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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Eating Bananas Helps Too

    Link to the kindle edition just because the cover looks like the one I brought The Orgasmic Diet: A Revolutionary Plan to Lift Your Libido and Bring You to Orgasm Drew is very much an asset here @ TTB
  2. why start MA threads here?

    Taoism / Buddhism and martial arts have always been related. The spiritual search and martial arts share much in common. I praticually enjoy the combination in books like Beyond the Known and Towards the Unknown So historically TTB has always been an appropriate place for these sort of discussions. As you noted there are many skilled martial artists here, so no need to go to empty flower unless you really want to. The chance of a ration debate as opposed to "my style is better than your style" is marginally higher here and we have a substantially lower flame rate. Finally many of us are interested in that sort of thing I will agree that internet forum questions are a bit pointless as it is impossible to really learn much without touching hands in person. But TTB is, as much as anything, a community of common interests.
  3. Kunlun follow up poll

    Exactly, a solid foundation/fundamental practices are essential hear ye, hear ye. We are not playing a "game " here. Life changing = playing with BIG stakes I remember back in the beginning when we were wondering if Kunlun would really do anything, let alone live up to it's "lightning path" claim. I've never been to a seminar, I like the book. It lists dangers. Subtly. In a way that makes you aware of them but does not give too much of an expectation of adversity. However Chias sexual energy books also list dangers and recommends additional practices frm an entire system. People have historically ignored this advice and caused damage to them. Also Chias practices are now often condemed as dangerous..... yet some people have success with them. Should we be like medicine where every possible complication must be listed and informed consent given? It's been mentioned that the advertising of kunlun attracts the sort of people that could be very unsuited to the practice. But it's not my place to criticise the methods or marketing, I'm sure they have reasons for their choice. In the book Max said that level 1 kunlun and the experience of bliss is all most people want, and that most can't progress past level 2. That's o.k. as that is your belief. For some people with some goals the cost of their own life would be a small price to pay. Obviously YMMV
  4. The Nexus Titus

    Cool, looks intresting. I'm a big fan on the Aneros PROGASM I LIKE pleasure
  5. Jeff Primack

    ROFLMAO my thoughts exactly "low vibrations" I know nothing about Jeff Primack and I'm not really motivated to even type it into Google or surf his site. His responses are certainly not motivating me to look deeper into his system But Jeff could always post up a little qi jong exercise here for people to try if he wanted to be helpfull......
  6. Still enjoying doing Sun Salutations at work Still just doing a set of 2 but now doing 4 times over the morning with an upper body focus i.e low planks, then 3 times over the afternoon on fingertips (if my arms feel like it, they usually do) Want a bit more lower body conditioning now so also doing 1 slow squat before the Sun Saluations, then adding in 1 pistols on each leg at the end. Can't get below 90 degrees on the pistols yet, will just see how that develops, no rush. Good fun.
  7. I love KAP

    I am happy to hear you are having fun
  8. Kunlun follow up poll

    Why do we keep trying to change how others act? Or attempting to make others fit some idealized standard of how we expected them to behave? I agree you can only control yourself (my underline) Exactly. It's not easy, but IMHO it should about changing ourselves not others.
  9. I don't often feel really stiff or sore, usually just my lower back and I don't drag out balms for it. I use a biomagnetic back brace which I only got for the "free" neck brace/warmer but the back brace actually seems to work so I didn't use it's money back garantee But its grading time so I'm doing a fair bit of contact practice for my Jongs and I'm getting a bit bruised and not having enough recovery time before the next hands on practice. So it's favorite medicine question time My Sigung likes Zheng Gu Shui My Sifu likes western first aid (RICE) I often use cold packs after training and sometimes lasonil heparinoid ointment. Anthony, the chinese take away owner I know who also does some TCM, recomended Five Photo Brand First Aid Antiseptic specifically for bruising. Trying that at the moment. Seems good. He said its also good for aches and pains "Good everywhere, have bath, rub on and repeat, repeat, repeat, while watching tv or whatever. Don't touch water for 30 min" I sometimes use Po Sum On, its a tiny bottle but you just put 4 drops on a warm wet cloth and you can massage where you need (shoulders back, arms and legs) gets quite hot if you cover the skin with cloth after applying. I do that if I'm REALLY sore or use Tiger Balm Red, hotter than Po Sum On. Anyone recommend a good one for stopping bleeding from scratches to the hands arms from fingernails? It's annoying waiting for them to stop bleeding and band aids falls off because I sweat heaps. I could use some spray on skin I guess (which I have in the past), but I like weird traditional things. A pic would be appreciated because I can't read chinese Yunnan pai yao I guess. nice reference Perhaps Five Photo Brand but I'm reluctant to rub on open cuts. Should ask Anthony, I THINK it's Zheng Gu Shui that shouldn't be used on cuts, can't remember. Some pictures and descriptions here Just descriptions
  10. Thanks (the TCM was more from the old thread reserect) Arnica sounds good, and lazy bum references on how to get some and use it (I'll do some goggling later ) edit I think I can track some down. It's only tennis elbow, slight strain, really should just take it a bit easier for a few weeks when training and all will heal (but I like going hard )
  11. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    nice link C Yu C He Taiji real fights There was another one here on TTB of someone getting knifed from behind. Reality = no fun at all
  12. Kunlun follow up poll

    Edits mine. Unfortunately I don't think that everyone benefiting will ever be possible with any practice. There are just too many variables IMHO the only way would be for prospective students to be heavily screened and assessed by teachers with only a few being "chosen" to progress (sould like old traditional systems) In kung fu students help each other all the time, and we get it wrong often because we are not Sifu's but it's all good and part of the learning.......... just like these kunlun threads
  13. I have just purchased White Tiger, Green Dragon: A Tale of the Taoist Inner Alchemy today so I obviously have not read it yet but I hope it will be good
  14. Does anyone here practice Baguazhang?

    IMHO as a absolute barest minimum you need another person to touch hands with. Sifu taught us a new jong recently. He showed the 4 of us once before the end of class and would not show it again. Next class he asked us to show him what we remembered. We got close but all of us used a more linear technique from the previous belt and missed the circles that were the key to the technique. We have all been practicing for over 5 years. He said "That is why we don't like video, the hand too fast to even see the subtlety" 3 months of weekly correction later we are still attempting to learn that technique But if you have no teacher, what else can you do but try whatever is available to you.
  15. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    I liked that one, nice balance. Had to watch it a few times as I couldn't read the subtitles and watch the moves at the same time
  16. and there are warnings right at the start in Chias books about the importance of practicing the entire system, laying a good foundation, and not just doing the sex stuff. Of course I never paid attention
  17. It was beautiful, like a Star Wars scroll (I'm too lazy to change fonts and colors )
  18. Taoist Sites, Blogs and Links

    Back to Top or Bump to Top of just *bump* I found the question while trawling a few pages down and had nothing to add myself but I though I would pop it back up the list now that there is a bit less activity and see what other make of it. I have nothing to add myself, although I did noticed a link of yours Thoughts of a Taoist Babe but I was disappointed she couldn't wash the 5 o'clock shadow off her convertible (sic)
  19. Dealing with Your Demons

    It's certanly possible. Just like it's possibly that anyone can develop a mental illness, catch a disease, or have a traffic accident. Like Pietro said it's not that likely if you are following a good system and have a good teacher. KAP has an excelling track record for safety and that should be reassuring. (edit sorry I though you were doing KAP? Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha is a good book the key question from Pietro for me was "understand what you want to reach" That's difficult for most of us) The problem is we love to think about what could happen, what might happen, what happened in the past. And we fill our minds with these thoughts till there is no awareness left to feel what is happening now. Fingers touching the keyboard, partner watching the TV, cat on the sofa, fishtanks burbling, computer fan spinning, legs crossed. Cool song on TV now, what is she watching? All of this is happening, but my mind has been thinking about how to reassure you. I would have missed it all if I had not paused for inspiration. (I'll go back and read and edit the above paragraphs now ) Real life example. I live where they are cyclones in summer. There is a very real chance my house could get blown away, I could also die. But we take the necessary precautions, listen to advice, and it's safe enough to enjoy living here. Life is just full of dive in and live as fully as you can while you have the chance It may sound bizarre but "just learn to breathe."
  20. Once upon a time someone posted a link or quote to a strange little article about this average white middle class man that had a conversation with god on a bus. God was also an average white middle class man. Might have been a made up story , might incorrect be assumed to be a made up story. That was part of the fun Other reference was a to an ability that could kill life on earth if used incorrectly, and why God didn't appears as a woman to this man Anyone remember it?
  21. Eating Bananas Helps Too

    haha yes, since you seem up for a bit of 2 person fun have a google at a we-vibe. worth every penny
  22. Original thread Found it by searching for Paddington (from "It all started on the 8.20 back from Paddington") as that only hits these two threads