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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The Power Of The Mind

    Thank you for the link
  2. Dealing with Your Demons

    Things always look better in the light
  3. Abortion...

  4. The Ultimate TaoBum?

    Btt I enjoyed watching Carradine. Did these spiral sticks even go anywhere? I'm starting to develop a minor feel for how traditional hand weapons move. So I have a slight grasp of what you may be pointing at with "suggesting spirals and directions which might not have previously been felt or explored"
  5. You seem pretty happy. Opening the Dragon Gateis an intriguing book, some of the links and discussion may be of intrest. A trip to China sure would be exciting, hopefully you will be able to find what you are looking for.
  6. The Power Of The Mind

  7. Fundamentals build strong foundations, everyone should practice them. A solid foundation becomes in valuable when doing more advanced practices. Creation has the right idea
  8. Star Wars advice

    That Jedi gym was very funny, yet truthful too. I'm on slowed connection but it was worth waiting 1/2 a day to watch it. Very interesting and funny.
  9. This verse by Chuang Tzu intrigues me...

    Is your quote this one ? the above riped from pages here
  10. It's o.k I do make love with myself, and we ask the people we love to do the second act so it's not like any of that is really insulting But being disrespectful to a loving and giving person like Santiago is not cool at all.
  11. Honey, I killed the bees

    You reacted instinctively. There was a serious danger, you responded appropriately. Seems like the Tao to me. You reacted instinctively. You value and treasure, all life. Seems like the Tao to me. The mind is 2nd guessing if you did what you knew to be right. Seems like the Tao? I can't help you with bee info, don't really know more than what is in the news. But good luck in your quest.
  12. Star Wars advice

    Starting in November (site I ripped this from did not specify the year) Queen's University Belfast will offer a course that will use the psychology of the Star Wars Jedi Knights to teach students communication skills and personal development. The university's publicity material reads 'the course "Feel the Force: How to Train in the Jedi Way" teaches the "real-life psychological techniques behind Jedi mind tricks"' and promises to explore 'wider issues behind the Star Wars universe, like balance, destiny, dualism, fatherhood and fascism.'
  13. Try a better insult I'm not 12 but I am disappointed that I waited for your reply. I can try but I'm not actually sure what your question is. Secret smile IMHO is basically giving a similar result as loving kindness meditation. It IS a direct manipulation of psychological states and there IS nothing wrong with being able to do that, most people can't. But like most fundamental practices it deepens and expands to much more as you progress. KAP is just kundalini awakening and doing energy work. p.s. Please don't ban findley, he is good practice for me, and I can re-edit my original post (or not). I would LOVE you to come to Australia as I'm sure you would be much more civil in real life and I'll no longer be trying to ignore your silly nonsense posts anymore. I use to worry about your stability but it's also fun to shake you (although not very compassionate on my part) YGyH8Kf_0Fg
  14. Dr Martens For Life Guarantee

    thanks I've got a few people who could have posted them to me. It's the challenge that was exciting That was my 2nd though after I read about the guarantee. The 1st was so $35US covers how much these shoes actually cost
  15. findley if you want me to ignore you so that you can enjoy your TTB experience like you suggested in your PM you are going to have to stop acting like a profanity removed (sexual innuendo was edited, too personal, but reinstated as its an accurate description then though better of it and removed again) Ever heard the expression "Self praise is no recommendation?" Given what I know confidently assert that reading anything you write is a waste of time. Take a good look at yourself ok? Try to understand there are many paths, not one, not everyone is focused on enlightenment. Some of us want compassion (and yes I'm well aware that this post of mine isn't showing compasion) But if the way you act is any guide why would anyone want to follow your path? And you say you want to teach people! and hurry up writing your reply I have better things to do today than think about you.