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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Fast-5

    Wanted to BTT this thread as I've been following a warrior diet / fast 5 style eating plan since November. Cool Stuff. Have gone down 2 pants sizes and one shirt size Not hungry or feeling like I'm depriving myself, like I usually do when attempting to loose weight with a diet so this is not difficult to stick with once you get use to it (around a month) Can still eat a sizable amount of chocolate Recent doctors checkup has revealed that I continue to get excellent blood results and my blood pressure is still good, no apparent ill effects to health. Eating nothing all day and then exercising really hard is not an issue. Have scuba dived in rough weather (actually would have been nice to have something to throw up) a few hours of kung fu in the morning followed by 1/2 day yoga workshops. No issues, although I prefer to have a banana or piece of fruit before training in the afternoon. Just don't go past the 18~19 hours without food as that seems to give a headache and loss of energy. Saves a bit of money not buying crappy takeaways during the day. Calories / KJ seem pointless. I know that is how much energy is in food if you burn it, but it must be more complex than that. I can eat a lot of junk food with a pile of kj's and still feel hungry, where as a much smaller KJ amount of "real" food will satisfy hunger and I won't feel as hungry as early the next day. Stuff I basically drink tea throughout the day at work, then start eating a few pieces of fruit after lunchtime if I feel like it. The feasting takes place after training starting around 7~9 pm On weekends I often don't eat anything except for the main meals at night. Drink as much water as often as you can. If you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated, pee should be clear. Interesting stuff While you shouldn't weight yourself too often, Ive found that by weighing myself several times a day weight fluctuations of 2 kg are not unusual, sometimes even 3kg. Tricky stuff I'm still around the same weight, have just increased muscle mass, especially upper body Weekends are tricky as it's easy to want to eat rubbish when I'm at home and not actually hungry. I can tell I'm not hungry as I won't want fruit just junk food. Much easier when at work as it's a much more regimented time frame and if I feel hungry it's really easy to distract myself by doing some work. Weight is still yo-yo-ing. reasons for this :- If I stick strictly to the diet I will loose ~1kg a week. If I take one day off a week no weight loss. eg. I might eat for longer than 5 hours (Usually by having a big meal, a break, then more food at the end of the 5 hour window and extending the eating time) or just eat lunch (sometime I still do that to "fit in" socially) If I take 2 days off IN A ROW I will put on at least 2kg. Given that my weight can fluctuate up to 3 kg depending on the time of day this can result in a rather scary 5kg weight gain depending on the time. n.b. I'm 5'10" currently 109 kg 90kg would be about as low as I would want to safely go even though BMI would still classify that as overweight.
  2. how to prevent nocturnal emissions?

    Best wishes with your practice, I hope things work out for you, have you looked at ? Great stuff there from Trunk and I'd really like to quote this The strange thing that happened to me with nocturnals was I actually started to recognize the sensations of an approaching EJ when dreaming. After a while Icould actually wake up from the dream in time to practice retention. This was less succesfull in dreams that were not overtly sexual and sometimes the dream wasn't remembered at all. You mention developing power which is why I wanted to use the "cycle" quote above. While I don't specifically practice retention I do seem to be moving towards wanting less EJ, could be to do with age (35) I notice that when things go espicially well with practice retention is very natural. But when things get out of balance retention can be impossible untill that excess energy is spent, things settle back down, and you start to build again. So please don't be disappointed by this if it happens. The body is quite clever and knows what to do if we can stop interfering long enough for it to heal itself
  3. Advice Needed

    I'm so far past weird I don't ever remember what normal looked like unfortunately my partner is not so "adventurous"
  4. Advice Needed

  5. Advice Needed

  6. Transformation is not everyones goal, some of us just like fun
  7. Actually I often think I must have amassed an awesome amount of good kama and be basically wasting it now because my life is easy. School was easy, I'm lucky to be intelligent. University was easy, my parents paid for me and it wasn't hard work. I stuck with psychology and computer science and stayed away from the stuff that required more intelligence than I have. My partner is noticeably smarter than I am, although she doesn't realize it so I never really had to study hard, she was the best thing I got out of uni I got a part time job job in sales, it became full time after uni so I got plenty of cool stuff and a house. I was lucky enough to get fired (in retrospect) so I escaped the "got to have the newest thing" problem while I worked in a warehouse just to have enough money to live. There were some really good people there that got me into Tai Chi and saved me from killing myself with being overweight and unhealthy. And now I do purchasing for the local hospital which is an easy job that allows me plenty of free time to practice and a bit of cash to enjoy my motorbike and diving etc. While I wait to be able to teach and move to the town we want to live in. Where is this hard life of which you speak? Yes easy can be boring but IIHO boring happens because of what you do or don't do. I feel sorry for people in war zones with no safety. Or those killing themselves working several jobs with no time to relax and enjoy. My partner is one who devotes herself to her job. I keep telling her there are no good tombstones saying "greatly missed by company 'X'" p.s. Chrome's spell checker must be a bit buggy as even I can eyeball some of these errors. Sorry
  8. With a focus on the "future" it will never end, constand putting of the "good stuff" till you are too old or to dead to do it Is there something you really want to do, just do it and make sure you are having fun everyday. But there are always swings and roundabouts, pluses and minuses. A lot of people would like to do "X" but when push comes to shove there really prefer the security of a traditional family life plan and putting their "dreams" to some future time. But we all do it. I want to teach kung fu. So I'm living in a town I don't really like while I'm learning enough to have something worthwhile to teach. But I'm having fun, everyday. Sometimes I think a wife and 2.5 kids would be the easier option, but (I hope) I wouldn't be as happy. That's me. I feel sorry for my Mum as I know she would love a grandchild. But unfortunately that's not a good reason to have one They never pressure me, but they do "cluck" about children now and then. Although I also find it funny as 19 years ago my Dad was talking to me about NOT getting D pregnant and stuffing up my life. I also had a huge argument with him when I was 18 about only wanting to be happy. I think I've done pretty well so far, the sacrifice I had to make to do it was not having much money, but I get by
  9. baaaaaaack?`

    and looking good too. Although I always got a smile from your screaming avatar
  10. How do i..

    I think only Sean and perhaps Yoda can pin stuff in the main forums .............. personally I HATE pins/ stickies taking up my nice list of topics but that's just me
  11. there are diametrically opposed perspectives at work here. Some people think they are a unique individual snowflake and need to be treated that way, while other people see a pile of basically similar snowflakes and pick the one they want! Looking at the mechanics of sex and seduction also tends to stir up the love debate... anyhow it's all good. Unfortunately I'm doing my bit to reinforce the long haired pot smoking hippie freak stereotype as I'm usualy doing meditation with partners now before "no one has ever done that before" unusual sex Small town.
  12. Advice Needed

    That tiny piece of plastic is not even noticeable as a barrier to energy exchange. Even intercourse isn't necessary either, just intent. That is why it's so important to play with "nice/good" people as it's very much an exchange happening.
  13. Regarding KAP

    That is good but IMHO Forget about time frames and future focus goals. Worry not about the "future". Tune into now. Enjoy what you are doing now and Have fun and you will get there
  14. It's a new toy for me but I find I'm not playing with multiples as much as I would have though too. For one its a lot more "work" than just enjoying that long slow build up. Prolonging that alive and fully charged feeling (beautifull expression) in lovemaking seems more fun and more errr sharing than the inward focus I currently need for catch and release multi O's But I like enjoying my meat puppet as musch as possible. The human body is a pretty awesome toy as it starts to approach it's potential. For me life is about fun, experiences and enjoyment. Just becasuse stuff isn't about spirituality and / or enlightenment doesn't mean its negative or not worth pursuing. If you want to have a go, just do it!
  15. "keep calm and carry on" history and remember Got to love the things we do when at WAR
  16. Advice Needed

    Perhaps not "lol" as I remember our resident witch saying she was able to do that. Also women really do seem to "get something" from their partners orgasm IMHO
  17. Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi

    I know the 2 sets. Got to admit that while I like them I virtually never practice them by myself. We do them to break up our tai chi class. Also the 1st set is great for the beginners, something easier to remember that they can practice while trying to learn our tai chi long form and it also prepares them for the later moves in the yang form. My tai chi teacher occasionally likes to do the 2nd set in class for a change now and then. As for pain etc. When doing paint the rainbow I need to take it really easy and slowly extend the range of movement over the repetitions. Otherwise it hurts my back. They are all nice, controlled, slow movements. So don't "push through" to get somewhere or "look like the rest of the class" Just do what feels good and range of motion, balance and strength will come naturally over time. No rush, enjoy the movements and have fun
  18. Advice Needed

    Yes, that would be the book I recommend too. Mainly because you will see the evolution of sexual practices over time and the different objectives of these practices. Explains a lot about why there are so many different methods and goals. Buy it Also "Immortal Sisters Secret Teachings of Taoist Women" trans Thomas Cleary. Good stuff in there. Finaly Chias Cultivating Female Sexual Energy. While the physical stuff is certanly fun contact isn't necessary and distance may not be a problem either, especially since you can chat over the phone etc. I had lots of fun with my partner chating every night for 16mts and then 2 years when she was in different towns, we were only meeting on weekends. The bonus for you is you have a webcam too which boys tend to enjoy Also if you want to be able to do some rather trippy weird stuf with sex, rather than just read about it, I highly recomend KAP with Santi. It's not the "goal" but it gives you some nice tools to play with
  19. Gauging a local 'master' ?

    Yes, does it really matter what they "are"? IMHO it's all about how they make you feel.
  20. Regarding KAP

    I can vouch for that. I was playing with distances doing jongs at kung fu practice and decided to stop moving backwards for one. I got absolutly smashed on the chin by my SiHing. I was HARD and I was very suprised that it didn't hurt at all. From his eyes I think it actually hurt his hand Don't get too tied up in all the different "names" of "methods" from different systems etc. Santi is an awesome teacher Blume, you can trust him to help you get there. But it isn't a case of do "X" and then it's all over, life is about learning and practice. There is plenty of time, no need to rush to the end Easy is right. Begin right And you are easy Continue easy and you are right. The right way to go easy Is to forget the right way And forget that the going is easy.
  21. Have I guessed right?

    That tower is the The Sentinal
  22. Horses for courses, I liked Last Samurai, a lot, Tom did that very well. Loved Bruce and Kung Fu too even though it was Bruce's idea and is a SLOW 70's style show. Actually watching some of the episodes currently. But I will give you it was blizzard people picking on the "Asian" Carradine in Kung Fu Live the dream!