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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Hello from Orange County, California

    Hi dragonrt Welcome to the 'bums forgeting is a good thing, very Taoist I'm sure you will have fun here
  2. Hello from NC

    Hi Sharon, Welcom to the pantaoist bums Hope you have fun here.
  3. learning japanese language

    Interesting language article. I wonder how much extra his "study method" helped. As well as any other possible method, He was immersing himself in the culture at the time too. Nice positive outlook though, thinking it is possible to learn quickly. try it on audio book and let us know if it makes a difference
  4. ? as above i.e. When I do file attachments. I can put the image into the post but it is always small with "click to enlarge" not a large pic like other posters seem to do eg. See my pic is too small Thanks in advance.
  5. Yes Japanese with blue eyes & the one with red eyes is a witch Was trying to find a tea picture for stig, this is the closest I could find from that series that wasn't to "sexy" to post here. I guess the linking makes sense too. Rather than upload files to this site, just point to the picture on another site.
  6. Guess that must be the only way.....
  7. Vortex posted me a link to this article (cheers) I though that a few of you might enjoy something scientific. Published in the "American Naturopathic Medical Association Monitor" (ANMA Monitor 2(4):5-9.1998). The author and re-searcher is Robert J. Thiel, Ph.D., N.H.D., of California. Dr. Thiel is not an MD, therefore this information may not be presented as medical advice. The recommendations are statistical, not specific to any individual. ABSTRACT The purpose of this pilot trial was to determine whether there may be any efficacy to combining the use of bioelectrical stimulating units with nutritional interventions for people with patterns consistent with chronic fungal, bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. This trial was a pretest-posttest, natural control-group design where subjects were assessed before and after bioelectrical stimulation was introduced by the use of a device, most commonly referred to as a "zapper". 140 of 143 (97.9%) participants reported improvement within 45 days, P<.01; 48.2% improved substantially and 49.7% improved minimally. Thus, it appears that combining bio-electrical stimulation with nutritional interventions may have efficacy and deserves further study. Full text of article here
  8. Scientific Zapper Study

    Try or for pictures
  9. especially this part I also heard that unless it makes you smell its not working properly. I love garlic, but nobody loves me when I eat it
  10. Sean... seriously...

    Cool, good to see you are still bumming around Have fun.
  11. Don't feel bad G. It's a tiny possibility, almost non existant. I wouldn't worry about it. But just in case why does nobody have a go at me anymore If you are any good the location details here <-- are more than enough. Come on have a go ya mug
  12. tooth regeneration

    Could be worth a shot to see if it's added, Thanks. There is an email address on the wrapper, but the site is down at the moment.
  13. New Member

    Hi relaxing sleep herb Welcome to the 'bums It is good that you feel like this, honest. My Sifu tells me "never be afraid." It's good advice, just so hard to follow sometimes But you will eventually look back and realize that noticing these feelings within yourself marked the start of your journey, and there was nothing to be afraid of..... There is plenty to stuff read and investigate here in the meantime. I'm sure you will have fun.
  14. wild yogi in training joins the bums

    None as yet. There is talk of Max coming over to do seminars every now and then. But it would need someone in Aus to set it up, look after local arrangements etc. And most importantly make sure there are enough number for the trip to be affordable for them. Last time we looked into it nobody was in the "right place at the right time"
  15. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    yes, reminds me of a movie "I am the ONE... and you are ALL my b!tches"
  16. What happens if you die?

    Yes, plenty of opportunities to confront your emotion and practice compassion. I'm a bit removed from the "death processes" but my partner gets to escort the bodies to and from the morgue. Really bad if they only recently came in alive in the chopper or ambulance. Also not much fun when they bring in someone who has been dead a few days before anyone realized..... its pretty hot here in Queensland On a positive note our mortician is called "Frankie" and is a really cool chap to talk to. As is the hospital Priest.
  17. 29,989 and counting...

    You might have to franchise the shop and get some more stores out there (love all your tea photos btw)
  18. 29,989 and counting...

    Where did you dig up 29,989 Front page
  19. What happens if you die?

    Anyone have a chapter reference? I'll post one when I find them but could take a while. As soon as I start reading Chang Tzu I'll usually go off on another tangent