
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Taoist Texts for Download

  2. Hello everyone

  3. Adventurers Life

    From Comics -> Adventurers life (Some nudity and Adult themes)
  4. Get Goatz

    ROFLMAO Cheers M8t
  5. Who moderates Taobums?

    Err are you outing yourself for the bagua posts in the tai chi thread? Said with a just being playful. Actually it feels like Sean is not around at the moment....
  6. TADA!

    Hi Steven, Welcome to the 'bums. Good to see another Aussie and another KAPer Santi posts here under the name Vajrasattva BTW I'm sure you will have fun and
  7. Ok if you have access to a TCM doctor. And I'll admit I thought these were similar to over the counter western medicine. As opposed to something you would need to see a doctor and get a prescription for. Ie I have a headache I want some Panadol (I can't believe how much of that stuff some people take, they eat it like candy...anyhow I digress)
  8. Silat

    Totally, can I play too Followed by So on one hand you say some masters are no good. Then on the other hand you say some masters are good.... Mmmmm When 2 people fight the best (or luckiest) person wins. Not the "best" art Granted your average BJJ guy will have better luck than your McDojo karate person. But that's only because the McDojo guy never practices actual sparing, like they do in the traditional arts. (I also picked on Karate because I recently saw a karate master stoping someone with empty force {Mind Body Kick ass moves, one of the early episodes}) While I'm not into silk pajamas either as for Tiger forks etc. Traditional weapons teach hand skills and improve strength and fitness. It is also more fun than just using weights. But if you are good with a trident you should have no problems using the fence paling you just ripped off the nearby fence. After 1,000 years if people are still bothering to learn it it must be giving them something. If MMA is good it will be here 1,000 years later too.
  9. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    I though I was getting the hang of Ramana but this one took a LOT of pondering....which is a good thing too Because of ignorance we can't see reality. So instead we blindly argue about what it is
  10. Thanks Julius, I like your teachers take on things. Trying to do no harm is why I often tell people what they want to hear. And I can use the talking less idea too. I also find myself agreeing with people, to make them feel o.k., while what I'm actually agreeing to is not entirly the "right thing to do" I would certainly benefit from talking less, not sure if I can smile much more though Thanks again

    Hi BLG, Welcome to the 'bums. If it wasn't for the Tao we'd just be bums Hope you have fun here
  12. EMF pollution protection

    I'd like to see an Egely Wheel thread. Seems like the sort of thing a few 'bums would have tried out.
  13. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Got this in my inbox seemed like an interesting co-incidence Today, I will not worry about other people's reactions, or events outside of my control. Instead, I will focus on my reactions. I will handle my life well today and trust that, tomorrow, I can do the same. Melody Beattie
  14. Cool, let us know how you go. I did not try the medicine. And thanks for the translation too. This pages has some info and ingredients.
  15. good "energy" toys ~$50

    More cubicle toys I decided to get an exercise ball to try siting on. Nice article with interesting comments and some good links Also the Rush Hour puzzle is being upgraded to the Collectors Edition;ProductId=5001 Nothing worse than being unable to solve a puzzle that looks like a toy for an 8 year old
  16. Get Goatz

    "Street Candy" oh yeah! WTF is this stuff
  17. Red Cross Ozzy Bushfire Appeal 2009

    Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone This is the only "good" pic I have seen