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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Daniel Ingram

    Anyone interested in reading through this one together? (Sean keeps poking me ) If so pop onto Thinking about starting in Feb so if you are interested have a look at Contents Foreword and Warning Part I: The Fundamentals 1. Introduction to Part I And then we can venture forth from there.
  2. Help me

    I'm sure you know this and I wasn't going to post.... but you never know. Network Network Network. I've never got a job from an advert in the paper. It's always been through people I know. Friends in large organizations (like a hospital ) can let you know what jobs are coming up and how to apply "correctly" to get one. Qhealth always has operational jobs (unskilled manual work) available, but it can be hard to land the permenant ones. Most of us get in by being casual first and only get the full time ones if we "Get on" with people. Friends in small business will almost always be looking for a good worker, or know someone who is. Do anything (pretty much) to get some cash. Then you can eat while you harass people for your dream job. You are in Brisbane, yes?
  3. I practice KunLun

    You should have been here when it was "live" rather than archived. Fun times
  4. I'm not a good "leader" so ... ... err soon. When would everyone like to start. Feb could be good? I've just blown up my laptop but D's ebook reader should be here in a few days. I've been printing a few pages out at the end of the day at work. But the printer goes really slow on double sided priniting and I don't like killing too many trees.
  5. "Physical" Practice

    haha thats cause I have buck teeth. If I smile like this my lips get split when people hit me in the mouth. This way they just hit my teeth
  6. Spiritual Adventure Tales

    This try one. Very interesting, well worth the effort to find and read a copy.
  7. The Barefoot Doctor

    I've looked through most of them in bookstores. They look quite interesting, a modern "re-frame" of the Taoist way. But they never seem to make it to the checkout in my basket of things worth buying. I'm intrigued by the "inappropriate correspondence" Is he giving PUT a bad name
  8. Happy Birthday Trunk !

    Me too Happy Birthday m8t
  9. Hindu Pushups Unfortunately that rather sexy chap is not me, and I can't embed animated .gif's So I'll use this one XJjA9zdzgZ0&feature=related I like to do these reeaallllllllyyyyy slowly smooth circle no pauses or jerks. edit: better video. The wider your feet the easier they are I'd leave the fingertip variation out till you are ready, that is the way we do them in kung fu class (aka tiger pushup which I though was the rocking forward~backward one, I prefer the circular version here) also like to keep my elbows in very close to my body, but that could be more mantis specific.
  10. Happy New Years Bums!

    Gung Hei Fat Choy
  11. I think so to. Sifu said only 2 of us are starting to show "whipping." Myself and his son. I've been doing the chi gungs daily for ~65 months. Everything about kung fu is fun Cheers.
  12. You may want to check out this thread 1st especially mantra68/Chris's advice when beginning
  13. Yea, that would come from the golden bell training. My Sifu does not really talk about this sort of "unusual stuff" too much. He tells us he can talk about kung fu for hours, but that will not help us learn anything useful. He shows us what we need and I try not to waste his time with weird questions............ too often I think that nerve point on the arm was shown to us once about 2~3 years ago now. We are one of the few tong long schools that teaches our chi gung set to beginners. He does that because he believes it will take us a lot of practice to "get it" so he starts us straight away. We generally have older students than most others schools too. I'm the youngest senior at 35 except for Sifu's son. Normally I'd only be starting to learn the golden bell chi gungs now, 5 years in. I'm rather "slow" and people can get there in 3 years
  14. This site was down today?

    I had to do "stuff" in the "world" instead..... Very annoying Had to use the facebook group, but it's just not the "home" that the Invision Power Board is. Perhaps we were hacked lololololololololololloolololololololollolololol
  15. Joint Popping

    So it IS due to pressure differentials (+ tendon movement) Nice guess. I'm on fire today (pharts ) The link to Dr Karl's site where they talked about reduced grip strength after cracking knuckles habitually for a long time. That's a bit scary.
  16. I though the were caused by the high/low pressure differential turbulence of the wing, a tip vortexes rather than the turbines But yes, just water vapor........ usually
  17. Mirror Meditation

    Yes face changing/disappearing is fun, or scary, depends on how it looks Nice description of the method by neo. I did this a bit in my 20 and the funny thing is I'm turning into the person I use to see most often. Long gray hair, beard, intense eyes, facial shape I didn't think possible with my body type. It's getting closer I just need to do a bit more aging
  18. Joint Popping

    I'm cheating a bit but all of the above happens if you go diving. Pressure differentials and disolved gasses. No popping though, just excruciating pain if you do it wrong i.e. the bends The gas theory just seems to be the most common.
  19. meditation time

    "Do or do not there is no try" So I always try to do i.e. I don't let my mind talk me out of practice. I might not feel like it but I'll always start my practice. Often once I'm going through the motions it will "click" and everything is good. If not then I'll walk away to do something else........ and try not to feel disappointed or beat myself up about it (need practice on that one, but I'm getting better)
  20. hehe of course, just ask Gossamer As for points, Sifu has hit me on a pressure point on the arm that leaves it all nice and tingly, like a foot that has gone to sleep. Quite annoying for a few minutes till it "wakes up" again. I'm sure he will teach us more one day if it's useful. But got to agree with Adam here, the head is my favorite pressure point I can see that a delayed effect could be useful for avoiding lawsuits etc. But you need to stop the fight now. Once someone is unable to continue fighting, why hurt them further later on?
  21. Joint Popping

    That seems spot on, so I'll agree (if that is ok ) If it happens naturally, all good. If you are trying to make it happen, not so good. Interesting, my Sifu sometimes pops so loudly warming up with chi gungs that you can hear him at the back of the class! Hips shoulders and wrists have been poping to me for a while from Tai Chi. It's getting to be a while ago now but I don't recall it happening much when I started learning with my sifu and it seems to be happening more often rather than less. The feet, ankles and fingers are a recent addition which I'm linking to KAP. The posture that will always pop is fan covers high and low into turn and diagonal cut fist. Left knee, hips, spine, left shoulder (sometimes), right shoulder. Never any "pain" with any of this, just noise.
  22. Joint Popping

    The trapped gasses explanation is the one I've heard. Happens to me all the time doing chi gungs or tai chi. Sometimes I can get a nice flow of cracking joints eg. feet ankles, knees, hips, spine, shoulder, elbows, wrists, fingers. But perhaps that is a bit different to popping knuckles. i.e. if I clench my fist really hard I can pop my knuckles. But that feels "different" to when they pop from doing Tai Chi.