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Everything posted by Mal

  1. How many Kunlun workshops?

    ROFL Did people have a choice about being born, do they have a choice about dying, and can anyone explain what happens? I think I am starting to understand why people talk in riddles This stuff can not be explained logically. and there are no absolutes. edit: wish I could help.
  2. Introduction

  3. Hello everyone

  4. Howdy

  5. Heavy Drinking & Smoking

    Well perhaps someone told them that if they hyperventilate and then knock themselves unconscious they will have a wicked trip (do not do this {as if that will stop people}) Like most ex uni students I'm partial to a bit of binge drinking Not so much now as I tend to feel too 2nd hand the next day and there are better things than alcohol. I'm not into nicotine but if you don't like smoking I recommend And finally It doesn't help that the consequences are in the future and the gratification is now. e.g. Perhaps people are right and ejaculation will kill you.... but it feels GREAT and you can't tell it's "bad" until it's too late. So if the pleasure comes before the pain people will do it... just because they can
  6. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted you collect your Impetus and have now thought of heaps of better wishes. I don't like having to wait and wait for items I've brought to arrive in the post. I wish there was teleport technology.
  7. essential reading if you want to try retention IMHO
  8. I always feel rather lucky as my life is pretty close to heaven on earth. My "suffering" is so trivial compared to the majority of others on this planet. It would be horrible to really be suffering and get told. "It will pass, try not to attach to it." Some of the stuff that happens to people is abhorrent. I just like being able to discuss magic, energy, sex and spiritual stuff without people thinking I'm a fruit bat that should be in a mental institution The returns for the phenomenal amount of time and effort we spend in practice and self-discipline is the uncomplicated enjoyment of whatever our moment-to-moment existence brings us
  9. Glad to be here

    Hi Brian, Welcome to the 'bums. Sounds like you have had a cool journey to here. May the path continue to be interesting. Have fun.
  10. hello from a newbie

    The spitsbal lands with just enough force to fully depress the transformation button and enlighten the universal mind for all Welcome to the 'bums. I'm sure you will have fun here
  11. Monitoring information

    Thanks for posting the link, I wonder how they gathered the income data, can't really remember talking about that.
  12. Our very own Michael writes great stories My favorite is the Untitled Halloween Piece
  13. Corrupt a Wish.

    I wish I wasn't continually in the top 10 posters list Granted but now people derail your joke thread with serious discussions I wish I had posted this in off topic
  14. Energy of Rice

    Interesting, personally I enjoy long grain brown rice mixed with some wild rice. But what about the Taoist no grain diet or Wiki History Early Taoist diets were very different from present-day ones. While present-day Taoist diets call for eating lots of grains, ancient diets called for the eating of no grains at all. This was because early Taoists believed the rotting of the grains in the intestines attracted demonic creatures known as the 'three worms.' These demons loved eating decaying matter in the intestines in the hope that they could kill the person and devour his corpse.[1] Some Taoists advocated eliminating many foods from their diet. This position might have resulted from a mythological vision of an early "golden age" where humanity did not need to eat at all. An early Taoist text, the Taipingjing, suggests that early people who were living completely "as they are" (ziran) would not need food, but instead would live only by absorbing the cosmic qi of Yin and Yang. This ancient state has since fallen away, however, which is why the Celestial Master of the Taipingjing says that food is now one of two absolute essentials for human existence. References [1] ^ Kohn (1993), p. 149 Were the early Taoist wrong, misguided, or just following a different tradition?
  15. I agree. I also like MTS's stuff. But it's got to be done correctly and we don't need to have discussion flooded again. Why is there an ego resisting the personal practice area or resisting using a single thread...? Phore, excellent dream, thanks for sharing
  16. do you see anything strange here?

    I see boobies I had heard of this but didn't know it was rescuers and that obvious. I quoted your post to get the URL and apparently they had to recall 3.4 million copies !
  17. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. The lucky people flee to the wilderness and become hermits as they can no longer stand the pain of looking at anyone else. Most just claw their own eyes out. Nobody is ever happy again. Good job I wish people could only see the good in others.