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Everything posted by Mal


    Thank you for the detailed response. I will need to read more carefully and ponder for a few days. In the meantime I just want to pick an important bit from what I understand of the type of healing I am learning in KAP. I understand the concern for peoples welfare. I also worry that what I am about to say is egotistical and may very well fall into the "thinks he can but really can't" category. I am not able to transmute sick qi into light. But "I" don't have to. I merely act with love as a pathway for the divine, earth, void, supreme higher power (i.e. whatever you like to call the Tao) to take in whatever "dirty" energy, recycle it and replace it with clean. I'm not clever, smart or powerful. I'm like a radio, not a computer. I do not change, create, or even plan and think. The energy is out there, something more clever then I put me together, and the combination of the two gives music. But I don't make the music, or even chose the channel. It's cool. There is a lot there that I would need to understand and parts that are beyond my current ability to perceive. I can try to flow energy between my hands, and I do a bit of that "playfully" with good people. But for healing I really don't know what I'm doing. I just rub my hands, do some tumo (spike my energy up a bit) and place my hands wherever feels right. Whatever happens happens. Without any direction from me.......... Still it's important to know it's not like I'm really healing the sick or anything. I'm not even as effective as a panadol or a ice pack But a bit like kung fu I've always been interested in healing, I just though you had to be naturally gifted, or really skilled, to do it. But apparently simple faith and love can work also. (re: handwashing) With being in a hospital, even though I'm admin, hand washing is very important for disease control. I've done science at uni and my partner is trained as a bio medical engineer. I've also seen pics of virusus made plates of bacteria, and used that pink hand stain stuff to see germs..... So I'm convinced it's a good idea But I'm not psychic and don't see visions so the notion sick qi is just something I have not experienced myself yet (although perhaps sometimes I can feel it) Experience changes everything I just need to get it Thanks for the discussion
  2. Not much info out there on dream yoga practices.

    Hand washing is basic hygiene, but then some people take it to far and start obsessively using those alcohol based hand washes and dettol-ing all the surfaces in there house. Balance? Arg I hate it when I can't find threads I'm searching for IIRC it was also about the get out there and have a go at healing vs you don't know enough to do no harm. Perhaps it was a combination of these There was a bit during the creation of the healing circle too. anyhow almost sunrise so time for bed Go out and practice healing if you want. So far my friend is enjoying me having a go at his sore knee and his shoulder seems to be improved too.

    It doesn't even have to be a hospital Some people just feel really bad or sick and I don't enjoy interacting with them. eg I certanly would not consider them as sexual partners But some systems are not overly worried about "catching sick energy" as I might be about catching certain virus's. The thread I'm thinking of also debated the resistance to virus ability of healers who work with contagious people as well as just energy effects etc. In fairness you have a lot of experience in healing while I am only just starting to look into these things. I would be interested in your opinion on the Tong Lin style approach of inhaling the persons negative energy, letting the universe cleanse it and return it to the person. which I feel is similar to spring forest's approach.

    but everyone has a cute sister For more balance to the "Sick Chi" side and the importance of non-doing. Apparently Soygal Rimpoche, from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

    But you are happy enough to be using a different energy management method in the retention thread??? What is the difference here? Some people don't "protect" them self from "negative" entities/energies/whatever. IIRC it is a phenomena in your healing system but not in all. Well it is.. but they use different protection methods than barriers or it's not actually a major concern in the system. Some systems even do stuff like inhaling the pain & suffering, illness, negative energy etc of the person, let the universe cleanse it and return it to the person. All systems are slightly different yet all are similar too perhpas it's just different terminology. What was that huge thread discussing this with regard to healing methodology a while back .....some sort of don't take in sick chi vs energy exchange.
  7. I think Monkey knew the 72 transformations, Pigsy the 36 and Sandy didn't know any. No list of what they were though another translation also talks about the 'Three Disasters' Another Perhaps of relevance Asian Mythologies But I fear I'm getting out of my depth with the terminology so I'd better go back to the TV show but I guess the real question is still if doing th e72 transformations as dream yoga is any more useful than wielding the magical wishing staff?
  8. The 9 bottled wind pranayam...

    9 bottle is fun, some quite old threads to be found here with search "9 bottle" This may also be of interest Anapana and search "white skeleton meditation"
  9. Monkey, Pulp Fiction.... we need a bit of Avatar O3ed9KpdAV8 and a remix with some of Master Bruce GZ9e3Dy7obA
  10. BTT If we are not arguing about Kunlun or Buddhists or Retention or Splitting the board or Off Topic its always..... something
  11. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    Lots of new people now, interested?
  12. Hello

    Hi Steven, I just spied your username. Nice to see another Tong Long practitioner Welcome _/@_

    I think I know what you mean. It would be so nice if you could get a star rating on a practices effectiveness or something I mean, you would happily spend your entire life on something in full faith (because that's important) but then find out right at the end. Almost, but not quite...denied! No SF info here but surly someone has done a bit of in depth practice in this one.
  14. What the Self Is (and Is Not)

    I was wondering why I suddenly decided to click on a 16 page thread. No idea what is going on... don't care. a dog dressed as the Enterprise I hope it took more than 4 can's of bud light to think of that.
  15. I'm sorry;

    Yes, a much more enlightining experience than "Thats right" ROTFLMAO I love that. and he's right (not the bit about Blasto) it does feel good to really hate. Spontaneous emotions are so real and tasty, you feel what they do to your body and breathing. Freeform told me I need to get in touch with my anger, there is much fun to be had with the feelings there. Eventually you go back into your mind, thoughts like Respect Your: Elders Parents Teachers & their teachings Train to be: Kind Honest Generous Kung Fu Things that help you too enjoy life in society.
  16. Cool information. I love social psychology stuff like that.
  17. Upon further reflection I feel all of the description and attributes of moving energy etc are already included in my current concept of "making love" If only I could get out of my mind more and just be present in the now........ at least practicing is great fun. And if you can't love yourself how can you expect others to want to love you I have no issues with the different viewpoints on this topic. Everyone is just explaining their experiences which is great IMHO.
  18. It's nice to know it gets even better I wouldn't say I can do that consistently but it's certainly something I'm trying to learn
  19. Also what about Tantric Quest Daniel Odier it is an enjoyable read and a great story.
  20. retention, always a favored topic Perhaps "hung up" is the important distinction, too much focus on the act of retention to the exclusion of the purpose of being a sexual creature. It's obvious we shouldn't be masturbating ourselves in a frenzy, yet what is not natural about a lot of love making with a new partner. But it may not be the season for mating so don't force it either We shouldn't be controlling ourselves tightly or repressing urges. IMHO Yes retention builds energy. Exchanging with someone you love builds much yummy energy too. Different methods, similar goals? Personally the only reason I hold back on EJ is to make love for longer. Too much masturbation = not doing what I want for as long as I want ..... and I want the other participant to have a lot of fun
  21. I'm sorry;

    errrr thats quite a catalog I'm sure many of us would look like delusional pot smoking sex fiends if you did that to our posts. I would
  22. Congratulations "There is more to marriage than four feet in a bed" may or may not be appropriate but it's one of my favorite quotes I also like this book How to make love everyday...guaranteed