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Everything posted by Mal

  1. gold dragon body

    ROFLMAO p.s. it's the 2nd of April here now so I was totally unprepared, good post Scotty
  2. Boddidharma and his transmission

    I'm not a fan of secrecy either. But there are some things people in general can't cope with and telling them about it is just not helpful. The problem arrises because the people deciding what to keep secret and what to share are not able to make the correct decisions. Still secrecy is not the "best" reason for oral transmission, AugustLeo explained it very well.
  3. Hello from Bali

  4. Bottom of the page Basically "Thanks to extensive research on both humans and animals, as well as to clinical trials, the safety of long-term use of ginkgo is well understood" It's been in use for a long time
  5. I agree with zanshin and Easynow, make some Ginkgo tea (I have mine with a touch of honey) Quite effective in countering short term memory loss from other herbs
  6. why money?

  7. Boddidharma and his transmission

    Perhaps it wasn't "just words" that were being passed on from teacher to student
  8. Encounters with the Nagual

    Yes. The end of my favorite TV series, Buffy, was the catalyst that started me training martial arts everyday. 67 months ago. Does it matter that Buffy is fiction. No. The passion and ideals, that's what is real and important. Thanks for reminding me about this book, still reading and having fun it's great to have more stories about a favorite character like CC.
  9. User feedback

    I'd like to see the links Stig posts in his lobby replies pinned in the lobby Taoism / TaoBums FAQ What is the Average Age of a Tao Bum? How edumacated are you? Do You Train Martial Arts? TaoBums Map along with Tips and tricks for getting the most from TheTaoBums Good FAQ's and stuff to check out on arrival. Perhaps even Everyone post some favorite quotes! Upcoming Events (But that's just because personally I don't like a lot of pins reducing the 1st discussion page)
  10. why TaoBUM?

    So as we are gathered around the campfire with our Elders are there any more stories about the founding of our Town? I believe it was turbulent times when Healing Tao split.
  11. .

  12. Excellent advice. Change takes time, just keep breathing