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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Kunlun follow up poll

    that can happen on the wwweb and unfortunately ttb is no different. Try not to let it get you down.
  2. Travelling to other astral planes

    I enjoy doing Damo's Cave as I go to sleep. It's a kap thing. Increasingly have been having "intriguing" dreams more similar to what I remember from my teens and 20's. My dreams often have reoccurring themes and characters over many years and run a bit like an alternative reality where I have made different choices to this one. Failing high school English and having to repeat it even after doing university happens a lot as do variations on my childhood home and friends. Never sure of the significance of my dreams, occasionally reality with remind me of something from a dream. But they are fun.
  3. I enjoyed White Skeleton and 9 bottle before I went to kap. Actually I am still doing them, sort of
  4. Kunlun follow up poll

    Oh, that one, I had a go at that too. Ok, thanks for the page number, appreciated.
  5. 1. Have a daily practice. Don't try to get anywhere or achieve, just have the discipline to continually practice. 2. Try new things, you might like them. 3. Love as much as you possible can, and then love more.
  6. High level skills in martial arts.

    Everyone has 2 arms 2 legs and a head (baring misfortune ) and there are only so many ways to use them. So yes I believe at a high level stylistic differences disappear and principals are basically similar for the traditional arts. Some sports may not share principals. The problem I have with arts NOT being similar is you would then have to assume that one art is intrinsically superior to others. And while practitioners can be "better" than others practitioners. I don't believe one art is intrinsically better than another. Personally I have seen black belt karate forms that look like kung fu. Fujian White Crane, Wing Chun and Tong Long are very similar (as you would expect) and the stylistic difference are not that important IMHO i.e. I could say that Tong Long's square on two handed stance makes it superior to Wing Chun's leading hand stance or that there is more control of opponents limbs in Tong Long, or that Tong long is more circular. But that's all nit picking e.g. a good Wing Chun stylist will feel that their styles leading hand stance will give them advantages over Tong Longs two handed stance. Obviously we like the differences in our styles too or we would train something different You can't talk about it (well you can) you need to show them. We have a nice outside to inside redirection called Moot Sau that I like to use. Basically you get someone to punch you in the head (A jab is good) yet you redirect the incoming punch off target rather than using a force on force block. Feels really weird because the harder they try to hit you the easier it is for you to make them miss. If you can do the technique correctly they don't even feel you moving them. If you can't they will hit you in the head (ouch ) or your structure will take the force and it will just feel like a block.
  7. Kunlun follow up poll

    I was hypothesis testing that TN didn't really want an answer and instead prefers to make trouble and push his own opinions. Failure to actually ask questions and instead respond with "please read previous posts", commentary on others, and more aggrandizing statements makes it pretty obvious that blame is all he is interested in. Obviously for some people endlessly reliving past "injustices" is more important than moving on and healing. I wish them well but why waste time reading overflowing cups. Others in this thread are trying to be constructive and helpful. I agree, eventually you just have to ignore as they really don't want any help. Still there is value in everything if you try hard enough i.e. ignore

    Can you tell me what you're having because, I want some Whats the book about?
  9. Kunlun follow up poll

    TN Can you give me a page number of cliff notes because your posts aren't interesting enough to read again, sorry but you write a lot. If you want people to understand you ask an understandable question. Otherwise it's not public and you should have the decency to take it to PM and stop wasting bandwidth.
  10. Kunlun follow up poll

    What question? No I'm not reading old posts, just state the question please.
  11. Quality Involution (TTB)

    yeah I come here for the people too. Practice discussion is really just popcorn. It's yummy and you can eat lots. But really it's better to be practicing than talking about it. I also find that no matter how many times people tell me stuff I don't really "get it" until I suddenly "discover" it myself. p.s. I'll admit to liking the youtubes and the arguments too, sometime it's like a car crash here, can't help myself
  12. Kunlun Answer Bag

    May this help you brother. Many of Chris's thoughts in one place {has been edited or I misremembered *sigh* no that was the one, Yoda channeling Winpro so much information lost........ (mumbles something about book burning) } Ignore the off topic post and questions, give love to all
  13. Kunlun follow up poll

    So what? There is nothing wrong with moving on to other things, there is nothing wrong with coming back. Please tell me you don't expect one practice to be able to help EVERYONE. Nothing works like that. People didn't turn out to be what you expected. Who cares, does it ever turn out like that in life Nobody can help everyone. You can only try your best, if that is not enough, you know you tried your best. Sometimes you just have to let them go and chalk it up to experience.
  14. Was Michael Jackson a Taoist?

    Less typing is {youtube}9pnCvZ-yBOs{/youtube} ie just the alpha character string from the youtube url replace with [] 9pnCvZ-yBOs I liked Michael but as a child star he must have had a crappy life....
  15. Discussion topics.

    Unless you have budding politicians nobody is going to want to be the 1st one to stand up and lead a discussion Be sure to let us know how you progress.
  16. Are you REALLY a Taoist?

    After crashing continually with chrome, and then several times on question 4 with firefox I've decided I don't care
  17. Kunlun follow up poll

    Earthing Thank you for the correction, more earthing, letting it be & smiling, less meditation.
  18. Hello Friends

    Good to hear from you. You have inspired me to attempt teaching English as a second language (at some time in the next 10 years, small steps for me ) Be happy, be well, love all.
  19. Kunlun follow up poll

    There is no chance of balance here, but Chris always answered my emails and questions and I only practiced from the book. Thanks M8t you can't help everyone, if you try your best that is all that matters. I see people offering help and trying their best. With a method that actually does something there are always going to be spectacular successes, spectacular failures and those in between. It's just the nature of the net that the people in between wont say anything, the people who are successful don't say much either....... Despite everything I still recommend that little book to people. Serious bang for buck. Now problems should not be dismissed, and things that happen to people are important. But focus on fixing it now. The rest is just stories and you can't change how it happened, the only thing you can do is let go. FWIW coming from me. More rooting, earthing energy, letting it come down out of your head i.e. stillness meditation of your favorite type. I also like warm to very hot liniments when dealing with pain (personal preference) so I feel Tumo could help if you knew how to do it if just earthing wasn't enough. If still doing Kunlun, easy, just spend more time closing. As Max said in the book the closing is the important part. And level 1 Kunlun is all most people need. I also did RP. I was explicitly told not to. I didn't do it consistently enough to have "bad" effects but it was rather weird. Yoda "fixed" his. I also no longer have the RP path running every time I read about it. The KAP 2 energy grid "fixed" that for me a few weeks ago. But it's a lot of money, dedication and practice to get to running the grids so I wouldn't recommend just doing kap just to fix it. But if you have an interest in such things the difference between lessons from a teacher and a seminar is you can ask a lot of questions & get answers during lessons. Books and seminars are just not designed to do that, or to offer ongoing support. It's not a problem it's just how it is
  20. Kunlun follow up poll

    and I use to think starjumper7 and WYG made this stuff fun Less typing more practice..... all thoughts are pointless distractions, just BE in the NOW........ love to all.
  21. On a personal note

    Western emergency medicine is nothing short of miraculous. The amount of stuff your body can survive if you have access to modern A&E and ICU care is just mind blowing. It's just a shame that since it is SO awesome people seem to have moved away from preventative or defensive medicine systems like TCM. I was talking to a friend who teaches feldenkrais who said. "By the time people come for "healing" they are usually already so far gone that it's hard to help them. And they want a magic cure without putting in any effort themselves." Western medicine with it's pills and surgery doesn't really help that mindset. People have moved away from being responsible for there own healing. p.s. I wish findley would stop using .broken.'s old avatar
  22. On a personal note

    double post