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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Red Cross Ozzy Bushfire Appeal 2009

    Due to the huge volume of people who are visiting the Red Cross website and ringing our phone lines you may experience some short delays. Please be patient, and try again a little later. Another link Cricket Australia / Commonwealth bank donation link
  2. Hello!

  3. "Go ask your mother" Thanks for sharing, nice re-frame of the issue
  4. introduction

    Hi gomachols. Welcome to the 'bums. I also enjoyed, tao of health, sex and longevity it must have been cool to read it at 14 thats all that matters I'm sure you will have fun here.
  5. New Member

  6. Hi

  7. Really feeling and being with what is happening now. And responding naturally with that, rather than a mental or "thought out" response.
  8. Hello!

    Hi JeroenK, Welcom to the 'bums. I'm interested in learning more about Hung Kuen. Its five aninimal form yes? There are a few southern style practitioners here. I practice Tong Long (Praying Mantis) Have Fun.
  9. quick hello =)

    He only looks like a crippledhobo. Welcome to the 'bums. Hope you have fun during your stay.
  10. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Hi Albion, Thanks for your kind words. The only thing I would like to add is please stay. I value your posts here. I value YOU. I would dearly love to see a happy ending. Don't discount the healing power of Mak Tin Si's practices. Peace. p.s. there is always the ignore post option, may help too in the short term Even I have used it on people that just continually irk me, until I felt centered enough to handle them.
  11. prayers for fire victims in Aust

    Its devastating Thoughts of Peace and Love for those poor souls........and here I sit in North Queendsland surrounded by flooding rains. It's a weird world It's just fire season Shon conditions can be harsh in Aus. But this is a very bad situation even for us, looks worse than Ash Wednesday!,27574,25023335-1243,00.html
  12. TCM Books/Resources

    Nice find Cheya, thanks
  13. Got Milk?

    I have not purchased Milk or bread for........ well probably this millennium. I was just noticing today with flooding here there is no milk available in the shops and was wondering what the "normals" were going to drink. I don't mind drinking milk but, like softdrinks, I rarely feel the need. Rather than not drinking it because of a health reason. Although I would like to try real (raw) milk as I'm told its very tasty.
  14. In what ways are you a machine?

    Noticing these "automatic" responses are happening. Next starting a process to change these responses from automatic and uncontrolled to intentional and chosen. Body example. A person tries to punch you, you automatically cringe away. After (much) training, a person tries to punch you, your automatic response is a structurally sound protective posture.
  15. Yodisattva Vow

    Exactly. It's like the {endless} Kunlun debates. The views are diametrically opposed and nobody is going to compromise just to get along. They seem to want the "other" to change to agree with "them" It's never going to happen. Moving on is really the only "useful" option. Arrg now we agree and have nothing further to discuss
  16. Yodisattva Vow

    Sorry I didn't mean it that way. You can be honest with yourself and make others feel good too. More like how in any given situation there are social roles that we follow whether we realize it or not. I'm posting on the net. I'm interacting with my parents. I'm drinking with my friends. All of these situations have different norms that shape what is acceptable behavior. I can't NOT chose to put some sort of "face"/"filter" on my behavior/words. I have many options available and I just prefer to honestly try to "support others" over "tell it my way". I guess it depends on if you really want others to know how you feel or if you prefer to keep your personal feelings personal. Rethinking. I'm not suggesting thinking "plan X is obviously doomed to failure" then saying "yes that's a great idea go for it" But more like someone makes a statement. I try to understand and support why they feel that way. Rather than state how I would feel. YM(obviously)V and it's all good. I think we are both just trying to be honest in our own way.
  17. Yodisattva Vow

    Many faces for many roles. Which one is real? And can we really avoid putting on a face?
  18. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    You are well suited to this challenge my brother. If anyone can help Gossamer Argentum Corvus and Snakecharmer settle their differences, I believe you have the patience and skill for the task. edited to be more inclusive