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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Hello

  2. Hi Everyone

  3. Cheers Seadog, body sensations are one of the feedback's I look as. But is there a time delay sometimes? This one is another good question along similar lines
  4. Yes and we so love to "explain" things with science. It's happenes because of X Y Z. But then it turns out after more research that while that explained the phenomena. It wasn't "right". Its A B C that causes it. Then over time that changes to D E F etc... Practices are a bit the same, afterwards we can evaluate the effects. But during it's so hard to know if we are doing the right thing. i.e. Is is a detox effect or a warning sign. Visits from spirits, guids or troublemakers. How can you know?
  5. tooth regeneration

    FYI do not decide to have a look at why your teeth have been a bit sore and use a blue flashlight. Really shows up any spots or plaque discolorations as black. Ultra scary I though they were rotting! I feel much better after finding my white light. Thinks are looking cleaner than a few months back. I have a wisdom tooth that pokes out a bit and a few fissures (I guess) in the sides of my molars. Might even try rubbing a bit of tea tree oil on them. Still I'm thinking that I could benefit from a better clean and seriously considering a visit to the dentist just for that. I'm sure I would come out with a list of problems a mile long, I don't have fillings and have not been to a dentist since my Teens (35) Or perhaps an electric toothbrush would help too. Unsure.
  6. Tweenbots
  7. Yes it's a bit hard, comes with experience over time, listening to your body, feeling the effects. After a while I also rarely did the visualization, unless I was feeling like I needed to breath out some negative stuff. Fair enough, although Kunlun is already so simple and quick time-efficient that even mentioning it as important should be a bit of a clue. A safeguard if it is needed. Most people reading the book will have NOTHING else to help / guide them. I felt the same, although I always made sure to closedown for longer than I felt necessary. Also for many people without meditation experience even being still enough to do that visualization can take quite a lot of practice. p.s. Actually after a bit of thinking when I do that breathe in white breathe out black gray smoke, over time the smoke usually becomes lighter until it's basically white energy too. Perhaps a go at just the visualization for a long period of time, with no wanting to get to the "good stuff" (kunlun) might give it a "finished feeling" too. I remember doing the visualization during the kunlun posture too, so you are not the only one to feel time pressured
  8. Kunlun follow up poll

    I'm not as sure as I was, currently leaning more towards a subjective reality which can be slightly (greatly) different for everyone....... i.e. basically this quote "You are not what you think you are. But what you think... you are."
  9. Kunlun follow up poll

    Interestingly I've just learnt that what we tap into with "imagination" may not be that different from "reality" With practice the 2 move together & perhaps even merge.
  10. Read the 2nd line its a requirement that adds a safety measures for those who do not do their practice properly. (My thoughs on "properly" Not enough time in the close down posture) The inhales white, exhales blue/ gray / black smoke is a very common purification practice. It's not necessary.... but very useful if you need it
  11. Yes. Also we can get so focused on the "sex" these days that we forget that it should really be an exchange of energy BETWEEN 2 people. It use to be called MAKING love. (apparently it's also for something else too )
  12. Encounters with the Nagual

    Still enjoying this (whenever I get a chance to borrow / steal the e book reader
  13. Kunlun follow up poll

    Actually I would expect there to be more book people than forum people, but that's a guess because UNLIKE the kunlun forum TTB is open to all Keeping that forum closed is such a bizarre / suspicious decision. Especially since people having access to SOMEONE to ask questions / get help from seems to be such a common desire. I would have kept doing Kunlun with more interaction. Regardless of if it's "needed" or not, it seems to be the most common problem, lack of support. But I'm against closed forums personally so a bit of my bias there I would expect most to stop the practice. Didn't even Chris write that he stopped for 6 years and came back. Max wrote almost nobody can do level 2 (or has the desire to see it through)
  14. Kunlun follow up poll

    Yes RP is sticky. Still I WAS told that meditations involving moving energy inside the brain were very dangerous. And look at that they may have been right after all. Droping down the ladder (practice / energy wise) is always a weird feeling while everything tries to balance out again. Still no worries live and learn Personally still not sold on the "flawed practice" angle despite all the problems as I don't expect this sort of stuff to be easy (Even KAP is a bumpy ride sometimes)
  15. Hi

    Hi Fontana, Welcome to the 'bums. There are interesting times Hope you have fun
  16. Kunlun follow up poll

    actually I felt a bit the same I've only recently found out you could do that sort of stuff long distance. Sorry to interrupt the thread, please continue.
  17. Is wing chun internal?

    Lin hope your school, and married life, are going well. _/\_
  18. Kunlun follow up poll

    Knowing Witch I think "attack" might have been the wrong word, but the right idea. She would have been looking for some sexy energy to share, yes?
  19. Kunlun follow up poll

    Yes good to hear from you SJ, hope you have been having fun. (and witch too) We just need Spirit Ape / WYG and the gang is all here
  20. PM Sean and you will get one......eventually (he hasn't been around that much recently)
  21. Is wing chun internal?

    Interesting quote from Yip Man. This generation of TCMA # Wu Zu Quan or Go Cho Kune (Five Ancestors Boxing) # Yong Chun Quan (Wing Chun) # Fujian Bai He Quan (Fujian White Crane Boxing) # Bak Mei (White Eyebrow) # Lung Ying (Dragon boxing) # Tong Long (Southern Praying Mantis) are often attributed as combining internal and external "powers" (If you want to buy into the internal external debate) But I think Martial Development said it pretty well in the link
  22. Greetings from the Alps!

    Hi Soco, Welcome to the bums, hope you have fun during your stay. Alles liebe
  23. Greetings from Beijing

    Hi Clayton, Welcome to the 'bums. Lots of MA and meditation related stuff here for sure. Hope you have fun hanging out
  24. Jesus for Condoms

    ROFLMAO Jesus kicks ass