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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Shoes - Sneakers

    My 1460 8 eye greasy doc's are finally getting a bit too old. They lasted as well as my last pair so I shouldn't complain but they were made in China which makes the $200aud price a bit excessive and they didn't seem quite as comfortable for a days walking. I ended up replacing the foam innersoles in them (I think they call that a footbed) previous English made pairs did not have innersoles. So I'm looking for boot suggestions that will go with jeans and be comfy to walk the streets for a few hours a day + get in to clubs which rules out my favorite kung fu and tai chi shoe Volley's Dirt cheap basic all purpose shoe. Actually I have a nice dark blue orange pair that probably would get into clubs although they do sport the distinctive wear marks ecco looks intresting, as do earth shoes. Colorado's were big for a while edit: Turns out you can still get the Vintage 1460 which is the English made shoe but cheaper is the 1460 for life that has a lifetime repair replace guarantee (except laces and footbeds) + a $35 "admin fee" or just the 1460 which is $119 US

    ok......... It is good that you have confidence in yourself. May your quest for a teacher be fruitful.
  3. Haiku Chain

    Have we lost our muse? Fear not a deep cover of dung. Life springs forth re-newed.
  4. Kunlun follow up poll

    "Are you suggesting we should sacrifice good old common sense to practice these things?" No I'm saying that even though I have done several training courses, alway wear a helmet and protective gear and ride defensively motorbikes are inherently dangerous. The most likely outcome is injury. Yet I don't own a car. My non bike riding friends think I am without common sense and can't understand why I come to work soaking wet from the rain and smiling Some things are just inherently dangerous. I feel spiritual practices are like this. Many of the effects frankly resemble traits I see in abnormal behavior textbooks and psychiatric wards. The outcome should make your values and beliefs change in ways you could not predict or anticipate. Hopefully these changes can be integrated into a life that does not make you too "weird" or unable to function in society. However sometimes people no longer want even that. p.s. I would never be a passenger and think pillions are insanely trusting YMMV
  5. Kunlun follow up poll

    My bold. I would not classify that as a past issue, as you "feel" it now. I would offer help if I knew how, but nothing more occurs to me than already offered. Thanks for posting the questions too as your focus is very different to mine. They are important issues but I would only consider addressing them they started happening to me. I feel we are different. Would you ride a motorbike? Its VERY likely for motorbike riders to be killed or left crippled, perhaps with brain damage, if they have an accident. This is more likely to happen than not. We chose the risks we feel we can live with. We chose risks than make us feel alive.
  6. Jeff Primack

    Humble bow in return. You will be missed as you could perhaps have contributed more "in a way that would draw new people in" and less in a way that only sort to defend your reputation in a 2 month old thread. Perhaps you will reconsider Love and happiness regardless
  7. Not getting it.. What do you recommend?

    oops all credit to Santi for the Cat technique. He helped me first _/\_ (all my good ideas are stolen from my teachers, it's just the silly embellishments that are mine)

    Opps sorry about that No KUNLUN is not a false way it is but a a key to unlocking your own mystery. If it fits your lock, awesome. If it doesn't turn & open, or even fit into the lock, no matter. Just try another key. YMMV.

    This is very true, but we have our entire life to travel yet, no rush (hopefully ) I inquire to your history as I worry about you. I like your childlike quality, but if you get baned from here you have already said you have nowhere else to post. And I don't want you to be alone. Winpro, thanks for sharing Yes, we need to read that neat kundalin yoga vs Zen story again
  10. Do what you need to do All I can say is there are only 2 things I really regret in my life and one of them is not finishing my honors project. Sure I have a BA but it could have easily been BPsych(Hons) Now that I'm older and would actually like to get into counseling and helping people not having option 2 basically means 2 years of study before I can do 2 more years of study to get to where I would like to be........ Education is like lubrication... too much is almost enough.

    I'm more concerned that findley was "..." and hance has been here for a long time without much change. As far as false ways go. I would like to know what he has been practicing in that time span The personal practice section and intro in lobby throws much light. Good luck with that line of thinking If I could offer advice read RJ posts as you don't quite have that style yet. The mysterious pass need not be mysterious, Thanks to Tyler & goggle is our friend, this one is helpful too
  12. (3 am and look what googles ) Ohhh the beta lives and there is stuff EVERYWHERE! Wow Stig...................... it's just breathtaking _/\_
  13. I Ching I Ching on the net Transformations Virtual Yarrow Sticks
  14. Travelling to other astral planes

    pic above reminds me of good TV
  15. Retention is a midfield that we often play in here @ TTB. Try not to feel bad whatever happens. There was a 100 days thread once, IIRC I don't think anyone got to 100. The book is all you need. A "transmission" comes with the book, again it's as much as you need. I did Kunlun for a year. It enabled me to meditate for more than 20 min, it enabled me to meditate for 1h20m without pain. I had fun. I enjoyed practicing. The best thing was it gave me a peaceful, blissful feeling. I had some minor strange things happen, none were particually important. Speed, power, these are not things to seek and not things to value should they happen. Smile, be happy, love. What more can you want or need? Many systems can give you this, Kunlun was one that helped me.
  16. the nervous witch

    Uncle Bob reminds me more of a child molester than Jesus Jesus was way cool
  17. You were "..." wow. I loved that tattooed back avatar, what did it say? Opps no sorry I confused you with mentalgroundO I'm bad with names but I remember avatars why are you using .broken.'s old face ? {apologies for the tangent}
  18. The Eight Basic Scripts

    Thats why i love this place, he is a new discovery for me thanks to Eric 23