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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Invision Power Board V3

    Wanted a bit more traffic thanks for helping with the reply
  2. Meditation

    It's all good, don't think too much, smile i.e. What happened has already happened, what you felt while it was happening was important then. Trying to understand it now with the mind and remember, interpret or replay what happened is so much less important (although sometimes a fun way to spend the time) What if it was a bad sign? Does that change how you feel now. Does it change what you experienced? What if it was a good sign? How does that change how you feel now. Did it change what you experienced?
  3. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Well that a pretty left field reply that has forwarded that agenda. I knew none of that till you posted but with the Hawaii reference you can now find stuff like this
  4. Half my life...

    Yes, I see that in my father. While not an extravagant living per say, he is now retired but with a body too old and injured to enjoy his free time as fully as he could have when younger but always working. (The stock market crash didn't help his life savings either ) Strange world for sure

    I would agree with that My feeling too, accepting, welcoming, cleansing. (as close as I can get to "seeing" sorry) or is there really any truth or only points of view. Obi Wan: what I told you was true... from a certain point of view. Luke: (incredulous) A certain point of view? Obi Wan: Luke, you will find many of the truths we cling to depend upon our own point of view. Anyhow if people want less focus on Sick Qi then can learn Tonglin or Spring Forrest for healing if they want more go to a traditional taoism system like Ya Mu's. It's all stepping the the right direction of love and compassion for others suffering.
  6. Is tonglen practice healthy?

    BTT An old TongLin thread that I found. Was discussing this practice with regards to heling and sick qi in the Spring Forrest thread
  7. Meditation

    Don't be too focused on getting "anywhere" because we are already "there". It's the focus of the mind and awareness of what is happening now that is most important. Breath awareness is an important tool and you will learn that through KAP interesting discussion on why you need someone to teach this rather than learning yourself More recommendations for books and a online courses (I love old threads ) Personally ANY meditation is "better" than an awesome system that you can't seem to practice or just doesn't resonate with you. There are just so many methods. I say start with something you enjoy in mind and body, practice should be something to look forward to. I couldn't get past 20 min in seated meditation for a long time, and even then it was much better when practicing with others (local Buddhists) then I did kunlun and that helped me break that 20 min barrier. I did anapana and 9 bottle for a month or so between kunlun and starting KAP. My Sifu has always preferred Tai Chi to any stillness meditation. I'm getting a LOT out of corpse pose at the end of yoga with my current teacher. And of course I have a plethora of meditation techniques that I use from KAP. Except for Kunlun (and I got help from Chris so perhaps not even that) Everything "good" was taught to me by someone.
  8. Error on thetaobums

    Quotes may be of assistance, they can be annoying to debug especially if you want to use a lot and mess up just one open-close pair
  9. Invision Power Board V3

    yes (I love quoting myself learning to love change is a work in progress ) Surprised Pietro didn't see this one, perhaps I just missed him V3 seems to have the sort of stuff he has been talking about for a while.
  10. I like diversity in viewpoints. Something you made me ponder re:sexual experiences. I've had sex that leaves me exhausted and tired but I've had sex that leaves me invigorated and energized. Sometimes EJ feels very draining, but sometimes it feels really energizing. I feel there is a love vs lust variable in there as well as just physical actions.
  11. I nearly always read this book in bookstores but it never makes it into the shopping basket. I do like it and which I had come across it when I was starting out as I feel if gives a good overview of many taoist subjects. My feelings pretty much echo this review. (except not as strongly on the qigong from a book issues.)
  12. {jealous} I have to walk quite a distance for good old trees.

    Some systems do, some don't. So I disagree on the need for knowledge. Awareness is important. (It's probably all just terminology quibbles that we wouldn't argue over in real life.) Freeform, thanks Ya Mu, very deep post, it's is good to read and re-read nice explanation of the whole spectrum and cumulative effects. Perhaps I'm coming from a different perspective. We have a healers that heal lots of people, perhaps as a way of life. Not too interested in exploring such systems yet. But what about spring forests healer in ever family concept. i.e. you are only attempting to help those you already love and already have contact and connections with, friends and family. A bit like the flu example transference of sick qi or basically energy would be happening regardless of any healing attempts and already dependent on relative vibrational levels or levels of mindfulness. If a child walks up and hugs you, you feel better, and the child is not concerned about getting sick. (Although most adults are physically "cleaner" than grubby sticky little children )
  14. RE: The Buddha Bums

    It was sort of the same variations of good, bad or ugly. You get out what you put in.

    I don't think we are going to agree on this, and that is o.k. Knowing is good sometimes, but you don't need to know, or filter experience via knowledge.
  16. Funny Vid Clips

    BTT I use to do Excel support, and play Wolfenstein

    Fair enough, a continuum then. You can know more/less <-> you can flow more/less in any combination. How did all this work before there was language to describe it
  18. I like your thinking changes = transformations too. So does this give us try to lucid dream the book of changes?

    Because there are two extremes. You can know, control and direct everything <-> you can go with the flow of the universe.
  20. Yes (before I learnt Sax) and yes brass players and classical singers are taught to abdominal breathe although we don't usually compress the air.. From a western medical angle, it's not a tinea /fungal infection? My partner just did her dermatology exam for pharmacy so everything is looking flaky and itchy for me at the moment

    Yes. If I didn't trust my teachers they would not be teaching me. Although it's not in such black and white terms as the above quote, and while I do feel comfortable posting the lesson notes as such. Safeguard are there. Giving the negative energy to the earth, connection to the divine, and cleansing yourself after practice. And well the people doing it usually have a chi gung practice too. I "beleive" in sick qi, I just don't feel the concept needs to always be overly emphasized But, you know, I grew up in the 90's and had unprotected sex YMMV, other systems are different etc.... I can accept different points of view but I'm not a fan of absolutes.
  22. Kunlun follow up poll

    I was ROFLing but yes the child surpases the parent Lama Dorje

    I trust my teachers. Thats what they are there for another good healing thread
  24. RE: The Buddha Bums

    Re: rename to the budda bums. It's probably only fair, didn't we "obtain" a minor temple once called White Cloud Monastery (Biyun Guan) I've actually not been that interested in the threads where the big dogma debates happen so it all seems a bit
  25. Ramadan Mubarak

    I don't usually eat more than fruit during the day anyhow. But I've given that away for Ramadan (I still drink water whenever) also reading the Tao Te Ching and Hua Hu Ching. It's not much of a change but I'm enjoying it.