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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Haiku Chain

    shades but no sun tan the moon from my veranda casts a pearly light.
  2. Thanks everyone. I got my partner to take quite a few photo's for that. I probably should not have done it in full sun as I couldn't get the soft eyes. I was trying for a "sleazy pick up look" and I seem to have also ended up with Evil Ogden I will beat you to death with my yoga mat Namaste p.s. I'm much nicer when I smile Personal Practice image link
  3. Illiteracy In Biology&Anatomy

    I went with It's quite important. Not so much for the knowledge per say because depending on your level it goes from a broad "It works like this" (highschool) to while "I know a lot about a specific subset of X I realize I know almost nothing about how it really works" (PHD) But I really do appriciate the Scientific Method ... which I learnt doing undergraduate psychology
  4. Cool Stig Perhaps add a Stems and Branches "faq" or "what is" link on the sheet so it's more stand alone? Got this one from Goggle
  5. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Yes TTB hits 1st page on google a LOT. This is both a blessing and a curse. What do you think more than 10 pages but less than 20? Lets hope not but TTB loves a kunlun argument
  6. EDIT

    Yes cross threading makes some topics indecipherable.... unless you read EVERY post here. Which I only do if I'm really really bored (i.e. not often)
  7. Invision Power Board V3

    Yes if it's not a big issue upgrading it could be really useful. I really like the idea of Reputation Points & Topic Ratings but that could depending on how it's implemented in V3, could be open for abuse, but I was once on a forum with karma points and that was great fun. Personally not so keen on Personal Conversations & Friends & Ignored Users But if we want to keep the increasing noisey Taoist discussion. Perhaps this could easily add the tranquility many are seeking.
  8. EDIT

    TTB is good tolerance practice, because we let anyone in (as it should be) So it's also good practice at
  9. No worries, it's all good. Just Be, Feel and Enjoy
  10. o.k. current version of skype will not do public chats. you can google "download old version of skype" I went here looks like it will work. But Tao in his KAP one review taught us how to connect for shaktipat so don't need the chat, just meditate at the right time. If your teacher knows you will be there they can think of you i.e plug you in. It's a public meditation so you can also just plug yourself into it. I'm allowed to post my notes BUT I'm not a teacher, all stuffups are mine and hopefully Santi will read this and correct me Connect by Resonance for Shaktipat. Run your secret smile. MOST important ask your higher self if this is ok to do. Sometimes it's not a good time for Shaktipat so listen to your higher self it knows best. Higher self is above your crown. Should feel good if it's ok to proceed, might hear a little voice saying "yes" or "ok" etc. Think of your teacher, say their name a few times, think of their voice, look at a photo, basically connect to them. Santiago Dobles and Tao Semko will be there. Tao said it is often good for men to connect with Susan Carlson as she has VERY strong Yin energy and that can feel different. If you have friends on the chat you may want to connect with them. It's usually a really nice group circle feeling. Superimpose your body image over their body. Ask higher self to bring energy down from above, could do that with the moon energy. Apparently shaktipat is an earth energy so you might like to bring that up from below your feet. Important points. Take once give back twice. Give your energy also, share with others in the meditation (share don't force it on them) Give to 4 Noble Guests, Hungry ghosts, hungry people, i.e. those in need. Intend to receive energy from higher self i.e. the universe not physically from your teacher. You don't want to "suck" peoples physical energy. Also many people have safeguards in place to prevent this so you don't want to do that. Always be respectful. Receive from the universe. Give back with love and gratitude.
  11. Journey to the West

    All good. I'm happy to go in whatever direction anyone is interested in. I'm sure we will pick up more travelers too. Not everyone posts as much as us At the moment I'm having a bit of a google for as I said I skipped over it the 1st time through so I'm having a look to see where this 129,600 came from. There is a lot of symbolism here that I'm just not familiar with. Had to look up Pan-gu too, lots of eggs in Chinese mythology apparently egg = chaos Nice
  12. its a spin out
  13. vs NNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo............... My only defense is I had to borrow my partners yellow singlet
  14. Half my life...

    Well thats awesome. I thought you studied philosophy PLEASE annoy me.....
  15. Help me removing a ghost

    ROTFLMAO yes you are new so be aware we stay very much on topic here at TTB It's all good Feel free to start a thread with your question if you want. There are a few here who know about FU (A real pain to search for as it's just 2 characters) also check out this chap He was well known for promoting the use of Fu's

    Please tell me Wanchi is a suburb of Brisbane because I'll be there with bells on
  17. Journey to the West

    Maybe heart is in the traditional sense. Like how traditional Chinese stuff use "heart" where modern western language would be using "mind". So thats like a meditation reference...... perhaps (this is like being back at uni ) And you're right the timeline is just after the poem. I'll try not to cheat but this a 100 chapter story so it's going to be a long journey the link to the pdf is
  18. Inside vs Outside Qigong Practice

    I actually enjoy rain and even thunderstorms as long as the rain isn't cold. But thats probably a childhood thing. I grew up where it didn't rain that much you could really feel those afternoon storms building up all day and look forward to the rain. I also like windy but again, as long as it's not enough to get cold. Cyclones, not really any fun to practice in feels a bit err unstable?
  19. More Ogden Scary
  20. Inside vs Outside Qigong Practice

    I sometimes wonder if I'm doing myself any good with outside. Risk mosquito born disease or expose myself to insect repellent or burning mozzie coils As long as it's comfortable I go outside. But if not I practice inside in fresh air or even air conditioning! I've only been told to avoid practicing in places that just don't feel "good" Sometimes it's a good idea to do a blessing or ask for protection, it is up to how you feel.
  21. I am starting Baguazhang classes on Thursday

    If it turns out to be excellent, you won't care what it cost. If not pfff it's only money who know where this may lead. Your misgivings could be warning signs but you won't know till you have a good go so why worry about others and attitudes. Sometimes good Sifus seem to know what we deeply desire and avoid feeding our ego in that way. The thing I personally look out for are constant injuries in class (although some even like that) Have fun

    Hi M8t. Hope you had a great time, my partner went to Hong Kong once and had a blast. Friends we when through uni with own property over there so she had quite the ritzy time. I'm a bit late, I don't often browse here. Really only replying as you once mentioned you are pretty invisible Hope everything is going great for you. I'll actually be in Brisbane next week, perhaps that why I saw your post
  23. "The Art of War"

    err. ok I have this one Ancient Bing-fa: Martial Arts Strategy I read it now and then. Art of War is a very good book and this is not a bad version IMHO. If there is an online one perhaps a book club study could be fun?

    My apologies. I don't really know your system and I didn't know if you wanted to be part of an "ism" I've edited my post. I tried felt best I could do. It also felt "green" when I would have expected "red" but who knows I only get subtle feelings.
  25. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    But whoever they are they are also normal people like the rest of us. Welcome to modern times. As you said anyone can get a phone number from the internet, It's public search engine link from information you provided? If they don't want to talk to someone on the phone just hang up like its a telemarketer! Rude or disrespectful and then a rant about the caliber of martial artists on forum?