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Everything posted by Mal

  1. KAP Scholarship

    I'm glad SereneBlue replied, shakti works in mysterious ways
  2. Cool. I won't take any time off work (this time) But I do Tai Chi and Kung Fu 12~12:30PM Friday (same time as KAP 2) so plug me in
  3. KAP Scholarship

    Would you like a donation towards the cost?
  4. Best Book / DVDS on I CHING!

    BTT payday soon = book buying day suggestions appreciated
  5. Monkeys that eat less live longer

    The body adapts. Since going onto these diets I'm surviving on a lot less KJ's, not starving either Moving in the direction of a CRON diet as they seem to be a great idea in terms of health / longevity.
  6. What are you listening to?

    Reminded me Mike Oldfield - Amarok This is a awsome album. I only have it on a very old tape must get a CD one day. Edit just got a new one $12.59 from Moviemars shiped. No more tape hiss
  7. Karezza & taoist sexual practice

    Interesting stuff, thanks. I wonder if there is any research on hormone levels in men where orgasm is separated from ejaculation, you would have to assume the results would be similar to women. It's not p.c. but if I can generalize the taoist perspective it seems to favor multiple partners as well as no EJ. But it's hard to know if thats just because historically the ruling class in a position to pursue such endeavors had harems.
  8. What are your favorite novels?

    I love fiction Wizard of the Pigeons by Megan Lindholm a book that profoundly affected me. The story of the homeless in a big city and one man, a wizard who to keep his magic must not have more than a dollar in his pocket at a time, there can be no women, and he must feed and protect the pigeons. And except for one instance it's hard to know if the magic in it is real or the delusions of a bum. Read the linked review review if you dare because it's a book that, like the man, has mastered the art of blending in and getting lost. I recommend buying it at ANY price p.s. yes the ending is sad and I LOVED it. Actually I'm going to try to dig this one out of a bookshelf now, would have been at least 15 years since I read it, before I knew much about Taoism. Don't you hate it when you don't clean up very often and can remember EXACTLY where something is. I can see it now siting on the table under a pile of stuff. But you have moved house since then
  9. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    I'm bound to a desire to reach the end... that can't be good
  10. Best Book / DVDS on I CHING!

    Cool I was hoping for a sticks vs coins issue. Personally I'm not too interested in divination. So my personal bias is towards the best interpreation of current influences that I can make rather than a better casting. That why I use really simple Tarot layouts. However I acknowledge the I Ching is a bit more prescriptive as to the correct course of action for situations, so better casting may be of more benefice and sticks always get recomended over coins. After spending a bit of time reading Wilhem and Huang on the net I remember why I never really bothered to get into the I Ching. It's not easy to wade through. In fact I think I've got Wilhem collecting dust somewhere as attempting to read felt familaurly frustrating. Perhaps I should just get Pat's poems
  11. Yahoo Answer: Red or Blue Pill

    My Matrix knowledge getting old. But I'd be worried that I would turn out like the one that found out reality wasn't all it's cracked up to be and betrayed them to Agent Smith to get put back into the matrix... I like weird (and steak) so don't really mind if its all an illusion!
  12. Best Book / DVDS on I CHING!

    Book in a box or Visual I Ching ? May not be what I'm after, perhaps I want 2 things (edit or 3) 1. A really good translation that I can use to cast coins, read that hexagram, than then allow my mind to give me it's interpretation on how that hexagram relates to my question (i.e. like how tarot cards work) So yes Wilhem seem very popular 2. A book for beginers on how to actually use the I Ching in the Taoist fasion i.e. Like how Modern Magick teaches western magick perhaps Huang 3. I'm not sure if I can "invest" in the traditional I Ching yet so perhaps even this Llewellyn Because I don't really care about divination, but I like the perspective Tarot Cards can give to situations, this is sort of where I want to start out.
  13. Buddhism transcends the Tao

    I miss all the cool threads 8 pages is going to take me a while to catch up but in the meantime anyone read this in the Hua Hu Ching?
  14. Hua Hu Ching

    Yep lots of strange stuff in there. They all sound quite intresting and I wonder if some of them are under different names now. Oh well at least I practice Tai Chi
  15. Turned out to be in German (I'm only good with languages with the help of babble fish ) So I have given it to my German friend to read and I'm yet to chase up an English version........ will get there one day.
  16. Best Book / DVDS on I CHING!

    Ha ha synchronicity G I was just reading about the I Ching in the Hua Hu ching (yes chapter fifty-five vx3.taoist) and it seems like time to have a go, I usually use Tarot cards. I have a few translations floating about I'm looking for a really basic / fundamental / beginners book i.e. I Ching for dummies but not a new age / poor translation. Of the bums' I think it's Taomeow springs to mind as using the I Ching a lot. But her level of knowledge is well above what I'm looking for. I need to start at the beginning.
  17. Advice Needed A nice little project staring our very own Santiago (Vajrasattva) and a excellent chap called Tao My long and boring personal practice blog (link in my sig)
  18. hi

    Hi christoff, Welcome to the 'bums. I'm sure you will get some good sugestions to your question, it's one of our favorite subjects here. Have fun.