAKER Oolong Rabbit Peitro Rain SeaDog Scotty Shontonga Smile Spectrum Steve F Sunshine Taomeow The learner Trunk VCraigP Vortex Wayfarer64 Yoda Zenolith .Broken. and so many others have made much more of a contribution over the years than comic relief like myself
  21. Invision Power Board V3

    It would be easy enough to round up the $$ but is this the direction we want to move in (remember me and change) I wouldn't want to rush into it. The most helpful things could be topic ratings and the reputation system. But reputation also can lead to those "Why did you give me a negative rep " Wars and a single dimension can be tricky as people may like to rate different things more highly (some like humor, some like technical expertise) Bit more info here Reputation System And I see V3.0.3 is out so should be smoothing out bugs.
  22. Illiteracy In Biology&Anatomy

    I have trouble trusting my feelings and I feel that comes from our education system with external exams and tests. I think we often want to think/know/understand everything with our mind first. Sometimes I feel something, but dismiss it because I don't understand it. Then later when I learn more my mind goes "oh yes that's what I felt I understand now". But I already felt it and I could have known at that moment if I just trusted myself enough to.... trust Knowing the terminology becomes more important when you want to share experiences as then it gives you a common language that is specific and focused. Like any jargon that helpful to those that know the language and another barrier to those that don't. I guess you could have wisdom or knowledge some sort of continuum of wisdom <---> knowledge or wisdom and knowledge interacting and helping each other
  23. No way SB Every feeling is of equal value. Always feel free to post. I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling down though. I get the feeling that sex is perhaps not the most hang up free area of your life (I don't mean to be offensive) If it helps I started bawling my eyes out at that point as the love was just so incredibly beautifully and it was easy for me to feel so inadequate in comparison. It was a pretty intense meditation but the experiences can become what we make them, everything is relative. (Kameel's Shakespeare quote is awesome) There can't really be anything wrong with just feeling what you feel. Don't reject it, just allow it to be without attachment. Still Secret smile is great for changing moods ......although it's often my answer for everything these days Not really into comparing stuff but I enjoyed Tao's little experiment as he rarly runs much energy in his classes I think Santi once said he is very ninja I agree But I remembered the bit about trying to connect with the girls. So I connected to Fran a bit as I've gone KAP with her and she feels VERY strong but I also tried connecting to Susan and OMFG that was intense as in scary intense. Wow. I think that's why I had to back off and root in the middle. Thinking of you all with p.s The sleepy thing Yes I felt that too. Not that it matters but I think it was the pi breathing. I think there was one point were none of us could be bothered to type regardless of the slight lag I would love to do one of these things on Ustream. But that probably does not lend itself to changing meditation leaders as easily. Seriously have a look at 5:35 on this MwMyiDbQrjY&e I WANT that as a poster.
  24. Haiku Chain

    lighten up, would'ja? cried the Marrickville Mauler cause I love you'se all