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Everything posted by Mal

  1. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    I have been contemplating this for a few days and I have found it to be a helpful perspective. Thank you _/\_
  2. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    Agree with the "sidestepping" There may be a historical cultural context for quantifying blessings as they were mentioned in lo fan's (sp?) 4 lessons. IIRC something like "language of the time" was mentioned earlier. While Ni reads more like a transcription of a conversation. To me I feel Walker has made the "goal" more accessible / obvious
  3. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    I find this quantification of blessings somewhat strange. Should not any blessing be a blessing? and does a hierarchy of blessings lead to division rather than oneness?
  4. Holidays :-) Only 26 hrs till I fly south for the winter. As I'm packing, all the clothing I own fits into a suitcase. Phone for entertainment/communication a few harps and perhaps a book ...what more "stuff"do we really need?
  5. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 10

    That is a good perspective to look from. Perhaps this is why a "dark night of the soul" is so common, the realisation that "I" went to all this "effort" to "achieve" yet there is no "I" and nothing to "achieve"
  6. Different types of Yoga?

    IIRC for Ashtanga yoga as taught by Joise, a foundation of yama niyama asana pranayama will lead one to the other limbs (as dwai mentioned) The is it spiritual question, well what I see with the local teachers and their students are people who are happy, calm, loving people; who burn/glow with "health" As my current practice has been reduced to standing meditation (I've some back issues that have flared up again) I'm very attracted to the goal of good health. There was something I read about a family that only did sun salutes (in their entirety not just as an "exercise") who reported good spiritual and health benefits. Sitting, standing still, moving. There are just so many ways to use all or any of these to achieve ones goals
  7. Cheers zoose We do want to check out the (9 remaining?) apostles and the blow hole. Is there a "hippy town" ? I'd like to meet a few of the stranger/artistic people :-) and if possible learn something along the lines of meditation/spiritual practices
  8. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 9

    Yes, one persons trash is another's treasure. Another reoccurring "theme" is Cherish this teaching USE it to inform others AND serve them selflessly
  9. I've borrowed a mates jacket that he wears when packing freezers, hopefully that will help :-)
  10. It should be fun, although living in North Queensland I only own 1 jumper that I don't have to wear much.
  11. Recently in the Astral projection troubles/blues thread a few members gave readings of each other and there was a bit of interest in creating a thread for such requests. edit: Thank you for the assistance N.B. - while it's easy to do, and receive, generic "newspaper zodiac" reading those asking to be read should be mindful that with accurate readings they might not actually "like" the answers they receive ... hopefully this thread won't devolve into arguments.
  12. AA

    A good point about private. I think it would be worth keeping such a forum off google (like the personal practice section) My full first and last name only give 3 pages of hits. And I don't mind the forums and posts those hits return. My full first and last name with middle initial gives only one (a petition) Full first middle & last returns nothing
  13. Astral projection troubles/blues

    I can't resist, can I put my hand up for reading also. Thanks in advance :-)
  14. AA

    ^ That could be cool. I'm pretty careful with what I post online, yet some of my favourite topics could be viewed as "embarrassing" to the general public. I also deleted my personal practice forum posts before I had my surname added
  15. What is wrong with me?

    One reason why I didn't go into graduate study in psychology, had to fix myself first :-) Also in my early 20's I was mostly interested in myself rather than helping others.
  16. A mod resigns

    I greatly appreciated the "Sword of the Tao" You were invaluable in my time of darkness. Be well my friend. always
  17. What is wrong with me?

    Great Actions! You inspire me Unearthing unknown Monk Coltrane recording
  18. The most "beneficial" qigong is the one you DO If you later find a "more authentic" / "better" version, AND the form you are practising (for some time) is not helping, then you can always give that one a go. The only way to go "wrong" is not to start
  19. Yoga & Qigong - Compared (by you)

    It's 99% practice I like Ashtanga yoga for the effect the asana have on the physical body. But it's much more difficult to practice with injuries, I find tai chi more accessable to more people
  20. "What if you lived for a very long time?" I don't know if I'd do anything different and I'm not sure I'm not already living for a very long time ... at only 39
  21. I like how there is no option - Together is how we find ourselves and together is how we shall rise or fall.
  22. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 10

    Not getting many comments on the last 2 chapters. But they are pretty self explanatory :-) I always enjoyed the jungle monkey story, but it seems this is only Walkers addition to this chapter